Now the UT Band is going leftist mad

Can someone please tell me what the racial undertones of the song are? Not the racial undertones of 1903 or life in 1903 or or common popular practice in 1903..... what are the rAcIaL UnDeRtOnEs of the song itself?

I'll wait.
Valid point....if we were looking for facts. But you miss the point. To paraphrase Clint Eastwood, "Facts got nothin' to do with it...."
Dear Conservatives and Moderates,

I said it months ago and I'll say it again . . . the time for being nice to these marxist, candy ass liberal fuchs has passed. They seek nothing less than the overthrow of our country and to install their own communist government. Not to mention that quite a few of them seem to really like banging 4 yr olds in the arse. They are EVIL . . . WAKE UP!

Everything that is going on right now, ANTIFA, BLM, riots, COVID, Fake News, Pedophilia, etc. is because of them. This is on purpose and its all about regaining power. They seek our total destruction . . . why on Earth would we not actively seek theirs?

Very soon some good people are . . .
Going to have to do some really bad things . . .
To some really really really bad people.

If you are still in denial of this then please stand naked in front of the mirror and ask God to grow you some testicles, big ones! Then ask for some hair on them and some sweat too. Now go buy an assualt rifle and learn how too use it. Put some cloths on 1st.

I have my CMMG Resolute 300 sighted to 700 yards. The 140 grain bullet travels 2,400 ft./sec. It makes a big hole in things. I'm ready for this war.

The rest of you should be too. This isn't a game.
I hate what's going on as much as anyone, but you are a walking advertisement for gun control. The Second Amendment wasn't written for people with pathological hatred. I have a feeling that some pretty decent left of center Americans have moved into your target zone...
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I hate what's going on as much as anyone, but you are a walking advertisement for gun control. The Second Amendment wasn't written for people with pathological hatred. I have a feeling that some pretty decent left of center Americans have moved into your target zone...
I don't think he's being that extreme. I think he's saying that we as a populace have been "forced" into sacrificing some of the rights that we were promised by our founders.

One has escaped us all-- the 4th amendment. It protects against illegal search and seizure. Every single day, every email, text, phone call, credit card purchase, every where you drive, every social media post-- is being collected by the NRO--and NSA-- it's a fact. Pure and simple. And it's illegal. It's a violation of the constitution.

And now, another violation is taking place--- we are being FORCED to do something that while it may appear to be for the "greater good", it is still a violation of our freedoms as Americans. Now I ask you, what ELSE can be forced upon us in the name of the "greater good"?
What if you're no longer allowed to buy gasoline because, well, the greater good for the environment? Or you can't drink a Coca-Cola because of the greater good for public health? Or you're not allowed to call someone a "piece of sh!t deushe communist" because of the greater good of their feelings?

At some point Thomas Jefferson's words will come to fruition. When a government becomes tyrannical, it is the job of the citizens to usurp that government and create another one. By violence if necessary.
I hate what's going on as much as anyone, but you are a walking advertisement for gun control. The Second Amendment wasn't written for people with pathological hatred. I have a feeling that some pretty decent left of center Americans have moved into your target zone...

Man you wouldn't believe some of the stuff that guy has posted in the past.
I don't think he's being that extreme. I think he's saying that we as a populace have been "forced" into sacrificing some of the rights that we were promised by our founders.

One has escaped us all-- the 4th amendment. It protects against illegal search and seizure. Every single day, every email, text, phone call, credit card purchase, every where you drive, every social media post-- is being collected by the NRO--and NSA-- it's a fact. Pure and simple. And it's illegal. It's a violation of the constitution.

And now, another violation is taking place--- we are being FORCED to do something that while it may appear to be for the "greater good", it is still a violation of our freedoms as Americans. Now I ask you, what ELSE can be forced upon us in the name of the "greater good"?
What if you're no longer allowed to buy gasoline because, well, the greater good for the environment? Or you can't drink a Coca-Cola because of the greater good for public health? Or you're not allowed to call someone a "piece of sh!t deushe communist" because of the greater good of their feelings?

At some point Thomas Jefferson's words will come to fruition. When a government becomes tyrannical, it is the job of the citizens to usurp that government and create another one. By violence if necessary.

While the Constitution does not expressly grant a right to privacy. The Supreme Court has held that this right is implied in the 1st, 3rd, 4th, and 5th amendments. Any laws/regulations impeding on our right to privacy or freedom to move freely throughout society must further a compelling governmental interest. What laws or regulations are we talking about?
  • A county regulation requiring you to wear a mask anytime you step outside of your home (even if you're the only person on the street) or face a $400 fine.
  • The latest Apple IOS update has an "exposure notification" setting that you can toggle on to permit a "Public Health Authority" to notify you of possible Covid exposure. How long before we are required to turn this on to track our contacts with others including when and where we were with our contacts?
  • The UK is about to mandate a check-in process with all restaurants and bars as part of their test and trace program. Everyone must check-in when you enter a restaurant or bar so that the public health authorities know who to notify in the event of a covid Positive test. Hopefully, this won't come to the US but it represents another restriction to our right to freely move throughout society.
Any argument that the compelling governmental interest is the pandemic is dubious given the hospital capacity, declining Covid numbers, and unreliable Covid data. But, we're so caught up in fending off the Antifa/SJW movement that we can't unite to fend off the government intrusion into our privacy rights. The result is chaos. No telling what the outcome will be.
In France, there was a program that began being put in place where if you tested positive, you were monitored to see if you violated quarantine protocols. Seriously. Your phone was monitored to make sure you stayed out of the public for two weeks.

I know what you're thinking.

"Well shoot clob, just leave your phone at home and go do whatever you want."
Mmmkay. That's all fine and dandy if they didn't know what your face looked like. Paris, like London, is one of the most security camera laden cities in the world. Your face pops up on any camera in France and you're almost instantly recognized by facial recognition software. We use it all the time here.

"But Clob, if I'm wearing a mask then they can't see muh face!"

Guess what? Biometric software isn't limited to "just" your face. Get close enough to a camera and they can use your eyes to ID you.

"Ha clob! I've got you now. What if I'm wearing a mask AND sunglasses?"

Well, in that case-- biometric AI also can look at your build, how you walk, other factors that are unique about your body, and start drawing conclusions real quick about your identity.

"Clob-- are you telling me that they have a data base and software that studies how people move physically?"

Yes sir. Governments are in the process of building that data base as we speak. They started building the facial ID data base about 13 years ago. Right around the time smart phones with cameras started showing up.

None of this stuff is supposed to be legal in this country. But it's being done, none the less. Get @GuaranteedFresh! Back in here and ask him about the DODs intelligence apparatus and how incredibly intricate it is. Dude left the military a decade or so ago and I promise you with 100% certainty that there's still some things he's not allowed to discuss. Things that are over a decade old.
In France, there was a program that began being put in place where if you tested positive, you were monitored to see if you violated quarantine protocols. Seriously. Your phone was monitored to make sure you stayed out of the public for two weeks.

I know what you're thinking.

"Well shoot clob, just leave your phone at home and go do whatever you want."
Mmmkay. That's all fine and dandy if they didn't know what your face looked like. Paris, like London, is one of the most security camera laden cities in the world. Your face pops up on any camera in France and you're almost instantly recognized by facial recognition software. We use it all the time here.

"But Clob, if I'm wearing a mask then they can't see muh face!"

Guess what? Biometric software isn't limited to "just" your face. Get close enough to a camera and they can use your eyes to ID you.

"Ha clob! I've got you now. What if I'm wearing a mask AND sunglasses?"

Well, in that case-- biometric AI also can look at your build, how you walk, other factors that are unique about your body, and start drawing conclusions real quick about your identity.

"Clob-- are you telling me that they have a data base and software that studies how people move physically?"

Yes sir. Governments are in the process of building that data base as we speak. They started building the facial ID data base about 13 years ago. Right around the time smart phones with cameras started showing up.

None of this stuff is supposed to be legal in this country. But it's being done, none the less. Get @GuaranteedFresh! Back in here and ask him about the DODs intelligence apparatus and how incredibly intricate it is. Dude left the military a decade or so ago and I promise you with 100% certainty that there's still some things he's not allowed to discuss. Things that are over a decade old.

Think this is bad? And it is. Wait til you are told that you can't buy food unless you comply. Hurry, get your chip before starvation hits.

They don't care who makes the laws if they control the currency.
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