Coronavirus head count

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Nobel Laureate who discovered the virus that causes AIDS claims that the covid-19 could only be created in a lab. Apparently it has AIDS virus DNA grafted into it.....

He has some fascinating claims at the end which I find concurrent with GMO seeds. Over time with replication, the virus like seeds mutate to the original state. Meaning this virus will mutate to its original state which is more like the common cold.
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… studies show that sunlight "quickly" destroys the Corona virus and that it does not do well in high humidity and heat.....hmmmm…..summer got pretty hot with high humidity around my house last summer.....also seems like I remember lots of sunlight as well.....
This can't be right. It just can't be. I swear the people on CNN and MSNBC and even the NYT told me, I mea they SWORE to me, they actually said that if I believed this could be true, that I was a complete fvcking idiot--- and now you're telling me that high temperatures and sunlight might actually kill the virus?

But....... But....... But...... It can't be possible. I trusted you CNN. You say your the most trusted name in news!
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Best guess? Interagency task Force starting at local levels and then moving up the ranks to include capital security police, marshals, Treasury, DSS, and probably various units inside the military--- including some of @GuaranteedFresh! Old buddies at JSOC. I know those dude get put on all sorts of crazy protection details including augmenting POTUS's guys when he's abroad. Or so I've heard.
Do heat and humidity kill the virus? Not really. Do heat and humidity slow the spread of the virus? Possibly. So why are the measles so contagious? The virus is so light weight that it basically turns into an aerosol and can remain in the air for up to two hours. Other viruses are a bit heavier and travel in larger droplets that don't remain in the air as long. As heat and humidity increase the distance traveled and amount of time droplets remain in the air decreases. Right now it appears as though the COVID 19 doesn't turn into an aerosol but the data isn't conclusive. There is a very good chance that the infection rate will decrease once humidity increases however the question remains as to weather infection rates will increase once those cold fronts start moving through at the end of September.

Edit. In the south where it gets to be 90-100 plus in the summer and surfaces can get much hotter. If someone sneezes and the drops hit a metal handrail the virus won't survive as long and it's less likely to be transferred to another person. However if someone sneezes in an airplane in the summer the temperature and humidity outside won't matter.
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Interesting they're spooling up considering this protocol has been in place for ages. It's right there with the whole "Lone Survivor" shtick. The shadow government can be deep and dark my friends, if you look hard enough.

On the bright side, my aquaponics system is kicking a$$, the feeders are overrun with tasty 4 legged critters & I've just about got my solar bank stronger than what gvec provides on poles. Someday I might even take off this tin hat. o_O
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Interesting they're spooling up considering this protocol has been in place for ages. It's right there with the whole "Lone Survivor" shtick. The shadow government can be deep and dark my friends, if you look hard enough.

On the bright side, my aquaponics system is kicking a$$, the feeders are overrun with tasty 4 legged critters & I've just about got my solar bank stronger than what gvec provides on poles. Someday I might even take off this tin hat. o_O
Please elaborate on the "Lone Survivor" bit. Inquiring minds want to know.
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Interesting they're spooling up considering this protocol has been in place for ages. It's right there with the whole "Lone Survivor" shtick. The shadow government can be deep and dark my friends, if you look hard enough.

On the bright side, my aquaponics system is kicking a$$, the feeders are overrun with tasty 4 legged critters & I've just about got my solar bank stronger than what gvec provides on poles. Someday I might even take off this tin hat. o_O

I'd love for several of us to get together over a few beers in NB one day and chat.
Please elaborate on the "Lone Survivor" bit. Inquiring minds want to know.

I meant to say Designated Survivor instead of the movie title based on Marcus Luttrells book.
My comment just lost all intrigue now but probably makes more sense....or not....whatever.
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I'd love for several of us to get together over a few beers in NB one day and chat.
I can have a few beers while fishing & I can have a few beers while bbq-ing, but having a few beers with other guys guys having a few beers in a place that sells many many more beers...... Let's just say I may have been the inspiration for the Hangover movies in my 20s and early 30s. ;)
I can have a few beers while fishing & I can have a few beers while bbq-ing, but having a few beers with other guys guys having a few beers in a place that sells many many more beers...... Let's just say I may have been the inspiration for the Hangover movies in my 20s and early 30s. ;)
Good news is the bar I hang out in pays for your uber ride home. No kidding. Up to 20 bucks. So now your excuses are limited to having no pedia-lite before bed time.
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As of now there are over 40,000 casualties and over 759,000 cases in the United States. 9 states that have at least 1000 casualties and there will be more by the end of April. And speaking of April there are now over 36, 000 casualties this month. And it's only the 19th.

That is all.
Good news is the bar I hang out in pays for your uber ride home. No kidding. Up to 20 bucks. So now your excuses are limited to having no pedia-lite before bed time.

Clob…..what he is politely trying to tell you is that he isn't worried about the DWI....he is worried about the assault and attempted murder charges he normally faces from having a "discussion" with fellow bar patrons......Best leave that gun in the holster.....maybe ask him for BBQ
As of now there are over 40,000 casualties and over 759,000 cases in the United States. 9 states that have at least 1000 casualties and there will be more by the end of April. And speaking of April there are now over 36, 000 casualties this month. And it's only the 19th.

That is all.
According to this article from the Washington Post, 759 total deaths as of April 8 for people under 50. But, according to the article, its difficult to track because states such as California do not release information regarding age. Why?

This article from the Wall Street Journal this weekend indicates that the death rate of those infected is less than 1% (including all ages). The drastic action of shutting down the economy was largely based on a 3.4% death rate estimated by the WHO.
As of now there are over 40,000 casualties and over 759,000 cases in the United States. 9 states that have at least 1000 casualties and there will be more by the end of April. And speaking of April there are now over 36, 000 casualties this month. And it's only the 19th.

That is all.
Go read the articles about the percentage of people that are infected with corona now that they’ve started extensive testing. The majority of folks have no symptoms and now the percentage of deaths vs cases is nosediving. I’d say it’s like a heavy flu we see every year. Carry on with life everyone and stop hiding under the bed. I’ve been at work everyday and have lived to tell about it.
According to this article from the Washington Post, 759 total deaths as of April 8 for people under 50. But, according to the article, its difficult to track because states such as California do not release information regarding age. Why?

This article from the Wall Street Journal this weekend indicates that the death rate of those infected is less than 1% (including all ages). The drastic action of shutting down the economy was largely based on a 3.4% death rate estimated by the WHO.

I'm sure CA will publish a more detailed account of the people who here who have contacted the coronavirus. And as for the second link since I don't subscribe to the WSJ I can't read it but I've never trusted their editorial page anyway
Go read the articles about the percentage of people that are infected with corona now that they’ve started extensive testing. The majority of folks have no symptoms and now the percentage of deaths vs cases is nosediving. I’d say it’s like a heavy flu we see every year. Carry on with life everyone and stop hiding under the bed. I’ve been at work everyday and have lived to tell about it.

I wouldn't put it past the Governor's office to withhold the numbers.

Therefore I wouldn't put it past GA to cook the numbers.

In TX there has not been enough testing and I'm convinced that GA has no interest in finding out if there are unreported cases or deaths from the coronavirus.

The ones reported are the ones who have gone into the hospital been tested, and passed there.

And as bar as your reply goes. Apparently Heisenberg putting you in your place has not humbled you. It's always about you. I'm in public, I haven't contacted it lets stop it. You deliberately ignore everything else.
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I wouldn't put it past the Governor's office to withhold the numbers.

Therefore I wouldn't put it past GA to cook the numbers.

In TX there has not been enough testing and I'm convinced that GA has no interest in finding out if there are unreported cases or deaths from the coronavirus.

The ones reported are the ones who have gone into the hospital been tested, and passed there.

And as bar as your reply goes. Apparently Heisenberg putting you in your place has not humbled you. It's always about you. I'm in public, I haven't contacted it lets stop it. You deliberately ignore everything else.
Could I interest you in some cheese with that whine. The people are rising up and saying enough is enough with the gross overreactions. It’s time to get back to work, only dems and those with guaranteed paychecks are saying otherwise. Toughen up buttercup before I bring my rock saw out to Cali and detach your state from the rest of us.
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Clob…..what he is politely trying to tell you is that he isn't worried about the DWI....he is worried about the assault and attempted murder charges he normally faces from having a "discussion" with fellow bar patrons......Best leave that gun in the holster.....maybe ask him for BBQ
First, let me start by saying that Fresh has ZERO to worry about with regard to idiots at my bar. He'll be sequestered in a private booth with two dudes that used to work at his former employer at the same time he used to work there. Nobody with any lick of sense is going to disturb them. Second, I think he's saying that once e gets started, it's tough to stop. Understandable. That's why God invented UBER and pedia-lite.
This is starting to get very interesting....$100 says those “health care workers” defiantly standing in the roadway interrupting the anti shutdown protesters wouldn’t be standing there defending Coronavirus if they were out of work without paychecks like a lot of the protesters. We must not allow Trump to get this economy rolling again before the election! Sorry, the people are acting out now.....
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This is starting to get very interesting....$100 says those “health care workers” defiantly standing in the roadway interrupting the anti shutdown protesters wouldn’t be standing there defending Coronavirus if they were out of work without paychecks like a lot of the protesters. We must not allow Trump to get this economy rolling again before the election! Sorry, the people are acting out now.....

We see ourselves as evolved and enlightened.

Our big brains give us the hubris that we can control mother nature and make us feel like empathy and sympathy are emotions that we created and we can control for the good of man kind.

But take away our toilet paper and ability to pay our bills for a couple of months and---- the Darwinian animal in us starts to bubble to the surface.

If it ever gets "bad" enough, the fight over who can piss in what bathroom or what pronoun you prefer to be called or what your skin color is will all be thrown out the window in favor of a desperate fight for survival. Anybody notice lately that we really aren't hearing much about high minded "social progressive issues" ?

Hmmm----- could it be because we've had it soooooo good for soooooo long that we started manufacturing more and more boogeymen to make certain portions of society feel they had a common enemy to fight against, in order to add some sort of meaning to the lives of people who consider their lives a bit empty? Haven't seen any school kid age mass shootings lately. Maybe there's an upside to this virus.
They've been trying to shut oil down for years. Now that they have it in a head lock they will keep squeezing. Your favorite congresswoman AOC tweeted "love to see it" in response to the oil crash. They are openly cheering for the economy to crash at this point. Congress's salaries should be dependent on the economy.
These boys are already announcing round 2 is on the way in the Fall and this time it’ll be commingled with the flu. CNN can hardly contain their glee and are pushing the social tracing agenda.
These boys are already announcing round 2 is on the way in the Fall and this time it’ll be commingled with the flu. CNN can hardly contain their glee and are pushing the social tracing agenda.

Have to keep fear at the front of everyone's minds. Every new case will be contributed to the protesters as well.
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That makes sense. You have an underlying condition, you catch Covid are more likely to die.

I guess the moral of the story is Don’t Catch It unless you are perfectly healthy.
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