Murder on Austin UT campus

I absolutely am more of an authority on it than the Mayo Clinic. Call me foolish all you want. I've experienced HORRIBLE tap water before. Flash your degree all you want. It won't change anything. I'll take my personal experience over your degree and the Mayo Clinic. You are attempting to take a stance that all tap water is the same. It clearly is there's that. Not sure why you are getting all spun up over this anyways. Once little comment about water used in a jokingly manner with Scholz and you've gone on a rant here. I guess you are all serious about your Biochem degree or something.

"them scientists can't tell me what only God can know" - belleh raey
Sarcasm. I honestly don't know who I fully support and it really doesn't matter at this point. The system is corrupt and whichever candidate the establishment wants as the nominee will be their choice it appears.
Sadly, I feel myself coming to this conclusion in every Presidential race these days. I have no clue whether Trump would be a complete disaster or not as a President. But watching the GOP establishment lose their minds over what is happening right now I must admit has given me alot of happiness. I can't stand the establishment on either side.
Sadly, I feel myself coming to this conclusion in every Presidential race these days. I have no clue whether Trump would be a complete disaster or not as a President. But watching the GOP establishment lose their minds over what is happening right now I must admit has given me alot of happiness. I can't stand the establishment on either side.
I should clarify I'm definitely on the conservative side I just meant that it appears that there is a great possibility that neither of the republican front runners will get the nomination. I'm not saying either one are all that great but damn, for the head of the GOP to not be able to say that the GOP will go with one of the front runners in the event of a contested convention troubles me. The process is a farce. When does football start? Damn
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The reason people dont vote in this country is that they know with certainty that their vote doesnt matter. It counts....they all count, but it doesnt matter because whoever wins it will be the same....concervitive W. Bush grows the govt bigger than liberal Clinton did.

We might need a revolution to get back on track.

and P.S.....I am what I used to think is extremely concervitive,
Until the party system is scrapped it may be this way. The candidates need to run on what they believe on the issues instead of what the party tells them to believe. So what happens is the candidate has to swallow crap to get the money from the party that is closer to what they truly believe than to run without money which is impossible. Then you have to vote for a party really instead of a candidate. All the while people don't seem to understand there are republicans closer to the democrats than to other republicans and democrats closer to republicans than other democrats on the issues they care about. But they vote party which crushes their hopes of change.
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The reason people dont vote in this country is that they know with certainty that their vote doesnt matter. It counts....they all count, but it doesnt matter because whoever wins it will be the same....concervitive W. Bush grows the govt bigger than liberal Clinton did.

We might need a revolution to get back on track.

and P.S.....I am what I used to think is extremely concervitive,

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots & tyrants. It is it’s natural manure.
-Thomas Jefferson


Hook 'em