OB Auction No.4: Raising $ for Haruka Weiser fund (I'll clean your house + OB Letter jacket)

Be careful with your assumptions, Ketch. The typical OBer's bathroom looks something like this:

I've prepared myself for the worst.;)
750 for lifetime sub. Ketch, I have that exact same panoramic picture, but it's signed by Mack Brown that I will donate as well for another auction.
Maybe we just make it so that there are two bids? One for the signed Mack Brown version and one for mine?
I can drive 200 in less than 2 and a half hours, so... yeah.
That's an average of about 80 mph - and you have to include the congestion time added from Austin traffic. You're pretty much booking it.
$550 for the letter jacket. I'm gonna rock that thing . . . or just be the butt of every joke on the board.
Current High Bids

1. Your chance to be a star on the Orangebloods Podcast ($400 via @Good.Shepherd)

2. Five Orangebloods lifetime subscriptions ($1000 via @FrancoBevo)

3. The Geoff Ketchum Cleaning Experience ($250 via @adam_bomb)

4. A custom-made letter jacket. ($550 via @Geoff )

5. 2006 Texas/USC Framed/Matted Panoramic Print ($400 via @stevers63 )

Running Day Four Total: $3100
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