A few more early morning thoughts
a. His moving to San Francisco as part of his killing spree proved to be a big undoing. I believe that murder occurred on 8/18/85. That brought Falzon into the equation.
b. As much as Feinstein's mistake looks horrible in retrospect for the damage it would have done had he not been caught, the reality is that the press conference might have done a lot more good than bad.
Her holding the sketch up for the world to see played a huge role in the entire state of California knowing what that mother****er looked like and it helped leads to more calls/informants with information.
Should she have been told to keep her mouth shut? Yes. Should she have left out those important details? Yes.
Did she create more overall good than bad with her press conference? I'd argue yes. When he's caught 7 days later, it's partly because everyone in the street recognized him. That probably never happens if he doesn't go to San Francisco, which triggers all of the events that follow, which includes Feinstein's involvement. Her press conference might have freaked out the investigating cops, but it added a sense of urgency to the events that was long overdue.
Considering he was caught exactly one week after her press conference, it's hard to look back historically and say that she proved to be a net negative.
Part of the problem is that all of the agencies involved were trying to suppress the info and keep it quiet. You can make a case that this proved to be as dangerous and as much of a mistake as anything.
c. How in the hell did someone not communicate to Feinstein which details to not talk about? My goodness, how in the world did that happen?
@sgtmoody, thoughts? Is that a chief of police issue with a lack of communication? Clearly, she was prepped on some level.
d. I'm not sure the doc does a great job of focusing on just how quickly it all comes together because the reality is that from the moment he kills in SF, his ass was in real trouble.
8/18/85 -Kills Peter Pan (yes, real name) outside of San Francisco
8/23/85 - Feinstein holds press conference that the entire nation sees. Releases sketch photo.
8/24/85 - Ramirez drives to Mission Viejo in a stolen orange Toyota. James Romero, Jr.’s 13-year-old son hears Ramirez outside their home and wakes up his parents. Ramirez flees, but the family manages to glimpse the color and make of his car and part of the license plate number.
Ramirez then breaks into Bill Carns and Inez Erickson’s home. He shoots Carns three times in the head and tells Erikson he’s the Night Stalker and that she must swear to love Satan. After raping her, he tetlls her, “Tell them the Night Stalker was here.”
8/28/85 - Car is recovered from the 8/24 crime. A print is found that ID's Rameriz. Photo is released
and officials say when releasing it, “There will be no place you can hide.”
8/30/85 - Captured