Kobe Bryant dead....

Let's play this out.

9 folks on board.
3 in the Kobe party. Kobe, daughter, pilot.
3 in the baseball coach's party. Coach, wife daughter.
That leaves three unaccounted for.

Kobe owns the Sikorsky 76 helocraft. Kobe's estate will sue the maintenance company depending on the findings of the NTSB and FAA.
The coach's remaining family will sue the same maintenance company as well as the Bryant's estate.
The other party(s) of three could do the same.

I have yet to see evidence of what the possible causes of the crash could be. Weather? Trees? Power lines? Failed equipment? Loss of power?

Whatever the cause, impact with terra ferma was the result. A helocraft has to be operating properly on all three axes of rotation. Remove one axis and sh!t gets super hairy, really quick. As most of you dudes know, Bernoulli and his principles don't apply in this case which is why I fvcking hate riding in whirly birds.

It's a crappy situation all the way around. Nothing good will come of this. Someone get @GuaranteedFresh! In here to expound on the dangers of riding in helocraft. I'm sure some of you with your oil field jobs have done it in the past, and perhaps some have on sight seeing tours have as well. I've never had a problem in any one I've ever ridden in. Anybody have a near miss story?
Step 1 of your above scenario: “check”