It rarely happens? Oh geez I'm heard it all now. Not to say y'all are a bunch of criminals but every team has their share of issues. It happens when dealing with 18,19 and 20 year olds. The difference between us? I don't obsess about it. Unless it involves me, a family member or a close friend then whatever decisions college coaches doesn't affect me in any way. It's college football, not my entire life. I've stated multiple times I would have been fine if they kicked Mixon off. I don't endorse what he did, however I realize there are two sides of every story. Im guessing looking back regardless of what she did or said, he probably wishes he just walked away. He didn't and paid and is still paying the consequences. Lost out playing his first year, gonna cost him $ in the draft status and more than anything his reputation. The thing I don't understand is why it controls other people so much? If excused some would talk about it 24/7 on here. To me that's weird.