Night Stalker on Netflix

This is wild.

“A crazy footnote to the story is the bars that are on the windows and the houses in [Los Angeles]… that began this summer because it was a hot summer and if you don’t have AC, you’re having to leave your windows open; so if you don’t want the Night Stalker to climb in, people [were] putting up bars. So to this day, all the bars that are over windows in LA are a product of the Night Stalker.”
Makes your skin crawl reading that
This is wild.

“A crazy footnote to the story is the bars that are on the windows and the houses in [Los Angeles]… that began this summer because it was a hot summer and if you don’t have AC, you’re having to leave your windows open; so if you don’t want the Night Stalker to climb in, people [were] putting up bars. So to this day, all the bars that are over windows in LA are a product of the Night Stalker.”
Another improvement in technology since then. I feel like the "modern" windows on my house lock better than the POS ones from back in the day.

I feel like those old ones could always be popped open with a screwdriver. Maybe its just wishful thinking, but I feel like the ones I have now lock much better and can't be "jimmy'd" open.

Although, there was a scene in the series where Ramirez apparently opened a window that was painted shut.

Although, I have an alarm also (yet another better tech example). It would go off if a window where opened.
Just finished it. That was a very good series. Is it me, or did the San Francisco officer crack the case when he punched Ramirez's friend in the face, demanding his last name? I mean, that was it right? Before that, they had nothing.
Finished the series last night. I had no clue this happened in the 80's, I was a very young kid at that time. I was shocked the cop admitted to doing that. In today's world would the entire case against Ramirez be tossed out because of that? You can't beat a confession out of a witness that leads to the arrest of your suspect can you? I am glad it happened I guess just was kinda blown away by that admission. o_O

And had Ramirez not given away items he stole or opened his mouth to his friend at the bus stop who knows how much longer it would have gone on.
Have any of y'all watched The Ripper on Netflix? It's about the Yorkshire Ripper who was killing women in the Leeds, England area in the 70's.
great series. my wife grew up in so cal during the night stalker time and till this day, she is freaked out about the night stalker.
Didn’t he feed the dogs before hand to gain trust and have some kind of spray also? Might be some other psycho.
That was the Golden State killer or whatever he was called. He is the one they just recently caught from DNA.
Something else that popped up in my mind. The daughter asking her older mom and dad to lock their doors at night because of the night stalker and the mom saying no, we are from the midwest and don't want to live anywhere where we have to lock our door at night. And then they both get killed by him.

Wow have times changed.
That was the Golden State killer or whatever he was called. He is the one they just recently caught from DNA.
It's a little confusing because some people call the GSK "the original Night Stalker" but obviously he wasn't the one this series is about.
Two episodes in. Agree. Love hearing how they pieced things together.

we are in the minority as people love serial killer porn.

But I love, love getting the vantage point from the investigation and seeing it worked...warts and all.

I’d love to see Netflix pivot this into a series where the serial killers aren’t glorified and we see the case worked from the beginning.

Even hbo did a horrendous job on the gsk. Couldn’t have done worse if they tried.
Have any of y'all watched The Ripper on Netflix? It's about the Yorkshire Ripper who was killing women in the Leeds, England area in the 70's.

it sucks. They made the same mistake hbo did with gsk.

Best product on the ripper is the dramatic adaptation red riding trilogy.
Finished the series last night. I had no clue this happened in the 80's, I was a very young kid at that time. I was shocked the cop admitted to doing that. In today's world would the entire case against Ramirez be tossed out because of that? You can't beat a confession out of a witness that leads to the arrest of your suspect can you? I am glad it happened I guess just was kinda blown away by that admission. o_O

And had Ramirez not given away items he stole or opened his mouth to his friend at the bus stop who knows how much longer it would have gone on.
I can't imagine that would get thrown out today. All the cops got was his name. Once they had the name they pulled finger print cards they had on file and matched those prints to ones they pulled off a car.

Mainly, its not as if the cops would ever have to say how they got his name. Anonymous tip, or use someone that knew "Rick", and have them say they new "Rick"s last name.

Also, the cops only wanted his name. There was no allegation associated with it. They had connection from someone else.

I see your point, but it seems a stretch the case would get tossed over that. It's not as if the cops beat a confession out of Ramirez. or beat physical evidence out of the other guy (i.e. beat the crap out of him to turn over a gun).

Also, the cops didn't really do that bad a number on the dude in the back seat. He could of easily tripped on his way to the squad car, or accidentally hit is face on the door jam getting into the car, or maybe he had a bruise or two before the cops ever spoke with him. People are clumsy like that.