Mandalorian - Old Star Wars Fan Here Asking a ?

Also a question. Is the boba fett in mandalorian the same Fett in ROTJ?
yes and no. Same character but not same actor. The real Boba Fett actor just passed away a few days ago. The one in the Mandalorian is the same who the clones in the first 3 movies were modeled after and also played Jango Fett, Boba's father.
Don't forget Rebels. By season 2 it started to take off.
I see Rebels and Clone Wars right next to each other. Once you are done with BOTH they will rise a ranking or two. To me Clone Wars was awesome but Rebels really completes the story and some characters. I would say 7A and 7B. Clone wars makes Revenge of the Sith even better.
Need to watch Rebels. Assuming you didn’t leave it off by accident.
I would expect it to change...the last 3-4 episodes of CW are simply incredible. I'd put that 90 minutes or so right up at the very top of everything in SW.

I'm about halfway through Rebels now and it's also very good.
For me
1. ESB
2. Rogue 1
3. ROJ
4. Mandalorian
5. Solo
6. New Hope
7. Revenge of Sith
8. Clone wars
9. Force awakens
After that no thoughts.
the Clone wars and Rebels series would be up in the level of top 5 as a whole. Ashoka Tano is huge in my house.

another thought is, this order will be shuffled this time next year with the Fett series almost guaranteed.
I finished Clone Wars and Rebels over the holidays. The last two seasons of Cline Wars was much better. Definitely high quality stuff.

I didn't like Rebels. The show was geared way too much towards children for me. Also, I couldn't stand Ezra.

Updated list:
My order:
  1. Empire Strikes Back
  2. A New Hope
  3. Rogue One
  4. Return of the Jedi
  5. Second half of the 2nd season of the Mandalorian
  6. Second half of Clone Wars
  7. Revenge of the Sith
  8. Solo
  9. First 1.5 seasons of the Mandalorian
  10. First half of Clone Wars
  11. The Force Awakens
  12. Rebels
  13. Rise of Skywalker
  14. Attack of the Clones
  15. The Last Jedi
  16. A Phantom Menace
I'd rank the trilogies like this :
  1. Original
  2. Prequels
  3. Sequels]
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I grew up with the original Star Wars and my kids (now 24/28) collected all kinds of action figures and grew up with the newer SW movies. Personally, I have liked each of the last few movies less and less.

Now, I hear about this new series. Is it truly worth a commitment to watch it cause I really could not stand watching the last few Star Wars movies and it pains me to see where the franchise has gone?

What do you all like about it?

Good acting, good story, no cheesy characters or script, some good old sci fi battles, etc.? Is it original and creative?


Do it. It’s the best SW content since Rogue One. It’s got good characters and good story lines. It’s just good. And the episodes are in manageable bites but also very bingeable.

I won’t steer ya wrong. This is what SW should be going forward with Favreau and Filoni. Filoni should be given the keys to the franchise and a blank check.
I grew up with the original Star Wars and my kids (now 24/28) collected all kinds of action figures and grew up with the newer SW movies. Personally, I have liked each of the last few movies less and less.

Now, I hear about this new series. Is it truly worth a commitment to watch it cause I really could not stand watching the last few Star Wars movies and it pains me to see where the franchise has gone?

What do you all like about it?

Good acting, good story, no cheesy characters or script, some good old sci fi battles, etc.? Is it original and creative?

Best handling of the Star Wars Canon, EVER. The tie-ins to the entire catalog of Star Wars will help you understand things you never did before or even knew. Jon Favreau is the best thing to happen to Star Wars. 110% worth it and it's hooked Me and my 2 Sons (15 and 17) on the same show and I've gotten to see Star Wars affect them the same way it affected me at their age.
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I finished Clone Wars and Rebels over the holidays. The last two seasons of Cline Wars was much better. Definitely high quality stuff.

I didn't like Rebels. The show was geared way too much towards children for me. Also, I couldn't stand Ezra.

Updated list:
My order:
  1. Empire Strikes Back
  2. A New Hope
  3. Rogue One
  4. Return of the Jedi
  5. Second half of the 2nd season of the Mandalorian
  6. Second half of Clone Wars
  7. Revenge of the Sith
  8. Solo
  9. First 1.5 seasons of the Mandalorian
  10. First half of Clone Wars
  11. The Force Awakens
  12. Rebels
  13. Rise of Skywalker
  14. Attack of the Clones
  15. The Last Jedi
  16. A Phantom Menace
I'd rank the trilogies like this :
  1. Original
  2. Prequels
  3. Sequels]
The key thing to remember with Ezra is that you are watching the rearing of a force sensitive boy after the downfall of the Jedi Order. For thousands of years prior to this moment in history he would have spent his childhood on Coruscant being trained by the Jedi Order. It is to be expected that he is going to be an immature kid. By the end of Rebels he has matured significantly. When Ezra ultimately makes his return to the franchise he will be a mature adult Jedi.

Remember Luke Skywalker in A New Hope? He was a total jackass. That's Ezra Bridger in Rebels.