Coronavirus head count

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I’m hoping this shelter in place is triggering a new class of baby boomers. I’m going to need those SS checks when I retire and I’m not too enthused with the idea of having to rely on the work ethic of this generation of millennials to support Belldozer in his old age.
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Travis county had it 7th reported death today, with a confirmed account of 554. =.012%
Will the deaths get higher? For sure, and so will the number of cases.
Unfortunately there are many many more cases that haven’t been reported that people recovered from just like the flu. So the mortality rate is much lower than what is being reported. Skewed stats being reported across the board. Look for OUR President to get folks back to work very soon. Everyone just needs to hang in there
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I wonder how he's gonna get to Atlanta?

Travis county had it 7th reported death today, with a confirmed account of 554. =.012%
Will the deaths get higher? For sure, and so will the number of cases.

when you load 70 dumbasses into a chartered plane and take it to the beach in Baja and fly back to Austin with at least 40 of the 70 testing positive, you get an up tick in the numbers.
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I’m hoping this shelter in place is triggering a new class of baby boomers. I’m going to need those SS checks when I retire and I’m not too enthused with the idea of having to rely on the work ethic of this generation of millennials to support Belldozer in his old age.

I spent 50 yrs working so I am entitled like The others paid for me and your entitled if its still there..others will pay for you also, take it or do without if ya got no 401K, ya can't keep ya health on just medicare, ya gotta have a 3rd party
It is now predicted to be 60,415 deaths on Aug 1 and the peak is in 4 days. The predictions keep dropping.
Exactly! At first it was thought anywhere from 1-2 Million, then 500,000, then 100,000 - 240,000, then 80,000 and now 60,000...……….This article show just how far off New York Gov. Cuomo's projections were for his state:
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On the bright side! The Church down the street, bought $5000 of Kentucky Chicken and was going door to door in our neighborhood giving every house in a 15 block radius a 6 piece chicken box with 2 rolls, it restore my faith in Humans...Trooper says Hi!, hes got a piece...LOL!

Three acquaintances of our family in New York have died in the last week. 53-75 in age. Sad.

A close friend of my daughter called and he tested positive. He is young but still nervous. He has lost two friends from it. I spoke with his roommate last night. They have a little different view...more serious is how I would put it. The impact on the Manhattan/New York City area is much different than my Hometown of Houston.
My stepson's sister in law came down with it in Houston. She's only 33. She's been sick for 3 weeks and they just now diagnosed her and now she's very sick.
My stepson's sister in law came down with it in Houston. She's only 33. She's been sick for 3 weeks and they just now diagnosed her and now she's very sick.
Did she go to the doctor during those 3 weeks? Hopefully they get her on hydroxychloriquine and z-pack, that seems to knock this virus out. We’ll keep her in our prayers.
Rewind several weeks ago----


"I doubt this thing came from a dude eating an undercooked bat soup slurry and it just spontaneously showed up..." <------ synopsis.

Also Clob:

"There's a bio-engineering facility just outside of Wuhan. Either this thing was a weapon that was 30% ready and someone kicked it out to see how their creation would perform, or someone accidentally took it out under the wire and didn't know it."

MSM and "rational thinking Americans":

"Don't spread conspiracy theories clob. This thing is naturally occurring."

CNN this morning:

"So um, well----- uhhhh-- there's a possibility that this virus could have maybe spent some time in a lab......... And errr ummm... maybe the chi-coms aren't telling us the truth..."

Clob out.
Rewind several weeks ago----


"I doubt this thing came from a dude eating an undercooked bat soup slurry and it just spontaneously showed up..." <------ synopsis.

Also Clob:

"There's a bio-engineering facility just outside of Wuhan. Either this thing was a weapon that was 30% ready and someone kicked it out to see how their creation would perform, or someone accidentally took it out under the wire and didn't know it."

MSM and "rational thinking Americans":

"Don't spread conspiracy theories clob. This thing is naturally occurring."

CNN this morning:

"So um, well----- uhhhh-- there's a possibility that this virus could have maybe spent some time in a lab......... And errr ummm... maybe the chi-coms aren't telling us the truth..."

Clob out.
Simply said, "F*** CHINA!!"
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Rewind several weeks ago----


"I doubt this thing came from a dude eating an undercooked bat soup slurry and it just spontaneously showed up..." <------ synopsis.

Also Clob:

"There's a bio-engineering facility just outside of Wuhan. Either this thing was a weapon that was 30% ready and someone kicked it out to see how their creation would perform, or someone accidentally took it out under the wire and didn't know it."

MSM and "rational thinking Americans":

"Don't spread conspiracy theories clob. This thing is naturally occurring."

CNN this morning:

"So um, well----- uhhhh-- there's a possibility that this virus could have maybe spent some time in a lab......... And errr ummm... maybe the chi-coms aren't telling us the truth..."

Clob out.

Not so fast my friend. CNN is reporting that the US Intelligence is exploring the possibility that it was a bioweapon as one of may other possibilities it is exploring over how the virus originated. This was accidentally leaked to the public on the same day that the associated press is reporting that officials in China knew this was a possible pandemic level event in January. Could it be that those in the government are releasing this information to the media in order to make China look bad.

There is a good article in Nature about the origin of the virus based on the genome of the virus itself. The evidence suggest it jumped species.
Not so fast my friend. CNN is reporting that the US Intelligence is exploring the possibility that it was a bioweapon as one of may other possibilities it is exploring over how the virus originated. This was accidentally leaked to the public on the same day that the associated press is reporting that officials in China knew this was a possible pandemic level event in January. Could it be that those in the government are releasing this information to the media in order to make China look bad.

There is a good article in Nature about the origin of the virus based on the genome of the virus itself. The evidence suggest it jumped species.
I do not disagree. But explain to me why the chi-coms would start buying up PPE equipment weeks before releasing details about the seriousness of the virus to the rest of the world?
Look-- IF they took this virus out of nature-- which is VERY possible-- and played with it in a lab---- and somehow it got out, whether it was being made to be weapon-ized or not, whether they were studying it for medical research reasons or even to simply try and develop a vaccine to it just in case it ever did get it out--- isn't the point.

If they had it in a lab for one hot second and it got out, then it came from a lab and China needs to be held accountable in the harshest of ways. Period. Full stop.
I do not disagree. But explain to me why the chi-coms would start buying up PPE equipment weeks before releasing details about the seriousness of the virus to the rest of the world?
Look-- IF they took this virus out of nature-- which is VERY possible-- and played with it in a lab---- and somehow it got out, whether it was being made to be weapon-ized or not, whether they were studying it for medical research reasons or even to simply try and develop a vaccine to it just in case it ever did get it out--- isn't the point.

If they had it in a lab for one hot second and it got out, then it came from a lab and China needs to be held accountable in the harshest of ways. Period. Full stop.

It didn't come from a lab. Full stop.
this is for you Bell....

Subject: Fw: The difference between a lying ass socialist bastard and a real man wanting to serve his country and help people

On March 23, 2020, Remington Arms Co. CEO Ken D’Arcy wrote a letter to New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, offering Remington’s services in the effort to combat the coronavirus pandemic. While Governor Cuomo was declaring Remington a “non-essential” business, causing the Ilion, NY plant to shutter its operations and lay off workers for at least a month, President Trump was refining his executive orders specifically to include the firearms industry as “essential, critical infra-structure.”

No matter. This did not dissuade D’Arcy from wanting to donate, to the state and the nation, the services of the oldest firearms manufacturer in the country. Here are excerpts from D’Arcy’s letter:

“The Remington plant in Ilion now has approximately one million square feet of unused and available manufacturing space. We would be honored to donate our facility to the production of ventilators, surgical masks, hospital beds or any other products mission-critical to the war on corona virus. Ventilators are essential to winning this new kind of war and Remington stands ready to enlist in wartime production. . . Remington products have served in every U.S. military conflict for 200 years. And while the corona virus is a new type of war, we’re not sitting this one out. . . [W]e’re standing by ready, willing and able to support in any way we can. It would be an honor for our company to donate space for the manufacture of mission-critical products, such as the production of ventilators, surgical masks, hospital beds or any other products deemed necessary.”

While Governor Cuomo is all over the media, literally begging for help every day, the letter from Remington has gone unanswered. More alarmingly, nary a peep from the mainstream media about the obvious question. Let me frame it for anyone in the media pool of Cuomo sycophants who might bring themselves to ask it:

“Governor Cuomo, over two weeks ago, Ken D’Arcy, the CEO of Remington, the oldest firearms manufacturer in the country, headquartered in New York, offered to donate a million square feet of their manufacturing space and said, quote: ‘We’re standing ready, willing and able to support in any way we can.’ As of today, sir, you have failed even to respond to Remington, yet you’re continually begging for help while Remington is begging to help. Can you tell us why you have ignored their offer?”

Here we are, 17 days out from D’Arcy’s letter and the media remains silent on this tragic absurdity. It is colluding with Cuomo in his bigotry that “people like that have no place in New York.”

If you had any doubt about the media and its anti-firearms agenda, this example should prove the depth of its antagonism. Fake news isn’t just purposeful misinformation. It is also failing to do the job of holding the powerful to account.

It is criminal to deny help for New Yorkers based on vitriolic, personal sentiment. But like too many rulers, Andrew Cuomo does first what promotes his political future, and last what is right for the people he was elected to serve.

***** NOTE*****
I have no way to verify the authenticity of this letter. I just thought as long as folks were throwing stuff out there, I would chime in...
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Virus infect human cells by binding to receptor proteins on the cell membrane. Animal viruses don't infect humans because they can't bind to the receptor proteins. Viruses have been known to mutate through natural selection which causes zoonotic transfer. You cold also cause zoonotic transfer through artificial methods.

Crispr technology is pretty impressive but its limited. You can do do genome editing where you splice in the protein receptor of a human corona into a bat corona virus. It that happened you would have both proteins in the virus and it would be very obvious that some type artificial gene editing was done. Scientist did not find any evidence of that type of gene editing.

Base editing is also a possibility but at this point it is extremely limited. Crispr Cas9 can change C to T and a combination of three Crispr base editors can change an A-T pair to a C-G Pair. That isn't enough to be able to modify a protein. You would have to be able to change G and T to C and A. That technology doesn't exist. So either the Chinese have developed the technology and they are light years ahead of us in the biotech world or the zoonotic transfer happened though natural selection.
It didn't come from a lab. Full stop.
Good article about possible origins from a lab (there are several news stories about this being a possibility):

Not to mention there are numerous reports now stating that this is increasingly likely. Again, they are just reports, but to flat out say it didn't happen, is simply not listening to all of the information.

I find it interesting that you are so quick to basically defend and believe China...…….Why not let everything be fully investigated instead of making statements that you have no proof to back up. You have the same information about it not coming from a lab, articles. Those aren't proof of anything, just like my article isn't proof of anything, but it does show everything is being taken as a possibility.
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Don't know how it originated but one thing is clear, China knows more than they are letting on.
Oh for certain. And this is why I keep saying that we simply can't rule out the possibility that China had SOME form of knowledge of the virus and it's potential prior to the rest of us. Well, how does one gain such knowledge?

By studying it in a lab. And @speedstrength may be correct--- it may not have been "manufactured" in a lab. But I refuse to rule out the possibility that at some point, the Chinese had that sucker under a microscope and learned more about it than we did.
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Can viruses be altered in the lab. 100% yes the can and its not even that hard anymore. Could the Chinese have altered the virus so it would attack human lung cells. 100 % yes but it would have shown up when the genome was sequenced. Was the lab in China performing research on the virus. Possibly. There are labs all over the world that perform research on active viruses. Was this a bio weapon? Probably not. I know its rather macabre but you would want something like Ebola. Kills 50-90% of infected people.
Can viruses be altered in the lab. 100% yes the can and its not even that hard anymore. Could the Chinese have altered the virus so it would attack human lung cells. 100 % yes but it would have shown up when the genome was sequenced. Was the lab in China performing research on the virus. Possibly. There are labs all over the world that perform research on active viruses. Was this a bio weapon? Probably not. I know its rather macabre but you would want something like Ebola. Kills 50-90% of infected people.
Agreed. But Ebola, if I'm not mistaken, dies when exposed to oxygen. So it can't be transferred like a flu or cold virus can.

Every virus has some give and take. Viruses that kill at a high % rate are "usually" harder to spread. Viruses that just get you sick for a few day, like the flu or a cold, are easier to spread by comparison. It's nature's way of balancing things. But can you imagine if some bio-engineers were able to take something like Ebola, and combine it with something like a Covid strain, and then release it into a controlled population-- while simultaneously closing off their borders to eliminate contamination from the outside?

Don't say that weaponologists on both sides haven't had that discussion at a round table discussion. Heck, in 1962, Kennedy allocated 7 million dollars to do a classified study on population control. It was de-classified sometime in the late 90s. Think about that-- population CONTROL. Who can we kill off and why it would be beneficial to do so. And the best means necessary to do so. Google that sh!t.

Folks, don't kid yourselves. We don't live in a world where all 7.8 billion people think everything about this planet is hunky fvcking dory. There are influential people among us, well not among us because they live in ivory towers above the fray-- but there are serious people on this planet that have agendas that you nor I can hardly fathom. "Terrorists", as we in the West label some of them, believe they are fighting for the freedom of their religion or family or land or to avenge their dead brother or father or whatever. But remember, back about 245 years ago, some dudes paddled across the Delaware River in the middle of the night on CHRISTMAS, to slit the throats of an invading army that they deemed "tyrannical". By today's standards, our founding fathers would be called terrorists.

Now I'm in no way advocating terrorism or supporting the actions of anyone in that line of work, but what would you do if it were 1775? I know I'd be a fvcking terrorist.

Now imagine I had that skill set and had an axe to grind and was worth a billion dollars---
you honestly think I wouldn't try and get back at my perceived enemies if I hated them that much?

The next great war will not be fought on a battlefield. It will be fought economically through asymmetric tactics and plausible deniability actions. Cyberwar is but only a trade craft in a greater strategy. Bioterrorism, economic raiding, energy drowning and hoarding, medical supply and medicine altering-- it's coming my dudes.

Ask yourself this---- what's the coincidence that juuuuust about the time the covid virus was starting into swing that Russia and Saudi Arabia decide to start pissing on each other's boot to drive down oil prices. Cui Bono--- to whom does it benefit? (That's Latin, yo)

There's something afoul in Denmark. If something happens solo, it's an accident. If two solo bad things happen simultaneously, it's a coincidence. If 3 or more things happen around the same time, you're being set up.
clob, on a side note, are you hearing anything about the local bars in NB, the Whale, Scores, Phoenix, Pour Haus, etc., and if they might make it out of this isolation fiasco? Any other thoughts on some of the local independent restaurants there?
Hell you know I know pretty much all of the local bar and restaurant owners. The wealthy ones won't have any problems. The folks that own MacAdoos, la cosecha etc as well as the guy that owns the Faust and the whale and the folks that own most of gruene, are going to be just fine. The guy that owns the river road ice house is pretty much screwed, but he was about to be screwed before this whole thing went down. Dude needs to pay his taxes. Many of the restaurants are serving take out so they are limping along. What's getting their asses kicked right now are people trying to sell their house because they were over leveraged and owned too much house. I'm looking at a place right now out in Rockwall ranch that was listed originally at a million two that's now about to be listed below 800k. And I've got some bad news for the owner--- he will be lucky to get 700 for it. The layoffs are beginning to cull the 150k a year job dudes who bought a half million dollar house and was living paycheck to paycheck. If you're sitting around with some cash in your account and you can afford to grab some real estate, now is the time. When there's blood in the streets, buy property.
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Please let me know what you're hearing about the local goings on in NB. I'm still planning on being there Memorial and July 4th weekends.
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