This is too funny. Over at surl, there is a picture of mike stoops floating around with his maga hat on. Liberal heads are exploding... He won't last long. The honeymoon is over for Sark. All that money only to be hated after 2-3 weeks.
Texas reminds me of Tennessee more and more everyday. When are we hiring a law firm to uncover Sark's rulebreaking so we can fire him with cause? I'm guessing after year 2.
I don’t think you can classify any position coach hire as a “disaster”Stoops would have been a disaster. Thankfully, it's not happening.
So did Sark decide against hiring Stoops or was it decided for him? Seems like it was decided for him. Not the hill Sark should want to die on, but not good if he doesn't even have control of his staff.
If the money people are vetoing position coaches we’ve got way bigger problems than who the LB coach is. I mean really.I'm $ure it wa$ explained to him by the AD office why hiring a $toops would not be in the be$t intere$t of the Univer$ity. Too many $$$ people would not like it.
I personally would always have the thought that we had a spy in the war room.
Torre Becton the new s&c coach with his new style velocity based training. Does anyone know how good he is or if this new philosophy will work? Just want some detail in it.
Didn't Stoops suck as a coach? Who cares who he voted for. Glad he's not here.
I have no doubt the man can coach. He just didn't do well as a head coach or as defensive coordinator.Didn't Stoops suck as a coach? Who cares who he voted for. Glad he's not here.
Hand is going to be oline coach at Carolina.
UNC Charlotte 49ers. Started football in like 2008.
I wouldn't argue that