Coronavirus head count

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shows what I know.....I thought the gist of the story was that having venalators or not having ventalators did not have much of an impact one way or another.
Strangely, in places other than New York are having better success rates than New York is.
That makes sense. You have an underlying condition, you catch Covid are more likely to die.

I guess the moral of the story is Don’t Catch It unless you are perfectly healthy.
No Bolio, the moral of the story is this: if you are vulnerable or feel you are vulnerable you shelter in place. You don’t shut down the country based on hypothetical “what ifs”. It’s really not that hard to understand unless you have a political motivation.
No Bolio, the moral of the story is this: if you are vulnerable or feel you are vulnerable you shelter in place. You don’t shut down the country based on hypothetical “what ifs”. It’s really not that hard to understand unless you have a political motivation.

Agree. The economy should have never been shut down over this.
No Bolio, the moral of the story is this: if you are vulnerable or feel you are vulnerable you shelter in place. You don’t shut down the country based on hypothetical “what ifs”. It’s really not that hard to understand unless you have a political motivation.

And those that respond with "well I guess you're okay with your grandparents dying" are ****wads. No, I'm not okay with that actually. But I'm also not okay with the 20+ million now on the unemployment train who can't pay their mortgage, save for their retirement, save for their kids' education/etc., struggle to put food on the table, can't pay for their kids' sports/arts/etc. extracurricular activities that are proven to lead to more successful adults. I'm not okay with those that have chosen to die by suicide because they are trapped in home...alone.

I guess I just don't have any empathy for the people...:(

But I guess we'll just keep letting the Fed print more money. That will surely not cause economic stress.
Uh oh @outhereincali you may not want to read this, it may temper your beliefs about covid19.

The daily mail is a right wing tabloid. Period. And more and more people are dying that did not have pre existing conditions. There was an article about how healthy people in CA who died. My stepsons sister in law who lives in Houston has it and she's only 33. She couldn't see here regular dr and the dr she did see misdiagnosed her with viral meningitis and now she's hanging on for dear life. Point being more and more people without pre-existing conditions are getting it. Also it started with the elderly and sickly but not anymore. African Americans are getting it and its disproportionate to their population. But I get what you're saying if they already have diabetes, obesity, or high blood pressure, don't waste ventilators on them.
Oh and btw 48, 868 people have died from the coronavirus approx 44,500 this month. And the numbers are starting to increase in Texas. Greg Abbott hasn't done anywhere near as much as he should considering the TX population. But I get it Dan Patrick who as lt. gov. is the most powerful man in TX politics said he'd rather die from the virus rather slow down the economy. So go ahead open up the economy in TX watch what happens in the next 6 weeks.
The daily mail is a right wing tabloid. Period. And more and more people are dying that did not have pre existing conditions. There was an article about how healthy people in CA who died. My stepsons sister in law who lives in Houston has it and she's only 33. She couldn't see here regular dr and the dr she did see misdiagnosed her with viral meningitis and now she's hanging on for dear life. Point being more and more people without pre-existing conditions are getting it. Also it started with the elderly and sickly but not anymore. African Americans are getting it and its disproportionate to their population. But I get what you're saying if they already have diabetes, obesity, or high blood pressure, don't waste ventilators on them.
No, what I’m say is this: life is tough and can be cruel but neither you nor I are going to live forever. If I die from Coronavirus, so be it. If I die from a car wreck, cancer or whatever, so be it. I do not want the world shut down for me. You know as well as I do that only a small percentage die from Coronavirus and that has nothing to do with this silly social distancing. I hope your family member is able to fight thru and make a full recovery but if she doesn’t she’ll hopefully be in a better place.

Here’s the deal Tonto, we may all get it and probably have, a small percentage die, 99% don’t. But the measures we’re being forced to take are ruining the country and economy. Your immune system is compromised or it’s not. I’m sorry but that’s the way it is.
Oh and btw 48, 868 people have died from the coronavirus approx 44,500 this month. And the numbers are starting to increase in Texas. Greg Abbott hasn't done anywhere near as much as he should considering the TX population. But I get it Dan Patrick who as lt. gov. is the most powerful man in TX politics said he'd rather die from the virus rather slow down the economy. So go ahead open up the economy in TX watch what happens in the next 6 weeks.
Perhaps the most logical thing I’ve seen you post here. Unfortunately @outhereincali a total shutdown is killing everyone financially I mean damn, do you ever watch tv? Do you think those people rising up in the street are lying or over sensationalizing their situation? No they’re going broke and fixing to lose everything because we’re trying to stop the natural culling trying to take place. Wake up and stop the political crap. Who the hell imagined the absolute stupidity being forced on us right now.
Perhaps the most logical thing I’ve seen you post here. Unfortunately @outhereincali a total shutdown is killing everyone financially I mean damn, do you ever watch tv? Do you think those people rising up in the street are lying or over sensationalizing their situation? No they’re going broke and fixing to lose everything because we’re trying to stop the natural culling trying to take place. Wake up and stop the political crap. Who the hell imagined the absolute stupidity being forced on us right now.

These last 2 replies of yours show me that you will say anything rather than admit you're wrong. Let's see you've denied the me to movement, the college hazing scandals, and now the coronavirus. And those are just the ones I remember I'm sure you've made other shocking denials.
These last 2 replies of yours show me that you will say anything rather than admit you're wrong. Let's see you've denied the me to movement, the college hazing scandals, and now the coronavirus. And those are just the ones I remember I'm sure you've made other shocking denials.
I’m wrong about nothing. The virus is killing folks just like the flu does every year. The election is coming up and you Democrat’s are scared to death Trump is fixing to run roughshod over Biden. Guess what? He is. Impeachment didn’t work and here we are.
These last 2 replies of yours show me that you will say anything rather than admit you're wrong. Let's see you've denied the me to movement, the college hazing scandals, and now the coronavirus. And those are just the ones I remember I'm sure you've made other shocking denials.
Misread your post the first time. I saw the denied me to movement instead of me TOO movement and the sophomore in me was like "how's Bell keeping Cali from taking a poop?".

Sorry bout that.
Misread your post the first time. I saw the denied me to movement instead of me TOO movement and the sophomore in me was like "how's Bell keeping Cali from taking a poop?".

Sorry bout that.
He’s taking a poop out of the wrong end
Misread your post the first time. I saw the denied me to movement instead of me TOO movement and the sophomore in me was like "how's Bell keeping Cali from taking a poop?".

Sorry bout that.

Biden just ended the me too movement by the way. Apparently his victim doesn't get a nationally televised hearing for some reason. are pissing up a rope if you ever think the liberal media will ever ...ever....offer unbiased only has to read the editolrial from the Washington post explaining why they HAD to go after Kavenaugh…..Enter Biden.... is sad.
Oh and btw 48, 868 people have died from the coronavirus approx 44,500 this month. And the numbers are starting to increase in Texas. Greg Abbott hasn't done anywhere near as much as he should considering the TX population. But I get it Dan Patrick who as lt. gov. is the most powerful man in TX politics said he'd rather die from the virus rather slow down the economy. So go ahead open up the economy in TX watch what happens in the next 6 weeks.

Serious question. Have you lost income during this thing?
Biden just ended the me too movement by the way. Apparently his victim doesn't get a nationally televised hearing for some reason.

I'll probably vote Libertarian again, just like in 2016 and 2012. But the Democrats are idiots. They had real progressive candidates that people believed in (agree with them or not) and could rally behind, but instead the final two were two old, rich white guys...both of whom are career politicians with ZERO real world experience. One of whom is a complete dunce. At least Bernie kept it real.

The Democrats chose Biden...=)roll

If you put your hope in a politician, (1) you're a dumbass and (2) you're in for some real disappointment.

Is it too much to ask the government to quit screwing shit up and leave us the hell alone?
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