I hope everybody's happy.

Gonna miss that Liver and Onions with gravy plate and my wife that Baked Fish Filet and all the good Veggies and salads,,,

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I had a big dislike for Luby's.The last time I ate there(maybe 35 years ago) I got roast beef, green beans and iced tea....and the bill was over $10.00I left the tray with the cashier and walked out. It was damned near as expensive as Ruth Criss.I am glad they are broke.
I always got the flat skinny steak dish with the melted cheese on top, do not know what it was called. This goes back to the 1970s when I was a kid. I remember waiting on the old people to get through the line, taking forever and ordering the carrot with raisins salad that grossed me out. I liked Lubys food for the most part but I was a starving kid so I just liked any kind of food.
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I personally liked Luby’s and was upset when they closed the one in San Marcos Texas a year or so ago.

on a side note, John Curtis, ex CEO of Luby’s used to go to my church and I grew up with 2 of his kids. Great family and to this day his death just blows me away. I’ve never met a kinder gentleman in my life.
It shattered his family
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ya'll will have to tell me about it....I will not go. I will stick to non chain Tex Mex places.
ya'll will have to tell me about it....I will not go. I will stick to non chain Tex Mex places.
You better watch out... if I was Pappas I would strike a deal with every major cruise line to have a Luby’s on board each ship. You know how many older folks are on those cruises
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Just buy your own Lubys, you could buy this one by the hospitals south for pennies and get all that Med crowd and Senior Living crowd, Lubys musta been mis managed before the Corono ...lotta money going there on this part of town...
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I gotta be honest, I don't do buffets, I can't remember the last time I ate at one. Oh wait, I do remember, I had brunch at Texas De Brazil. Hard to call a place that charges 40 bucks a plate a buffet, plus they gave us free hooch.
I gotta be honest, I don't do buffets, I can't remember the last time I ate at one. Oh wait, I do remember, I had brunch at Texas De Brazil. Hard to call a place that charges 40 bucks a plate a buffet, plus they gave us free hooch.
40 bucks for AYCE and free booze? Sign me the fvck up stat.
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