Bum Phillips

All-Time favorite coach. I became a football fan because of Luv ya blue.

Here is one quote I think we need to show to Herman.

"Coaching is not how much you know. It's how much you can get players to do." ~ Bum Phillips
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Bum was a heck of a guy. Several years ago I was spending a lot of time working down around the Goliad area and would eat at the Empresario restaurant downtown Goliad alot. Bum was in there all the time and was as nice to everyone as he could be. Just a down to earth guy.
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I got to play golf with Bum and earl at onion creek when I was in college.

I would be banned from the board forever if I repeated some of the things they said to each other. All out of loving jokes, of course.
Bum always wore his cowboy hat and at games too. Some asked him why he didn't wear his hat after a game at the Asrodome,and he replied, "Mother told me to take my hat off indoors."
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I know I am bent, boys, but there's nothing I can do about it now...as I am one of Uncle Sam's Misguided Children -so I want you to know Bum Phillips was in 4th Raiders. The MARINE Raiders were just about the first Special Forces for the USA, along with the Navy's UDT. Originally the Raiders were to be delivered by Sub, so as they ran in training, they made a sound like the Dive Alarm on a Sub...Ahhh-UUUUUU-Gay!

In the 60s, I was Platton Chant of my Boot Platoon at Parris Island. I "won" that job by making up the winning chant which was:
"We don't want no Bend and Thrusts..
All we want is a Greyhound Bus!"

I did make them growl as we ran. At the time, the growl was based on that Dive Alarm of the Raiders EEEEERRRAAAAGGGH! That became "UUUU Rah" later.

I got to shake Bum's hand at a Company Meeting he was a paid speaker at. A long line formed after and He was sitting there signing autographs, saying, "Whadaya want me ta say?" not even looking up. I said " Mr. Phillips, you don't know me...I just got in line to say something to YOU... and that is....If that son of a B.... owner had left you, the Fancy Passin' Dago and Earl alone, you WOULD have kicked that son of a B.... in!"

Bum stood up and just about crushed my hand and his is the only autograph I have.
Holy fvck balls dude. You do realize that the super computer in that cave in Hawaii that is occupied by Nothing Seriously Aligned by the government in any way whatsoever..... has already cracked your dummy code and is now drilling down into your DD214 and cross referencing every jarhead that ever shared a bunk with you andwent onto guard those buildings we have in other countries and then got recruited by Derelict Social Structures and now have a geo-sync bird over top of you.... right?
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Holy fvck balls dude. You do realize that the super computer in that cave in Hawaii that is occupied by Nothing Seriously Aligned by the government in any way whatsoever..... has already cracked your dummy code and is now drilling down into your DD214 and cross referencing every jarhead that ever shared a bunk with you andwent onto guard those buildings we have in other countries and then got recruited by Derelict Social Structures and now have a geo-sync bird over top of you.... right?

They'll just hear me say EEERRRAAAAGGGH!, clob. On Fridays, I wear red for Mrs Cathay, a MARINE Dependent who had a unique way to honor her Husband. Sgt Cathay had come home boxed up, so she showed up at the Funeral Home to spend one last night alone with him. She did not know the local USMC had already mounted a Guard over him. Their duty was to guard him until he was interred. You can probably find the picture of that with that description

They asked her if they could make her a bed by his casket. Yes. They found a mattress, sheets and a blanket and made her a rack on the floor. They said they would guard her and Cat all night. She said "Cat wouls like that." She spent the night playing "Cat's favorite songs" on her computer with MARINES in Dress Blues at Parade Rest in the background. I have worn red on Fridays since 2004 in her and their honor.

Fridays, I wear a red shirt, a red Ballcap with MARINES on it and a gold belt buckle that is really just a large Eagle, Globe and Anchor. I make sure the Boots I wear that day are at least fake spit-shined to keep my reputation as an Amphibious Cowboy. The Lady that is my Church Secretary says she does not recognize me if I come to the door on any day other than Friday as I am not gleaming.

By the way, they didn't let Jarheads share bunks in 1963-69. I'd almost bet they still don't. There is the wrong way and the MARINE CORPS way and they did not care what higher had to say about that. I'd bet they still don't. They would not even let us sit on a bunk at PI. Very little sitting at Parris Island other than a few minutes on a Lockerbox to write a letter. They told us at Infantry Training Regiment if we sat on the bunk to tighten it back up before leaving the area. That was the first shocking relaxation of the severe discipline of Boot. All Staff Sergeants like to bounce quarters.:D

You'd have liked My Senior Drill Instructor, clob. Shocking man. He said, "The USMC is an unique opportunity to travel the entire world, meet very interesting people...and kill them all. " Another time, he called me up front and asked if it were true that The Good Book said If any two of you ask for something HE will give it. I said, "SIR!! Yes SIR!" So, another of his sayings was: "War is good for promotion...I have 80 men in this Squadbay...so let's all pray for war." In my prayers, I would say "LORD , he is praying by himself!" I guess he was right in his case - as one night his platoon got ambushed in 'Nam and he lost the Officer. He took command, destroyed the ambush, policed up his dead and rtb'd. They asked him how he felt about being a Butter bar. He took it. He retired a Captain of MARINES, a well decorated Company Commander.
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So I was about 8 when I attended the love ya blue rally at the Astrodome after the Pitt playoff loss. Will never forget at that age, Bum…”next year we’ll kick the son bitch in” or something like that. Greatness.
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