Dream team staff for Sark.

This is too funny. Over at surl, there is a picture of mike stoops floating around with his maga hat on. Liberal heads are exploding... He won't last long. The honeymoon is over for Sark. All that money only to be hated after 2-3 weeks.

Texas reminds me of Tennessee more and more everyday. When are we hiring a law firm to uncover Sark's rulebreaking so we can fire him with cause? I'm guessing after year 2.

I find it so stupid that actors and musicians can bitch and moan about Trump for 4 years and turn off half the country and its ok, but God forbid someone show support for Trump and all the liberal children scream like a banshee demanding their cancelation.

Look. Robert DeNiro is massive tool with his Trump rhetoric but I still like his movies. The difference is liberals want to suck their thumb and have their blanky 24/7. You can't disagree on anything with them lest they cry and stamp their feet.
I find it fvcking mind numbing that because a guy wore a hat supporting a politician that the fvcking cry babies that didn't even contribute to the football team-- just paid their way as students, think they have the experience and paid the dues that allow then to pitch fits and act like children. You didn't bleed for this school. You didn't go under the knife. You didn't wake up early and stay up late sacrificing your body. You walked to class and went out. Your opinion on who should and shouldn't coach carries about as much weight as your shriveled nut sack.

This political bull sh!t is the same kind of bull sh!t that lead all those yappers out there to convince themselves that Charlie had what it took to lead this team.

They were wrong about Strong and they are wrong about Mike Stops.
According to sources, Jeff Choate - Montana State head coach to be Inside Linebackers coach & Co-defensive coordinator. Has worked with Pete K before.
So did Sark decide against hiring Stoops or was it decided for him? Seems like it was decided for him. Not the hill Sark should want to die on, but not good if he doesn't even have control of his staff.
So did Sark decide against hiring Stoops or was it decided for him? Seems like it was decided for him. Not the hill Sark should want to die on, but not good if he doesn't even have control of his staff.

Texas decided not to hire Stoops.
I'm $ure it wa$ explained to him by the AD office why hiring a $toops would not be in the be$t intere$t of the Univer$ity. Too many $$$ people would not like it.

I personally would always have the thought that we had a spy in the war room.
If the money people are vetoing position coaches we’ve got way bigger problems than who the LB coach is. I mean really.
Torre Becton the new s&c coach with his new style velocity based training. Does anyone know how good he is or if this new philosophy will work? Just want some detail in it.
Didn't Stoops suck as a coach? Who cares who he voted for. Glad he's not here.
I have no doubt the man can coach. He just didn't do well as a head coach or as defensive coordinator.
Velocity based training is based on the concept of speed strength from the Russian Literature. Bar speed is emphasized over the weight on the bar. If you have money you can put accelerometers on the bar or get some tendo units and really quantify velocity. I didn't have that at the D2 level so it was just eyeballing it. Its legit but just about everyone out there does some type of velocity based training in there program. Yancy McNight did plenty of speed strength type activities with the team. The biggest problem was Herman beat the s#!t out of the team with way too many tough physical practices.
I don't know if this will interest anybody but 4 of the remaining 8 coaches landed on their own 2 feet quickly.

Mike Yurcich got the oc job at PS less than 1 week after Herman's firing.

Same thing with Chris Ash he's going with Urban Meyer to Jacksonville.

Coleman Hutzler went to MS.

Jay Vilai went to Houston. In fact all 4 guys got another job less than a week after the firing. And they have good jobs. We had a good coaching staff but it wasn't meant to be.

I haven't seen anything about Oscar Giles yet and I can't remember the name of the other dl coach. But Oscar is a good coach and I hope be lands a good job soon.

I think Jay Boulware and Herb Hand have uncertain futures in coaching they were the first 2 to be let go.

I haven't seen anything about Yancy he's good at what he did but according to speedstrength TH ignored him. I hope he gets back on his feet soon.

You know I read a story once and RC Slocum said that when a hc gets fired that doesn't mean he has a bad coaching staff he said a lot of them just landed at a bad spot there's probably some truth in that. Most of those guys are good at what they do like I said it just wasn't meant to be.
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Lancaster head coach Chris Gilbert is expected to be the next Director of High School Relations at Texas. The longtime south Dallas coach is a pillar of the Texas High School Coaches Association and one of the most respected leaders in the state of Texas.

Sark is swinging for the fences, great hire! He is using all the resources right!