OB Auction No.4: Raising $ for Haruka Weiser fund (I'll clean your house + OB Letter jacket)

Current High Bids

1. Your chance to be a star on the Orangebloods Podcast ($400 via @Good.Shepherd)

2. Five Orangebloods lifetime subscriptions ($1000 via @FrancoBevo)

3. The Geoff Ketchum Cleaning Experience ($750 via @Joe's Generic Horn)

4. A custom-made letter jacket. ($550 via @Geoff )

5. 2006 Texas/USC Framed/Matted Panoramic Print ($400 via @stevers63 )

Running Day Four Total: $3100
I actually bid 750 for the lifetime pass. I have another very nice item I will donate for a auction i
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I'm pretty sure that the current high bid for my manual labor is $250.

Maybe I overestimated the demand to punish me.;)
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I'm pretty sure that the current high bid for my manual labor is $250.

Maybe I overestimated the demand to punish me.;)

Yeah, I can't wait to call my cousin in Austin and tell him I have a guy that will take care of his yard for the week; with the condition that he have Don McLean's American Pie playing loudly on loop for 3 hours!
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In a way, I feel good that people aren't lining up by the hundreds to put me through the grinder.
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anywhere within a 250-mile radius of Cedar Park.
If you played your cards right and not limited your mileage restriction, you could've parlayed this into a trip to Portland for The Opening, a BBQ dinner and clean one of any one of a number of PacNW OB's homes.
You sure more money won't be raised by taking orders for the OB Letter Jacket then just auctioning one off? OB letter men with an annual letter man shindig? Hell, some of the guys on here may want two-home and away letter jackets.

Ketch is a brave, brave man, volunteering to clean someone's house. Hell, if it involves yard work, I'll probably come with him. As long as I can have a couple beers while on the job :)
Do you have a truck, some wire cutters, and ball bearings?
Man the hate is strong with you today.

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