Saw that this morning. Here's the rub- the rumor is that special VFR permission has been issued for years out of that area because the folks flying are usually super rich, and super famous, and the strict adhesion to the rules had become "lax" because the rich and famous were leaning on the powers that be to make exceptions for them because, well, they were rich and famous and couldn't be bothered to sit in traffic like the rest of us pleebs. So expect an investigation into this and expect to see a culture of "well they are rich and their pilots are good so we just started rubberstamping everything" for the rich folks so they wouldn't piss and moan at us. There will be some heads that roll over this.
Yeah that’s what I figured as well. Reminds me of the whole Aaliyah luggage fiasco that caused her death. These pilots need to say f you I’m not dying for you or any money.