a. She had a key piece of the story that she was within her right to report.
b. She easily didn't report it and only asked for a profile on one of the investigators as a trade off.
That's like having a dollar and asking for a quarter and a dime in return for it.
She not only played ball, she played ball easily.
None of the people involved spoke poorly of her. It seems like your big issue is with the poison you have in your mind that clouds your ability to actually realize that she did what a lot of reporters would never do, put civic safety over their careers. You hate the media so much that you watched that series and to quote your own words... "All I can say so far is FVCK Laurel Erickson."
Maybe put the "The media is the Boogie Man" mantra away and beat that drum when it's deserved.
This ain't it.