Working w bank and not feeling comfortable based on a few factors. They are using my Fico 9 instead of Fico 5 4 2. My Fico 9 is much lower because of a medical charge off and a small utility charge off. My 5 4 2 score is around 750. My 9 score is 690 and as result they want to put me in a 3.5-4 percent APR. I think this is incredibly unreasonable based on the fact that I’m putting down roughly half on a 800k build and have liquid cash assets that exceed 500k. I have 20 years of solid credit history aside from the aforementioned
Couple questions- do other banks use Fico 5 4 2 ?
Does the bank I’m using sound unreasonable ?
Any general recommendations?
Couple questions- do other banks use Fico 5 4 2 ?
Does the bank I’m using sound unreasonable ?
Any general recommendations?