Murder on Austin UT campus

I am continually blown away by the lack of maturity shown by people on all message boards or comment sections. It doesn't matter what board or what the topic is, people always resort to name calling and discrediting the intelligence of other posters. I really wish message boards for specific topics such "Longhorn Sports" could be civilized, but that is asking way too much from all involved. I really believe that is the #1 thing that is wrong with our country. We as Americans, can no longer have differing opinions from others without someone thinking we are personally attacking them. We can no longer have a rational discussion on any topic, whether it be politics, religion, tax code, or sports, without resorting to name calling and personal attacks. Regardless of "who started it" (by the way I'm teaching my toddler that this excuse doesn't work and she has a pretty good handle on it at 2) I really wish someone could be the adult and refrain from taking the bait. I know that I have lost my cool at least a couple of times on a message board and it is embarrassing, but the level of embarrassment that I have for our entire population after reading this thread and others similar to it is simply astounding.
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To oldschool: That's fine. I disagree with all of that. Conservative economic principles have been shown to be a complete scam for the rich and working class whites are continually tricked into voting with the Koch brothers of the country against their own self interests by stoking their racial hatred.
To oldschool: That's fine. I disagree with all of that. Conservative economic principles have been shown to be a complete scam for the rich and working class whites are continually tricked into voting with the Koch brothers of the country against their own self interests by stoking their racial hatred.
Agree, except for the racism part. But where you and I diverge is that I think both parties are guilty of the same. The Wall Street Money isn't just invested on the right....and the current admin has done NOTHING to stop the feeding at the trough.

And "working class" is Marxist speak. I don't subscribe. And what would their own self interests be? To be supported by the government? Raised taxes?

Unfortunately the progressives have done a great job in convincing Americans that there are two static classes of people, the rich, and the not rich. The not rich need your help, and the rich need to pay for it. Every problem that exists has a singular solution of taking more money from earners. (global warming, poverty, etc.)
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Saying there's the rich and the not rich as if they're two equal groups is really a misnomer. There's the top 1% and everyone else. The top 50 people in this country have as much wealth as the bottom 150 million. And deluded and racist white people in the bottom 99% keep voting against themselves.

You really deny the republican Southern Strategy of getting whites in the South to vote for them since George Wallace and Richard Nixon?

Reagan officially kicked off his campaign in Philadelphia, Mississippi, in Neshoba County, at a fairgrounds used as a meeting place by the KKK and other racist groups. This was also the part of the state where, in 1964, civil rights workers Andrew Goodman, Michael Schwerner and James Chaney were killed, about which Reagan said nothing.

Reagan was also talking about "states rights" and "welfare queens" (those are racist dog whistles, fyi)? H.W. Bush and his Willie Horton ad? Pat Buchanan saying Spanish was the "language of the ghetto"? Mitt Romney saying Mexicans should "deport themselves"? Anti-every immigrant? And don't even get me started on Trump. He's made this racist whisper campaign a full throated roar.
So what would the 99% voting democrat change? Are you saying the democrats do not implement policies that keep the status quo? The rich have made out like bandits under Obama. And the people he claims to represent have not seen any of the promises he offered. And before you blame the Republican congress, he is not afraid of executive orders. He can't get support within his own ranks.

And deporting people who are streaming over the border and demanding benefits is not an issue of race. It's an issue of economics, and right/wrong.

And I was 9 when Reagan ran for President. I wasn't around for Nixon/Wallace, nor the era of the Klan.
Democratic policies benefit middle and working class people. Labor unions. Which were strong when this country had a strong middle class which was the envy of the world. Now after Reagan? Not so much.

Yes, the wealth inequality gap is still widening because of republican leadership in Congress. Because of Citizens United and gerrymandering and voter suppression on their part. republicans cheat to stay in power. Democrats controlling Congress would shift the power from the billionaire class.
So what would the 99% voting democrat change? Are you saying the democrats do not implement policies that keep the status quo? The rich have made out like bandits under Obama. And the people he claims to represent have not seen any of the promises he offered. And before you blame the Republican congress, he is not afraid of executive orders. He can't get support within his own ranks.
Pretty much this. Those whom tout one political party as being better than the other, are literally worse than the opposite political party they are attempting to degrade. Both parties treat the population like a bunch of sheep.
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And I was 9 when Reagan ran for President.
So? He's the republican hero and set the agenda for modern republican policies. Which have destroyed the middle class in this country over the past 35 years.

Find me a billionaire that isn't a democrat. Other than the Kochs.
Sorry but it's ridiculous statements like this that make political discussions impossible. You're welcome to your own opinion, not your own set of facts.

This took me all of 3 seconds:
Sorry but it's ridiculous statements like this that make political discussions impossible. You're welcome to your own opinion, not your own set of facts.

Okay....I was wrong. It's split almost 50/50. (Like I said before....both parties)

From the Politico:

"The 100 biggest donors of 2014 gave nearly $174 million to Democrats, compared to more than $140 million to Republicans, according to a POLITICO analysis of reports filed with the Federal Election Commission and Internal Revenue Service. " letter......the horror!!!!! LOLOL :D:eek::D:eek:
Okay....I was wrong. It's split almost 50/50. (Like I said before....both parties)

From the Politico:

"The 100 biggest donors of 2014 gave nearly $174 million to Democrats, compared to more than $140 million to Republicans, according to a POLITICO analysis of reports filed with the Federal Election Commission and Internal Revenue Service. "
Compare donation levels and acceptance of progressive tax policies on the two sides. There's a marked difference.
Oh and btw...nice focus on one letter, and deciding to tap out from the reality of the rest of the post. Not surprising though.
Just pointing out you don't know how to speak English. Again.

Not knowing who/whom is not one letter. It's ignorance of the language. You probably have trouble with their/they're/there too.
Just pointing out you don't know how to speak English. Again.

Not knowing who/whom is not one letter. It's ignorance of the language. You probably have trouble with their/they're/there too.
Yup...clearly a one letter typo is akin to a complete inability to speak a language. I'll go ahead and hold you in the same regard concerning your little flab over in the other thread. Don't be a hypocrite Scholz. Actually I feel pretty good with my one letter typo compared to you completely butchering entire sentence structure. :p:p:D:D
Well, considering none of the billionaires are affected by progressive tax policies, I wouldn't put much into their opinions. The progressive tax system hurts middle income people. NOT THE RICH..!!!!!

From the uber conservative Huffington Post:

"Despite making more than a billion dollars, some of the nation’s super rich manage to pay an extremely low tax rate.

The top
400 earners in the U.S. paid an average tax rate of 18 percent, according to a Bloomberg TV report noticed by Think Progress. And though that’s a far lower rate than the 26.5 percent that many families making less than $100,000 pay annually in taxes, some of America’s super-rich have been able to whittle their tax bill down even more, paying a tax rate as low as one percent, according to Bloomberg.

How? Many of the super rich take advantage of a variety of tax loopholes to lower their tax burden. For some of America’s rich, most of their wealth comes from stock appreciation, according to Bloomberg, which some billionaires don’t end up defining as taxable income."
Oh and btw...nice focus on one letter, and deciding to tap out from the reality of the rest of the post. Not surprising though.
If Scholz bothers you so much maybe you should stop following him on here from thread to thread just to argue?
Well, considering none of the billionaires are affected by progressive tax policies, I wouldn't put much into their opinions. The progressive tax system hurts middle income people. NOT THE RICH..!!!!!

From the uber conservative Huffington Post:

"Despite making more than a billion dollars, some of the nation’s super rich manage to pay an extremely low tax rate.

The top
400 earners in the U.S. paid an average tax rate of 18 percent, according to a Bloomberg TV report noticed by Think Progress. And though that’s a far lower rate than the 26.5 percent that many families making less than $100,000 pay annually in taxes, some of America’s super-rich have been able to whittle their tax bill down even more, paying a tax rate as low as one percent, according to Bloomberg.

How? Many of the super rich take advantage of a variety of tax loopholes to lower their tax burden. For some of America’s rich, most of their wealth comes from stock appreciation, according to Bloomberg, which some billionaires don’t end up defining as taxable income."
I think you just made Scholz's point. They SHOULD be affected by progressive taxes like everyone else. Don't you agree?
Some people need to look at the tax people paid up until President Reagan came into office and compare them from Reagan to Obama. Huge difference at the top.
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If Scholz bothers you so much maybe you should stop following him on here from thread to thread just to argue?
My response was to oldschoolcat's post in regards to my opinion on both political parties in today's age....NOT to Scholz. Scholz is the one who apparently wanted to begin an English language debate.
My response was to oldschoolcat's post in regards to my opinion on both political parties in today's age....NOT to Scholz. Scholz is the one who apparently wanted to begin an English language debate.
Let. It. Go. You are just arguing to argue. Adding nothing to the discussion. Quit. 1 or 2 replies is one thing....10 or 15 about the same thing "I know you are but what am I" gets old.
I think you just made Scholz's point. They SHOULD be affected by progressive taxes like everyone else. Don't you agree?
Yes. 100%. But that's not on the table....ever. The only thing is to raise marginal INCOME tax rates. By design. The rich can work around that because they don't take income in a paycheck. And so who gets soaked? The teacher and engineer making $150K collectively.

This is totally ignoring the fact that there isn't an income problem in the Country. Revenues to the Treasury set records every year....but then so does spending. If we were running a family budget we would be broke.

The problem isn't money. The problem is that buying votes with taxpayer dollars really doesn't help anyone's lot in life. Other than the politicians.

Term Limits.
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We're gonna make America great again Scholz. And for you derogatory comments, that wall just got 10' higher:D
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Yes. 100%. But that's not on the table....ever. The only thing is to raise marginal INCOME tax rates. By design. The rich can work around that because they don't take income in a paycheck. And so who gets soaked? The teacher and engineer making $150K collectively.

This is totally ignoring the fact that there isn't an income problem in the Country. Revenues to the Treasury set records every year....but then so does spending. If we were running a family budget we would be broke.

The problem isn't money. The problem is that buying votes with taxpayer dollars really doesn't help anyone's lot in life. Other than the politicians.

Term Limits.
I understand where you are coming from. The fact is the TOP people at one time paid a progressive tax and it was taken out of the tax code...why couldn't it be put back in? Special interests?
I absolutely am more of an authority on it than the Mayo Clinic. Call me foolish all you want. I've experienced HORRIBLE tap water before. Flash your degree all you want. It won't change anything. I'll take my personal experience over your degree and the Mayo Clinic. You are attempting to take a stance that all tap water is the same. It clearly is there's that. Not sure why you are getting all spun up over this anyways. Once little comment about water used in a jokingly manner with Scholz and you've gone on a rant here. I guess you are all serious about your Biochem degree or something.

"i choose not to believe in those facts" - belleh raey