MM, I has a proposal...

No one knows a damned thing. And that's Level 1 insider info.

Wapiti.....thanks....the only word I get is that Ash is damned likely the DC pick and a done deal....many are saying that Harrell is signed as the OC....but as you so rightly one knows a damned thing.

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And I'm agreeing with you. Nobody is beating ketch over the head anymore nor should they. He said something stupid, took his lumps and moved on. FB said something stupid, is taking his lumps, but should be allowed to come back and move on. How MM got caught up in all this is what I'm trying to figure out. Did he defend FB in an inappropriate way? Did he think this guys were sooner trash and just jumped to the defense of a fellow long time poster before he had all the facts? There's some moving parts here, it seems, and they need some context.

yeah, totally missed that haha. Apologies
Wapiti.....thanks....the only word I get is that Ash is damned likely the DC pick and a done deal....many are saying that Harrell is signed as the OC....but as you so rightly one knows a damned thing.


If I were to lay the $$ down I’d say Ash is a for sure. OC? No freaking clue but I’m not holding my breath on GH coming here.
Wapiti.....thanks....the only word I get is that Ash is damned likely the DC pick and a done deal....many are saying that Harrell is signed as the OC....but as you so rightly one knows a damned thing.

That's pretty much what I've heard. Guess well see.
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Ya I think this as well. Plus, add in the fact that FB doesn't waste his energy coming up with the latest internet chat board meme material so he can keyboard pound someone for faux ego driven reasons. Dude just waned to listen to Willie Nelson, drink shiner bock, pet that raggedy dog, fish and tell Viet Cong stories. If he said something inappropriate then it is what it is. But I don't recall anyone going ape sh!t or even batting an eye when he referred to "gooks" that tried to kill him in Nam. Oh well.

Don't forget this war veteran also had it bad coming back from nam being called baby killer.
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When did we remove the 1st Amendment from the Constitution?
Gentlemen I think something to remember here is that I would be willing to bet that the interim Mod is keeping a list and checking it twice to see who is being naughty or nice:D
I most have gotten to the now banned thread early on. FBH started some whacky thread dissing Herman in some nonsensical way and the first response was from one of our new friends calling him racist. I replied that FBH was being crazy but I have never seen anything racist from here in the several years sharing this board with him. Perhaps some of the paysite guys have some remote history with him. Unfortunately, he proved them right with his comments.
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I most have gotten to the now banned thread early on. FBH started some whacky thread dissing Herman in some nonsensical way and the first response was from one of our new friends calling him racist. I replied that FBH was being crazy but I have never seen anything racist from here in the several years sharing this board with him. Perhaps some of the paysite guys have some remote history with him. Unfortunately, he proved them right with his comments.
Yeah, that's not it at all. He called a pay board poster a wetb@ck. Twice. Refused to apologize when asked to d ok so.
Yeah, that's not it at all. He called a pay board poster a wetb@ck. Twice. Refused to apologize when asked to d ok so.
But why was he being called a racist 1 post into the thread? I was the third person to post and the 2nd poster was from the pay site calling him racist. He has never been racist before on here so I am legitimately curious if there is some history there.
what are you referencing? Yes you can say racial slurs at will but there’s repercussions. Freedom of speech til you get punched in the face.

What I'm referencing is that an old man got run from this board permanently for something he typed on a screen.

An old man that was force by this country to crawl around a jungle on the other side of the world, without getting killed. I guess I weigh his sacrifice against the victimless autrocity he committed and think that the punishment doesn't fit the crime.

Are you aware that US Military personnel voluntarily surrender their civil liberties to protect ours? They relinquish the very rights that allow posters on this board to fein outrage over letters on a screen.
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What I'm referencing is that an old man got run from this board permanently for something he typed on a screen.

An old man that was force by this country to crawl around a jungle on the other side of the world, without getting killed. I guess I weigh his sacrifice against the victimless autrocity he committed and think that the punishment doesn't fit the crime.

Are you aware that US Military personnel voluntarily surrender their civil liberties to protect ours? They relinquish the very rights that allow posters on this board to fein outrage over letters on a screen.

Right so I guess my grandfather that is hispanic that fought in Vietnam as well then came back was called spic and wetback don’t matter because some old white man fought? Got it! Look I don’t care if he’s permaban or comes back. Someone asked him to apologize and he didn’t because of pride or maybe he’s racist I don’t know. But don’t throw that he fought for this country at me. My cousin died in Vietnam and he’s on that damn wall. My grandfather fought for this country in the same war and was still considered a spic when he came back.
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Right so I guess my grandfather that is hispanic that fought in Vietnam as well then came back was called spic and wetback don’t matter because some old white man fought as well? Got it! Look I don’t care if he’s permaban or comes back. Someone asked him to apologize and he didn’t because of pride or maybe he’s racist I don’t know. But don’t throw that he fought for this country at me. My cousin died in Vietnam and he’s on that damn wall. My grandfather fought for this country in the same war and was still considered a spic when he came back.

First off, I would like to thank your father and your cousin for their sacrifice. I would also like to thank them for fighting to preserve the very freedoms that you evidently want to take away from others.

I work with 115 13 and 14 year olds every day and approximately 90% of those kids are Hispanic. Did you know that anywhere from 10 - 15 of those kids think that it is perfectly acceptable to use the N-word? They say it all the time. You have to remind them over and over again. Hell, I got a call from an upset parent once because a Hispanic kid said his black son looked like a monkey. His son didn't get upset. I had to explain to the hispanic kid why it was offensive.

Do you think we booted the kid out of school because he said it?

The point is that freedom of speech means that someone is going to eventually say something that is offensive to someone else. I promise you that everyone that has ever posted on this board has said something that could be interpreted as racially insensitive to others. That doesn't warrant permanent removal from an internet message board.
Well calling someone a wetback and saying someone looks like a wetback is probably going to get you banned on a free sports message board, that’s kind of common sense. It’s not like he’s losing his social security benefits here and I’m sure he could always sign up under a different username on a different device as many others do all the time.

The only issue I see here is applying the rules fair and square. You gotta admit there were quite a few rules broken in that thread that under ordinary circumstances would probably result in bans as well.
So the best thing to do is probably move on and let things work themselves out.
First off, I would like to thank your father and your cousin for their sacrifice. I would also like to thank them for fighting to preserve the very freedoms that you evidently want to take away from others.

I work with 115 13 and 14 year olds every day and approximately 90% of those kids are Hispanic. Did you know that anywhere from 10 - 15 of those kids think that it is perfectly acceptable to use the N-word? They say it all the time. You have to remind them over and over again. Hell, I got a call from an upset parent once because a Hispanic kid said his black son looked like a monkey. His son didn't get upset. I had to explain to the hispanic kid why it was offensive.

Do you think we booted the kid out of school because he said it?

The point is that freedom of speech means that someone is going to eventually say something that is offensive to someone else. I promise you that everyone that has ever posted on this board has said something that could be interpreted as racially insensitive to others. That doesn't warrant permanent removal from an internet message board.

I grew up in Greenspoint went to Aldine I know exactly how hispanics use the word. I hate it because it’s not our word to use. But the “hood” culture is part if that problem. They’re not using the word in a negative manner although to me it’s stupid. With that said my point to you was people fought for this country for all types if reasons maybe it was to not come back home to be called a spic, wetback or dirty Mexican. Again I don’t care if FBH comes back or doesn’t that’s up to the MOD.
Yeah, that's not it at all. He called a pay board poster a wetb@ck. Twice. Refused to apologize when asked to d ok so.

You can't be serious. Did you get your panties in a wad over being called a name? What a pussy, lol. How do you survive in public?
Just for the record, I’m white and a while back I jokingly made a comment on here about not really liking slow honky football players or some such. To me taking a jab at myself Or the same race would be okay or so I thought. Well, none other than FBHorn got all up in arms about. I guess he didn’t know I was white but he did kind of chide me about it.

Anyway, I believe FBHorn is a good person but he did go off the deep end the other day and I’m sure he’d be the first to admit it now that things have cooled down.
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Being weak and vulnerable is the new norm of society.

Maybe some of these weaklings need to check what they have between their legs or need to go to a low T center and get checked if the estrogen levels are to high.
Wapiti.....thanks....the only word I get is that Ash is damned likely the DC pick and a done deal....many are saying that Harrell is signed as the OC....but as you so rightly one knows a damned thing.

Ash is holding off to see if a return to OSU is an option. It looks like a possibility at this point. In the end, which school will he choose. Big win IMO if Texas lands him.
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