Every OU-SUCKS image and gif ever created

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When God completed making the Universe, he called his angels over to admire his Creation.

Pointing to the Earth as home to humanity, the pinnacle of his creation, he explained "What is really cool about my Creation," He said, "is that everything is in balance. For example, at the poles, it is extremely cold, so that it is always covered by ice, but that is offset by the tropics, where it is always hot and covered by plants. The oceans are full of water, but the deserts have almost no water. There are mountains that extend high into the atmosphere and ocean trenches that extend as deeply into the depths. It is all in balance."

"What is that beautiful place?" asks an angel, pointing to Texas.

"Ah," says God, "that is the peak of perfection in my Creation, a land for the best of mankind to develop and call home. I have peopled it with the hardest-working people and the most beautiful women on the planet and blessed it with abundant natural resources. It is truly the most blessed place on Earth."

"But what about the balance you spoke of?" asked a second angel.

"Oh, " said God, "let me show you Oklahoma."
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