Men’s Hoops: Do you care?

The reluctance of these guards to throw the ball into the post baffles me. Some of the passes they are making are pointless.
If we can make one nice run we can break their confidence. An 8-0 or 10-0 run should do it. If we let them hang around until late in the 2nd half that’ll be dangerous. They’re playing with confidence and we need to break them.
Among other things to get pissed about, ACU has a season's worth of offensive rebounds in one f*cking half.

Man, I'm going to have to watch this one on DVR if it turns out the right way, I guess. Just can't hardly ever enjoy watching Shaka's teams play.
ACU is going to run out of gas. Their pace is not sustainable. Their best player went down with an injury right before half. They better have some subs the second half.
We’re not playing with enough toughness and grit. We need to drive the ball relentlessly to the basket. Our guards seem to be afraid of contact.