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Type in Baker Mayfield in google and the first auto fill option that pops up is 'Baker Mayfield Dancing'. Interesting you're trying to ignore that. Why is that? There's nothing wrong with his orientation. Yes, girls need dance partners.


Not ignoring anything, i did a google search for baker mayfield and dancing is not what I saw on the list of results. You did not mention autofill until now. Is him dancing supposed to bother me or something? I mean who cares if he dances? I wouldnt care if he was gay. So what.
Good for you. Support pride.

You're correct on me not mentioning that his twinkle toes came up under autofill.
Yeah,I have links too. CNN, SI, SBnation, all started in november. HMM. How is he on the watch list after playing texas? Didnt they completely destroy any sort of chance he had? He was 4th in overall votes and had 32 first place votes. After playing texas. ZOMG! HOW!?!?? Because it wasnt until after that game that the Heisman train started to gain steam.

You could just google Mayfield Heisman watch and see for yourself that every single result on the front page is from november. Not too many clicks on his heisman watch prior to that. not a lie, not ignorance, just plain ole facts.

OU did learn from the texas game. I think the fact that they went and won 7 games in a row winning by 30+ ppg, and developed the conference's best D is indicative of their development over the season. Clemson was just better with better athletes and better big uglies in the trenches.

I mean I care more about winning the big 12 than winning the RRR, it's not OU's superbowl as they play for bigger things than that.

Nah, not riding anyone's nuts. Just enjoying the ciruclar texas logic if them saying they are better than OU because scoreboard, but cant admit the same about a team who shut you out. Sometimes teams play really well in a game and outplay a superior opponent. That's what happened in the RRR and what happened against isu, at least I can see it for what it is. I dont believe isu is as good as texas and i dont believe texas is as good as OU. I use more than a single game to make that determination. If tx was better than OU they wouldnt be so terrible against the rest of their schedule. But good for them, they blew their load against their rival. It's just too bad it meant nothing.

I am predicting OU will have more wins than texas. Any wager you like.

I'm not going to waste time reading any of that. I've proven you to be a disingenuous, ignorant, bold faced liar. No need to repeat.
Yeah,I have links too. CNN, SI, SBnation, all started in november. HMM. How is he on the watch list after playing texas? Didnt they completely destroy any sort of chance he had? He was 4th in overall votes and had 32 first place votes. After playing texas. ZOMG! HOW!?!?? Because it wasnt until after that game that the Heisman train started to gain steam.

You could just google Mayfield Heisman watch and see for yourself that every single result on the front page is from november. Not too many clicks on his heisman watch prior to that. not a lie, not ignorance, just plain ole facts.

OU did learn from the texas game. I think the fact that they went and won 7 games in a row winning by 30+ ppg, and developed the conference's best D is indicative of their development over the season. Clemson was just better with better athletes and better big uglies in the trenches.

I mean I care more about winning the big 12 than winning the RRR, it's not OU's superbowl as they play for bigger things than that.

Nah, not riding anyone's nuts. Just enjoying the ciruclar texas logic if them saying they are better than OU because scoreboard, but cant admit the same about a team who shut you out. Sometimes teams play really well in a game and outplay a superior opponent. That's what happened in the RRR and what happened against isu, at least I can see it for what it is. I dont believe isu is as good as texas and i dont believe texas is as good as OU. I use more than a single game to make that determination. If tx was better than OU they wouldnt be so terrible against the rest of their schedule. But good for them, they blew their load against their rival. It's just too bad it meant nothing.

I am predicting OU will have more wins than texas. Any wager you like.
I am glad you look at more than one game to make that determination that Texas is just not on blow u's level because you are absolutely right they aren't that low my friend they lead the series 61-44-5 now I am no mathematical genius but that seems to me that every 5 games played Texas is winning 3 contest of course they have probably pitched you guys a few bones here and there to keep you guys playing us.
I am glad you look at more than one game to make that determination that Texas is just not on blow u's level because you are absolutely right they aren't that low my friend they lead the series 61-44-5 now I am no mathematical genius but that seems to me that every 5 games played Texas is winning 3 contest of course they have probably pitched you guys a few bones here and there to keep you guys playing us.

Well you want to have a historical argument about who is better I think OU's 7 to 2 national championship count tells that story. Historically OU has a .720 winning percentage to texas' .709 too. If you want to talk about the two programs today, I mean lol, two consecutive losing seasons is pathetic. You guys rail on stoops , but he wouldnt, ahem, stoop so low as to ever have a losing season. doing it three times in 6 years, ole dkr would roll in his grave. keep living in the past.
[QUOT no I dE="Heisennberg, post: 6197484, member: 42663"]I wouldnt want to respond when I was wrong about something either.[/QUOTE]

You're a cheater u fan, so I expect nothing less, than lies and denial. It's the cheaters anthem...deny deny deny. Scoreboard, okie.
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That's not a lie, and what's the point in predicting the teams records? I said Ou is 100x the contender. just look at what OU did last year, and who they return. I dont think texas is in any sort of position to compete for the big 12 title, much less a natty, and OU is. Just looking at what your team accomplished last year, and a lot of those same players are back is not inspiring confidence in a national title run. I dont know how many games texas will win but theyre not competing for a national championship.

You must not have watched that game, baylor scored 34 on the league's best defense with Stidham. he is really good! Their offense was nearly as efficient with him. It's like you forgot about all the playmakers they still had. So a good offense is what baylor had that day and OU still put up 44.

yeah man makes me wonder how iowa state feels about blanking tx 24-0. Lol, I like that big 12 trophy, you can keep the golden hat 100 times out of 100 if it means OU goes and wins bigger and better things. I am glad you were satisfied with last season, because I sure was. As far as Mayfield's Heisman chances go, he had a statistically good game vs tx, and he wasnt even in the Heisman conversation until after the RRR. Not sure how you can ruin someone's chances for something he wasnt even contending for at the time. Say what you will, youre the ones stuck with 11-14 charlie. youre the ones with 3 losing seasons in 6 years. Tx has a long way to go to being back on OU's level. tx beating OU last year was even less significant than when isu took a dump on you.

yawn, 11-14 charlie isnt leading you to any titles this year. if you think tx is better than OU, then you must also firmly believe Iowa state is better than texas. Cant have it both ways.

Sooo... using YOUR logic here... if you think Texas sucks, then ou must REALLY blow since they lost convincingly to Texas.... cant have it both ways.... nice move retard.

EDITED TO ADD: *Mic Drop* ;)
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There's always hope for Texas to be as dominate as they once were. It's always the past or the future you bring up. OU is thinking abou now. What's my team achieving at the present. You guys are in a different era now it's going to be harder than ever especially in the big 12. I believe Texas would never join the big 10 or SEC. To hard of a road to dominate in either of those leagues. Same with OU it would be harder. Pac 10 possibly but that would damage my interest in football. You have a ways to go before you earn trash talking credits.
There's always hope for Texas to be as dominate as they once were. It's always the past or the future you bring up. OU is thinking abou now. What's my team achieving at the present. You guys are in a different era now it's going to be harder than ever especially in the big 12. I believe Texas would never join the big 10 or SEC. To hard of a road to dominate in either of those leagues. Same with OU it would be harder. Pac 10 possibly but that would damage my interest in football. You have a ways to go before you earn trash talking credits.

Funny - I dont recall asking your opinion on anything.... and since we have scoreboard on YOU, you need to put off the trash talk until you beat us again. ;) Oh and ther "past or future" remark - isnt that what sooners bring up when they realize they havent won a NC since 2000 and have to point out the ones from the 50's etc..... and then use others ppl history to ignore whats going on now...... gotcha. ;) And fwiw- the future to me is NOW. Texas beats ND, beats Cal and beats okie - plus a whole lot more this year....
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Sooo... using YOUR logic here... if you think Texas sucks, then ou must REALLY blow since they lost convincingly to Texas.... cant have it both ways.... nice move retard.

EDITED TO ADD: *Mic Drop* ;)

Nope, retard, because my logic doesnt say that a lone victory in a horrible season means the team is better. That's Texxxxas' logic, his comments. He is the one who thinks that, and his post is what I was responding to.
Hey Hennisdork, are you going to take my bet or be a chickenshit

I dont know who hennisdork is but I will respond to this. No, i will not take your bet. I get nothing out of seeing you disappear permanently; I prefer the banter with texas fans, so it does nothing for me and I reject this bet. Find a better one.
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