MM, I has a proposal...

No matter who came over here and ruffled feathers if you can’t talk smack back and forth without throwing a racial slur out you should probably take a break. I’m hispanic myself and I know FBH is an old bastard and more than likely I would’ve just fired one at him. But I don’t come on here and get frustrated and start using slurs. Gotta be smarter than that.
Yea, but they were claiming of how we all tolerate bigots or racism and talking crap about MM. They weren’t listening in how all these years, FB hasn’t ever said anything like that. I think we were all wondering where that came from as much as anybody.
Yea, but they were claiming of how we all tolerate bigots or racism and talking crap about MM. They weren’t listening in how all these years, FB hasn’t ever said anything like that. I think we were all wondering where that came from as much as anybody.

I didn’t see the post and still can’t figure out what made him post that but if he did he’s wrong.
No matter who came over here and ruffled feathers if you can’t talk smack back and forth without throwing a racial slur out you should probably take a break. I’m hispanic myself and I know FBH is an old bastard and more than likely I would’ve just fired one at him. But I don’t come on here and get frustrated and start using slurs. Gotta be smarter than that.
No one who came over here from the pay board meant any harm to anyone here. And the sort of stuff that was posted here by us 9.95ers was pretty much exactly what and how we post on the pay board

We usually go back and forth at one another pretty hard over there and sometimes it can get pretty ugly, but at the end of the day we hug it out and move on to the next crisis befalling Longhorns sports. But racist slurs are not tolerated by mods or other posters. That shit will usually get the offending poster a permaban.
I didn’t see the post and still can’t figure out what made him post that but if he did he’s wrong.
The dude solman didn’t do anything wrong. I think FB got stirred up with them coming on here like they did. FB was wrong and just chose the wrong way to express.
No one who came over here from the pay board meant any harm to anyone here. And the sort of stuff that was posted here by us 9.95ers was pretty much exactly what and how we post on the pay board

We usually go back and forth at one another pretty hard over there and sometimes it can get pretty ugly, but at the end of the day we hug it out and move on to the next crisis befalling Longhorns sports. But racist slurs are not tolerated by mods or other posters. That shit will usually get the offending poster a permaban.

I agree with everything but a permaban...especially when Ketch got a second chance for a dumbass, racist tweet.
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Look, let's not forget it's December, it should be a time of love and forgiveness, perhaps we should all just come together for a group hug?........or we can just go ahead and kill each other....I don't really have a preference
Look, let's not forget it's December, it should be a time of love and forgiveness, perhaps we should all just come together for a group hug?........or we can just go ahead and kill each other....I don't really have a preference
Like a lemon party type group hug?
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Well he ain't gone for banning someone for saying Herman is a fraud.

It's no secret this board is conservative. You get some pretty salty messages when you go against the grain.

And lawrd halp you if you fire back on them.
Yeah Mm had it coming. I did agree with him on some things, but he could never handle opposing viewpoints or a critique of his beloved north shore team.
I have to say that I am impressed with @weevilcatch ’s smartassery. I guess he hasn’t had to dig deep into that talent with us freeloading free boarders.

lol, when I said these heathens were bringing a bit of nostalgia I meant it...=)roll

back in the day (again sorry for the anecdotal post) there were a few of us on the pay board that would go to other sites and stir shit up. I was banned from the sites of USC, OU, Georgia, Ohio State, Auburn, and a few others.

If you take message board banter serious, you should probably log off
No one who came over here from the pay board meant any harm to anyone here. And the sort of stuff that was posted here by us 9.95ers was pretty much exactly what and how we post on the pay board

We usually go back and forth at one another pretty hard over there and sometimes it can get pretty ugly, but at the end of the day we hug it out and move on to the next crisis befalling Longhorns sports. But racist slurs are not tolerated by mods or other posters. That shit will usually get the offending poster a permaban.

I’m all for talking smack. People get riled up say stupid stuff here as well. I think how the trolling came about caught the locals off guard. Being that this is a free-loading board we used to get a ton of trolls. It’s fun fighting them and all but we don’t usually get trolled by our fellow Horns. It is what it is.
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I’m all for talking smack. People get riled up say stupid stuff here as well. I think how the trolling came about caught the locals off guard. Being that this is a free-loading board we used to get a ton of trolls. It’s fun fighting them and all but we don’t usually get trolled by our fellow Horns. It is what it is.

I think everyone was off their game since we haven't had trolls in a long time. That's what happens when you suck...nobody cares.
Equating Ole Miss students/staff as segregationist.
Ah, yes, the infamous, "Ole Miss hasn't been this despondent since..." tweet. Remember it well, but I'm not sure I would call that a racist tweet. Race baiting, sure. Ketch is well-known for that on the pay board. Lol.
I’m all for talking smack. People get riled up say stupid stuff here as well. I think how the trolling came about caught the locals off guard. Being that this is a free-loading board we used to get a ton of trolls. It’s fun fighting them and all but we don’t usually get trolled by our fellow Horns. It is what it is.
Ya I think this as well. Plus, add in the fact that FB doesn't waste his energy coming up with the latest internet chat board meme material so he can keyboard pound someone for faux ego driven reasons. Dude just waned to listen to Willie Nelson, drink shiner bock, pet that raggedy dog, fish and tell Viet Cong stories. If he said something inappropriate then it is what it is. But I don't recall anyone going ape sh!t or even batting an eye when he referred to "gooks" that tried to kill him in Nam. Oh well.
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Ah, yes, the infamous, "Ole Miss hasn't been this despondent since..." tweet. Remember it well, but I'm not sure I would call that a racist tweet. Race baiting, sure. Ketch is well-known for that on the pay board. Lol.

I mean call it what you will, it was a dumbass tweet #1...racist/race baiting #2.

The permaban on offense 1 seems a bit much, but whatever.
Ah, yes, the infamous, "Ole Miss hasn't been this despondent since..." tweet. Remember it well, but I'm not sure I would call that a racist tweet. Race baiting, sure. Ketch is well-known for that on the pay board. Lol.
That's what happens on the internet when you try and get cute for clicks. Ketch knows he stepped on his dick but there's no reason for people to keep pounding him over the head with it forever. People say dumb sh!t some times. Doesn't make them a dumb sh!t. Some of the smartest people I've ever known have said some dumb sh!t on occasion. We live in a social media gotcha society where the purveyors of all that is socially acceptable take delight in bashing certain people because they said something stupid. Everybody has to have a hobby.
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That's what happens on the internet when you try and get cute for clicks. Ketch knows he stepped on his dick but there's no reason for people to keep pounding him over the head with it forever. People say dumb sh!t some times. Doesn't make them a dumb sh!t. Some of the smartest people I've ever known have said some dumb sh!t on occasion. We live in a social media gotcha society where the purveyors of all that is socially acceptable take delight in bashing certain people because they said something stupid. Everybody has to have a hobby.

Who is beating Ketch about that still? I only brought it up because FB gets a (supposed) permaban and I disagree with that.
After doing a little reading across several forums I think things were handled poorly. Is FB Horn a racist. I don't know the man outside of this board but I don't recall reading anything that I would consider racist from his past post and I have been post here on and off since 2007. Did he use respond to a troll post with an egregious lack of judgement? I would say yes. I didn't have access to the thread but my interpretation is that he was responding to a troll poster with an insult and just when somewhere he had not business going. Does he deserve a lifetime ban. Based on his posting history I would say no. He should be allowed back after a suspension and an apology with zero tolerance for language like that in the future.
why piss and moan?....I say welcome new blood!...say...can ya'll help us poor non payers out?.....fellow horns and all....we on the free board are STARVING for any real info on the new coaches.....or the old ones for that matter....recruiting, etc...anything ya'll would care to share with your poor relations?
why piss and moan?....I say welcome new blood!...say...can ya'll help us poor non payers out?.....fellow horns and all....we on the free board are STARVING for any real info on the new coaches.....or the old ones for that matter....recruiting, etc...anything ya'll would care to share with your poor relations?
No one knows a damned thing. And that's Level 1 insider info.
Who is beating Ketch about that still? I only brought it up because FB gets a (supposed) permaban and I disagree with that.
And I'm agreeing with you. Nobody is beating ketch over the head anymore nor should they. He said something stupid, took his lumps and moved on. FB said something stupid, is taking his lumps, but should be allowed to come back and move on. How MM got caught up in all this is what I'm trying to figure out. Did he defend FB in an inappropriate way? Did he think this guys were sooner trash and just jumped to the defense of a fellow long time poster before he had all the facts? There's some moving parts here, it seems, and they need some context.
Ya I missed it as well. One day we are all talking about Utah and the Alamo bowl and FB's daily fishing report from the coast, and the next thing you know it's raining 9.95ers.
LOL. The $9.95 label is hilarious. Its almost like you are celebrating that you are too poor to pay for the pay site.
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And I'm agreeing with you. Nobody is beating ketch over the head anymore nor should they. He said something stupid, took his lumps and moved on. FB said something stupid, is taking his lumps, but should be allowed to come back and move on. How MM got caught up in all this is what I'm trying to figure out. Did he defend FB in an inappropriate way? Did he think this guys were sooner trash and just jumped to the defense of a fellow long time poster before he had all the facts? There's some moving parts here, it seems, and they need some context.
MM was just a little late in getting involved. That is it. He didn't defend FB in the least. Those dudes move fast and had what seemed like 20 posts in less than a minute.