Ketch's 10 Thoughts From The Weekend (Me Being Bullish)

Hopefully the basketball team makes a little run and of course hoping baseball has a nice season. If not gonna be a long 8 months to football season.
The off-season isn't as bad when you are riding the waves of success. That's called gloating season. ;)
I’ve read some stuff on the inter webs about how

1). If this was proposed in a keeper fantasy league it would be rejected 100/100 times
2). The NBA commissioner should disallowed it

When you look at some of the trades in the past it seems like … hmmm

Any thoughts

I'm telling you... it'''s not the worst trade I've ever seen. You just can''t make it.
He’s boring to me. A dollar store knock off of Stone Cold and The Rock combined. He’s bad. I literally don’t care at all about anything he does. It’s just an eyeroll, but not one where I want to see him lose, I just don’t want to see him at all.
The Office Questions GIF
Great list, but somehow, Joe’s version of the Road Goes on Forever, needed to make the top 10.
I had it in there... but then I just got to thinking that maybe a different song needed to. I think you're right. I got in my head on that one. I had it in the top 5.
Those a&m numbers are wild.

11 counting Hudson which no one, even including a&m is counting on. Then the true freshman WR coming off an ACL… In fact, 4/11 super blues are WRs (assuming Bussey stays there) and that might be one of their worse position groups on the team. The rest of the roster is a collection of meh, especially on defense.

Not to mention that transfer rate. Woof.
I was always a huge Springsteen fan, mainly because he always put on such a great concert and enjoyed performing so much. For me, Joe Ely was a close second for the best live performer I ever saw. I have three favorite memories of Joe. The first one was seeing him open for The Clash at Redrocks in ‘84 - just a super venue and the opening act was pretty good too. My second memory was at a Springsteen concert about twenty years ago. About 5 minutes before the concert started Joe walks in and sits down two rows directly in front of me. I decided that during intermission that I would walk up to him and reintroduce myself. Unfortunately, when the lights came on, he was no longer in his seats. Instead, he appeared on stage and played a couple of songs with Bruce to start the last half of the show. Simply awesome. My last memory was very bittersweet. About thirty years ago, a high school and college friend of mine was dying of cancer. Several of his college friends threw a party for him a few weeks before he passed. One of the guys hosted the party at their small house on Lake Austin. We all chipped in and hired Joe to perform at the party for about 40 friends. Joe played for about 1.5 hours on a patio next to the lake, just him and his acoustic guitar. Afterwards, he stayed a while and had a beer or two with us and visited with my friend and his wife before leaving. Incredibly nice guy. I will always remember that night and how Joe brought all of us, and especially my friend, some much needed joy during a really tough time.
awesome post. Thanks for sharing. Truly.
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#1 - The Pregnon thing is a non starter. If thats what hurts his feelings he prolly doesnt need to be around some of our more vocal players in a spirited practice.

Now to your Rumble post:

Yeah, we're doing that and Im here for it. You didnt see it coming, he has busted his ass for a moment like this, and with all that said you can smell a triple threat coming a mile away where he wins the title but he doesnt beat Gunther to do it.
I believe in Joe Hendry, and I laughed when Sheamus bitched out Fatu for ruining his fun. I found that Ishowwhatever guy getting his ass speared out of Indiana entertaining.

Charlotte was the obvious choice to win it though for a half second I bought Roxanne doing the damn thing. Twitter hates her because the IWC just loves to bitch about EVERYTHING when they are living in probably the greatest time period in the history of WWE outside of the attitude era (maybe). This year just didnt seem like a year where we had a story which needed a player to win the Rumble to go on. Was glad to see Alexa back and Jordynne Grace finally in WWE.

We all knew KO wasnt going to win that ladder match but they beat the living shit out of each other so damn bad they made you think crazy shit was going to happen. Somewhere, Bob Hollys sorry ass popped for that Alabama Slam that ended it.

Agree on DIY vs MCMGs. That was a match made for Smackdown the night before. Its not that they arent both great teams but people just dont know the machine guns enough yet to invest it it. You should be able to see a multi team ladder match for those belts on night one coming a mile away.
good stuff!
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@Ketchum, was the Joe Ely show at Liberty Lunch or La Zona Rosa? I can remember the parking lots and side streets from the 90s, around that area. But, when I drive through now, it’s unrecognizable
Honestly, I can't remember.
@Ketchum given that basically EVERY player has an agent now, to negotiate the portal and NIL, do you anticipate a challenge to the old "as long as you don't hire an agent after entering the draft you can come back to school" deal?
Great read. You Level set us for the upcoming season. Still very optimism. Wrestling is out of control. Someone will die before changes are made to protect these guys. Wow

No. 10 – The List: Joe Ely


True story ... I once took a date to see a Joe Ely show in the 90s over by the Music Hall and when we got back to the car, my windows had been smashed in and my radio/CDs had been taken. The thing is ... the show had been so good ... so, so good ... that the destruction of my property didn't even completely kill the buzz created from the show.

As far as I'm concerned, that's almost all that needs to be said. It's not crazy to suggest that five of my favorite 10 shows I've attended in my life featured Joe doing his thing on stage. Hell, deep down I know I didn't even see him in his true hell-raising prime. Oh, to have been a fly on the wall on nights when he was hell-raising in West Texas with Jesse Taylor by his side.

But, I was there for his best album ... Letter to Laredo. I'm actually fairly good friends with his bandmate Teye from that album. They did some unreal live shows around that album.

Anyway, let's get to the list ...

Honorable mention: All Just To Get To You, If You Were a Bluebird, Oh Boy!, Run Preciosa, Saint Valentine, Long Snake Moon, She Finally Spoke Spanish To Me, Musta Notta Gotta Lotta, Suckin a Big Bottle of Gin, Honkey Tonk Masquerade and The Road Goes On Forever

10. I Saw It In You

It's a personal favorite that has to be in my top 10.

9. Ranches and Rivers

One of about 5 different songs from the Letter to Laredo album that I want to squeeze into this list.

8. Are You Listenin' Lucky?

One of my favorites from the Live at Liberty Lunch album.

7. Cool Rockin' Loretta

This has always been one of my favorites of his from the 80s. It's a tremendous live song.

6. Fingernails

It feels like old school Joe Ely fans will scream bloody murder if this live show favorite doesn't pop up somewhere in this Top 10. Here it is.

5. Letter to Laredo

Man, Joe really had it cooking with Teye and the sound created for Letter to Laredo. It's one of the best albums from the 90s and this is arguably the best song on it.

4. Dallas

Oh, man ... how many times have I heard this line, "Did you ever see Dallas from a DC-9 at night?"

3. She Never Spoke Spanish To Me

You can't tell the story of Joe without this song being at the front of the story-telling.

2. Gallo Del Cielo

It's my personal choice for No. 1, but sometimes a No. 1 has to be a No. 2 because of supernatural reasons and this feels like one of those moments.

1. Me and Billy The Kid

It's not the best Joe Ely song, but it is THE Joe Ely song.
Musta Notta Gotta Lotta, the title song and best song from Joe Ely's best album, is nowhere to be found?

And Dallas over Hard Livin'?

Umm, umm, umm . . .
@Ketchum given that basically EVERY player has an agent now, to negotiate the portal and NIL, do you anticipate a challenge to the old "as long as you don't hire an agent after entering the draft you can come back to school" deal?
I haven't thought about it, but anything seems possible.
Musta Notta Gotta Lotta, the title song and best song from Joe Ely's best album, is nowhere to be found?

And Dallas over Hard Livin'?

Umm, umm, umm . . .
It's in the honorable mention.
(Sell) You should ask this question to someone that hasn't emotionally pulled the eject chord. (Cowboys)

The Sum of all Cowboys fans?
Texas has a 7.7% transfer rate??? Less than half as much as UGA and less than 1/6th of what OSU has, at some point that has to catch up right? WOW, what a stat. Also, the DT tackle position has lots of talent, but they definitely need at least two more contributors for depth no?
I can't hope KC wins after the refs stole the game from the Texans.

Any time I think of Joe Ely I also think of what Joel Guzman added to his performance. True greatness as a duo.
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There are playmakers at every level of the defense that are better than almost everyone else's single-best returning playmaker​
I think this is something that you're right - it really helps when you have at least one elite guy at every level of the defense, because it means you have a guy you can pencil in, and then anchor the rest of your unit around and you know that guy will be able to both be a leader, coach other guys on the field, etc.

I think that's less important on the Dline, but yeah - having Hill and Taaffe being able to anchor, coach, direct, etc. your LBs and DBs is big.

And I think your point about the DTs is very valid. Are they going to be as good as what we had the prior two years? Probably not, but you really can't expect that. And on the flip side, this is going to be the best pass rusher group we've had in a long time, which will surely offset some of that.

The other important thing that I keep coming back to is the second part of that sentence - "everyone else". Most of the teams that were really good this last year are also losing a bunch of talent. Ohio State is losing all their defensive starters except Caleb Downs. Will they reload? Sure, but I'd rather be us than them.

I'm still waiting for Bill Connelly to come up with his returning production numbers, which are always very eye opening.
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Texas has a 7.7% transfer rate??? Less than half as much as UGA and less than 1/6th of what OSU has, at some point that has to catch up right? WOW, what a stat. Also, the DT tackle position has lots of talent, but they definitely need at least two more contributors for depth no?
you tell me?

I am pretty sure it was La Zona Rosa. I have the same problem as you. I knew the area well in my 20s. Now I drive down to that are I think I am in the wrong town. I couldn't even tell you were LZR was if you dropped my down there as it's all new condos or office towers.
I did a little Austin research this morning. You can enter sites into search engines and get past addresses. Then, put into Google earth and view. La Zona Rosa area looks the same. I can remember parking right on 4th, next to venue. 4th ends right at Rio Grande
I was hoping some of you would have some old school early 80s stories to share.
When you got to witness the attitude era and now you see this lame ripoff of two of the biggest icons of the industry, it’s kind of insulting honestly. Find your own lane that isn’t a crude and obvious mashup of stuff other guys did at an elite level. He has nowhere near the believability or charisma those two guys had so don’t try to be them. Additionally, he can’t go to the level they could go to due to the nature of the content rating so he’s even more hamstrung, watering down the character with limiting factors. I wholly reject his popularity as someone that knows great when I see it. Haha. And yes I’m a nerd about this. Get off my lawn LA, from Los Angeles. 🙄
Arch = 2 national championships in 3 year plus a heisman will finally leap over VY as the greatest QB at Texas of all time. Which causes Marshall to commit to TX. 🤣

if Arch does that he will be the GOAT

When you got to witness the attitude era and now you see this lame ripoff of two of the biggest icons of the industry, it’s kind of insulting honestly. Find your own lane that isn’t a crude and obvious mashup of stuff other guys did at an elite level. He has nowhere near the believability or charisma those two guys had so don’t try to be them. Additionally, he can’t go to the level they could go to due to the nature of the content rating so he’s even more hamstrung, watering down the character with limiting factors. I wholly reject his popularity as someone that knows great when I see it. Haha. And yes I’m a nerd about this. Get off my lawn LA, from Los Angeles. 🙄

Damn, man.....
@Ketchum do you happen to have the Super Blue Chip numbers from the past few years. I am curios how it has trended since the portal and NIL have kicked off. It really seems that the elite teams were way up in the 30's, but now the talent is a little more evenly spread. Which kind of explains the craziness of some of the games last year, and what could be expected going forward.
@Ketchum do you happen to have the Super Blue Chip numbers from the past few years. I am curios how it has trended since the portal and NIL have kicked off. It really seems that the elite teams were way up in the 30's, but now the talent is a little more evenly spread. Which kind of explains the craziness of some of the games last year, and what could be expected going forward.
I'll look them up for you.