LonghornMM is back in charge

Just damn....I don’t know FBH but as a professional observer of the human condition it was my observation that his three greatest pleasures in life were Stranger, Shiner and this board....now 2 out of 3 have been taken away from him...

If an internet message board is one of your greatest pleasures, you got issues.

Not you specifically, you know what I mean.
if you are gonna write about him at least spell his name correctly....Flour Bluff....
If you’re going to be ninny poop, can we call you Richard?
Look, we all write about each other here and use acronyms and abbreviations. There is no disrespect.
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Sorry about that Oldhorn. Caught me in the middle of the Texans trying to give that game away.
But I got my walking cane ready for a throw down!!:cool:
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I was referring to those that wrote Flowerbluff…..that aint ninnypoop...it is respect.
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