NCAA yanks title games from North Carolina

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Minding your own business and letting people go to the bathroom where they identify and feel most comfortable is a huge burden and time drain is it?

My wife feels uncomfortable allowing men to use the same public restroom. I bet the majority of women feel the same way as her. Does it not matter that they be comfortable? are they not allowed to use the restroom in comfort? (Don't kid yourself, there are perverts out there who will take advantage of this.) I understand why the transgender community is complaining, but everyone's feelings should be taken into account and not just theirs. I say have a vote on this issue alone, at the State level, and let the each State pick how they want to deal with it.

To stay on subject, the NCAA definitely needs to focus on other issues than this. Not sure why they feel the need to take a stance one way or the other.
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My wife feels uncomfortable allowing men to use the same public restroom. I bet the majority of women feel the same way as her. Does it not matter that they be comfortable? are they not allowed to use the restroom in comfort? (Don't kid yourself, there are perverts out there who will take advantage of this.) I understand why the transgender community is complaining, but everyone's feelings should be taken into account and not just theirs. I say have a vote on this issue alone, at the State level, and let the each State pick how they want to deal with it.

To stay on subject, the NCAA definitely needs to focus on other issues than this. Not sure why they feel the need to take a stance one way or the other.
States are allowed to vote in these restrictions all they want now. They've just seen that there are real world economic consequences to their actions. NC has lost a lot of money due to it. It's called the power of the wallet.
Sure, when they are really young you just bring them into the men's room. But at some point they are too old for that, but still too young to be alone with some random guy. I stand by the ladies room door, sure mall security has assumed I am a pervert. If you have raised daughters I can not believe you have not been in this spot, Mom isn't always there.
All parents aren't that great. Society needs to protect them as much as possible.
I have a boy and a girl so yes I have been in this spot. I normally would tell her to walk in and tell me who is in there before I let her go in to use it...then I stood right by the door and gave her instructions to scream out if anyone came near her (if someone was even in there) and you skipped over the part where I said bad people do not have to be trans or gay. Bad people are bad no matter some stupid bathroom law. Parents need to be responsible for their children.

Something that sticks out to me is a lot of people who call themselves conservative are asking society to raise their kids (making laws to take the place of a parent) and they hold no responsibility themselves.....
I have a boy and a girl so yes I have been in this spot. I normally would tell her to walk in and tell me who is in there before I let her go in to use it...then I stood right by the door and gave her instructions to scream out if anyone came near her (if someone was even in there) and you skipped over the part where I said bad people do not have to be trans or gay. Bad people are bad no matter some stupid bathroom law. Parents need to be responsible for their children.

Something that sticks out to me is a lot of people who call themselves conservative are asking society to raise their kids (making laws to take the place of a parent) and they hold no responsibility themselves.....
There are evil straight, gay, and whatever else men. I don't want any of them alone with my girls.
I don't believe child molesters are gay or straight in a normal sense, but I assume they have a preference.
I am not asking society to raise my children. I only ask that society not stack the deck against my efforts to keep them safe. Common sense ain't that common anymore in our society. A good parent should do everything in their power to do whatever they can to increase the likelihood of their child being happy, healthy, and safe.
We should pick something less important than our children to show how wonderfully PC we are.
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Agree 100%. This entire issue can be easily resolved but the nut jobs on the left don't want to even discuss a perfectly rational solution. A single unisex private bath that anyone can use just makes too much sense.
Gonna be hard on sports venues, movie theater, etc, etc.
It's funny what people consider common sense. Letting people pee in peace when there was zero problem before seems pretty common sense to me. But go ahead and let social conservatives easily manipulate you into thinking there's a grave threat to your wives and children and only they can protect them. That's what they do before elections. Remember the ebola scare? That was before the last one.
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I do find it slightly ironical that the NCAA has "mens" and "womens" sports, but in the same breath expects to not have men's and women's bathrooms. As I stated, as long as you don't pee on my shoe, I don't care what your plumbing looks like-----
I have a boy and a girl so yes I have been in this spot. I normally would tell her to walk in and tell me who is in there before I let her go in to use it...then I stood right by the door and gave her instructions to scream out if anyone came near her (if someone was even in there) and you skipped over the part where I said bad people do not have to be trans or gay. Bad people are bad no matter some stupid bathroom law. Parents need to be responsible for their children.

Something that sticks out to me is a lot of people who call themselves conservative are asking society to raise their kids (making laws to take the place of a parent) and they hold no responsibility themselves.....
It's funny what people consider common sense. Letting people pee in peace when there was zero problem before seems pretty common sense to me. But go ahead and let social conservatives easily manipulate you into thinking there's a grave threat to your wives and children and only they can protect them. That's what they do before elections. Remember the ebola scare? That was before the last one.
In fairness, the ebola scare was perpetuated by the left.
In fairness, the ebola scare was perpetuated by the left.
Yeah, that's not true. Republicans were selling fear and anxiety in that case per usual.

Republicans, who have long cast doubts on the Obama administration's competence, began questioning federal preparedness for the possible spread of Ebola at an early stage. After the first reported case of Ebola in the United States by a Liberian visitor, a Senate candidate in North Carolina, Thom Tillis, became one of the first Republicans to suggest banning travel to the United States from West African nations dealing with the outbreak. Others quickly followed, often accompanied by calls for Democratic opponents to join them.

Republicans are criticizing the Obama administration for not doing more to keep Ebola from this country. Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal was among the first in his party to call for a travel ban.

This is how Republicans get elected. Scare the bejeesus out of people about immigrants, terrorists, criminals/minorities, pandemics, gays getting married, trannies peeing in the wrong place, guns being confiscated, the world crumbling, etc. Get them to vote out of fear and hate and anxiety.

And conservative voters fall for it every time. And the issue goes away after the election every time.
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