Night Stalker on Netflix

Fair a follower of Christ and a married man I prefer to avoid this type of is a pretty consistent teaching throughout the Bible...I don’t judge others for their choices however...

This is as about as good vs evil as it gets.
Started it last night. Pretty damn good. Director likes his dark imagery. Not to the point that it bothers me, if anything I just laugh at it.

But I think I am going to be pissed when I see how few episodes there are.
Started it last night. Pretty damn good. Director likes his dark imagery. Not to the point that it bothers me, if anything I just laugh at it.

But I think I am going to be pissed when I see how few episodes there are.
Not to spoil anything, but they could’ve spent more time on the trial. I think that was a little rushed.
It was the summer between 8th-9th grade and I was living in OC during this time before moving back to Dallas. It’s all anyone was talking about - people were freaked out!
Same years for me. I went out to visit my dad who was working out in CA when one of the murders occurred. It was about 30 miles from where we were, but I remember thinking every little noise I heard was that dude outside. Crazy.

LOOOOOOVVVVVVVEEEEEE the way he got caught.
I thought it was great but I appreciated the story was from the detectives pov investigating,building, and solving the case.

if I had a complaint the doc didn’t do a good job discussing the jewelry and relationship details in episode 3.
He got 19 life sentences!!! How the hell did he die in prison after two decades on death row? Waste of money. He should have been killed after first appeal. It was well done documentary. Dude thought he was a rock star in court. Waste of skin.
Was a teenager in OC while this was going on. My parents had left for a couple of days on travel and myself and my younger brother were home alone. During this time there was the thwarted attempt at a home in Mission Viejo. The home was just a couple of miles from my house. The next night my brother and I "booby trapped" all the windows, his preferred entry point. I slept with my baseball bat, and my brother with his ice climbing pickaxe. Good times!

I will definitely be watching this show.
Me and the wife binged it last night! It was really good, that dude was a psycho!
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Binged the whole thing last night and thought it was well done. I wish they'd have focused a bit more on the time period and cultural goings on during this time period. The middle few episodes went into one murder after another. But overall, great recap and well produced. Freaked me out just like it did when I was 13 years old fascinated by the ACDC connection.
Wife (from 'nam) and I watched 2 episodes last night....
I have to watch this kind of stuff alone, because my wife (coincidentally also from nam) cannot handle it. I watched two episodes last night and it was great. I was 3 years old at the time and never knew about this freakshow until I saw this thread. Great documentary so far.
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Man, watching this stuff used to be so much easier before I had kids. I kind of lost it when they were interviewing the survivor who was abducted when she was 6. She said she was basically half asleep and just assumed that it was somebody she trusted carrying her off...fvck me. Of course I cannot help considering my 6 year old at that point...simultaneous rage, horror, and sadness all at once.
No kidding. My 70lb American Bulldog would have ate that skinny MF's lunch. Or at a bare minimum, he would've made a ton of noise to get rid of her.
Exactly. I have a Rottweiler who is recovering from ACL surgery so basically she has 3 good legs at the moment. But she still watches the door and every ups or delivery person who came during the holidays would drop my package and run back to their truck as my 3 legged alarm gave chase to the door, lol!
Man, watching this stuff used to be so much easier before I had kids. I kind of lost it when they were interviewing the survivor who was abducted when she was 6. She said she was basically half asleep and just assumed that it was somebody she trusted carrying her off...fvck me. Of course I cannot help considering my 6 year old at that point...simultaneous rage, horror, and sadness all at once.
Watched it yesterday. I didn’t know he had abducted and raped kids until I saw this doc. Very sad. Read about him a bit after I watched it. His family involved him in mind warping things at a young age. Very screwed up. Made me angry.
Reminds me of Jay Kelly Pinkerton in Amarillo, when I was a kid we lived in the same neighborhood as his family and my sister went to school with his brother Tim. He was raping and killing women in Amarillo close to where we lived. When they finally caught his ass we knew he was getting the death penalty. They finally put him down in the 90’s.
Exactly. I have a Rottweiler who is recovering from ACL surgery so basically she has 3 good legs at the moment. But she still watches the door and every ups or delivery person who came during the holidays would drop my package and run back to their truck as my 3 legged alarm gave chase to the door, lol!
Ditto. I have a 90 pound shepherd/rot (we think) mutt and he would shred an intruder. He gives my wife serious peace of mind when I'm away for work.
Watched it yesterday. I didn’t know he had abducted and raped kids until I saw this doc. Very sad. Read about him a bit after I watched it. His family involved him in mind warping things at a young age. Very screwed up. Made me angry.
Yeah, horrific childhood abuse seems to be the common denominator between serial killers. These types of monsters seem to be made. I'll read more about it after I finish the series.
Didn't anybody have dogs back then? If that had happened in Texas, he would've been missing fingers, 😂
No kidding!! And I can’t believe this guy’s story hasn’t been brought to the attention of the public before now. He’s right up there with Bundy, Gacy, etc..
No kidding. My 70lb American Bulldog would have ate that skinny MF's lunch. Or at a bare minimum, he would've made a ton of noise to get rid of her.
Didn’t he feed the dogs before hand to gain trust and have some kind of spray also? Might be some other psycho.
No kidding!! And I can’t believe this guy’s story hasn’t been brought to the attention of the public before now. He’s right up there with Bundy, Gacy, etc..
Agreed. Molested children should have got him whacked in prison do he was either in isolation or the Cali gangsta crew was scared of him too, lol
Didn’t he feed the dogs before hand to gain trust and have some kind of spray also? Might be some other psycho.
I don't know about that. But even if you try to feed Texas dogs.. couple of them still gonna getcha 😊
Great series. It’s crazy how much mayhem he caused in such little time. Good thing the citizens mobbed his arse because he would have been on the next greyhound out of LA to continue his mayhem in Arizona.