Laugh all you want. Doesn't change reality. Your post is what I'm talking about. Filled with propaganda and lies. Conservatives are impervious to reality and facts. It always boils down to some BS about race and/or immigrants and black churches and Al Sharpton and welfare and hair relaxer.
Basically you have no come back so you just call me a liar. I'm probably also a racist because I'm a conservative.
Completely false. Just couldn't be more wrong. The higher the education level, the more likely people are to vote Democratic. Those with a college degree vote Democratic at a higher rate and it's even bigger with post graduate degrees. Uneducated whites (those without a college degree) make up the base of the Republican party. That's why Trump actually said, "I love the poorly educated." And that's why Trump's lies and bigotry have garnered the most votes ever recorded in a Republican primary season.
Oh I'm sure there are a lot of well educated liberals seeing as how most of the Universities in this country on the East and West coast are liberal, However, look in the south and midwest and you will find lots and lots of conservative universities. I myself came from an incredibly liberal University but that didn't shape my views however it did help me to see both sides of this retoric.
More complete misinformation based on anecdotal evidence and how a conservative "feels" it is. Most food stamp recipients are poorly educated whites for example. The same people who vote Republican against their own self interests every election. Because black people.
See this is why I don't take Liberals very seriously. you like to use half truths to make a point.
Here is a website for you.
This country has 320 million citizens. 1/3 of which are on welfare. 38% of those are White, now how many whites live in this country well the percentage is 61%. 39% of blacks make up the total of those on Welfare and 17.6% are Hispanic.
Now lets get real with this. Didn't our Democratic president tell us that we are better off today? He boasts less than 5% unemployment but 33% of our citizens are on Welfare. This country is hanging on by a thread because of Republicans.
But back to the topic. Now if my math is correct, Roughly 110 million Americans are on welfare, and 39% are black that means that 42 million Black Americans are on welfare. There are roughly 54 million blacks in America and 42 million of them are on Welfare. But almost all 54 million are Democrats. Democrats control the Oval Office and the Senate but can't fix this. Back in the Clinton Administration they controlled the House, the Senate and the Oval Office and didn't fix this.
"The ABC News/Washington Post poll says he has a less-educated base, while reaffirming two things we’ve already known: Trump is maintaining a huge gender and racial gap among his supporters."
“Trump also continues to rely on less-educated adults for his support,” the poll states."
"The difference is staggering."
"Among Republicans, 71 percent of noncollege graduates have a favorable opinion of Trump, compared to just 46 percent of college graduates."
What you fail to realize is the most of those who vote Republican aren't affiliated with the Republican party. I'm a Conservative, but I never poll as a Republican. I'm also educated as I have 3 degrees. I don't deny that a lot of Republicans are not college graduates, Most republicans are blue collar workers from conservative states. The vast majority of our Armed Forces Veterans are Conservative/Republican.
The Majority of our fighting force is conservative/Republican.
"In the article, Sabato goes on to explain more of the characteristics of the political parties’ faithful...The higher the education level, the more likely they are to vote Democratic, he said in the story."
"The more college graduates, the more Democratic (and especially more liberal) the state. The fewer college graduates, the more Republican and (and especially more conservative) the state."
Hair relaxer huh...this guy. I can tell you a story like that about any and everyone, but why would one generalize an entire party based on these alleged stories...then be wrong on which party relies on the less educated. Just see Trump and his supporters.
Riddle me this. Democrats seem to be all the minorities which make up roughly 40% of our population, and all the liberal college graduates, or should I say the vast majority of college graduates. Yet Republicans for the most part have controlled the whitehouse. Going back to 1980 the oval office has been Republican 20 years to the democrats 16 years. 3 republican Presidents to 2.
I don't believe any of that BS coming from you. How do you post that other trash, and think you have any credibility. I'm sure that your best friend is black, but has to vote Democrat. BS! You have the most extreme stories...I mean lies. Hair relaxer, welfare, less educated, blah blah blah. You're the poster child for being fed propaganda.
LOL, you are much more believable because you post stats from a liberal rag. Here is a hint for you, just because it's posted on the internet doesn't make it true. As far as propaganda, I am sharing stories about my experiences, it's easy for you to call them lies and propaganda but you are hiding from the truth.
Trump has won the most votes in this Republican primary in history. But that's not the Republican party. Got it.
Do you seriously deny that Donald Trump is an unabashed racist?
Yes I do deny that Trump is a Racist.
You see I know some real racist, they not only talk the talk but they walk the walk. A racist would never physically touch someone of color as they view them as inferior and filthy.
Ever notice no one accused Donald Trump of being a Racist before he decided to run for the Presidency. He is a New Yorker who has been in public eye since 1980's. New York Republicans are by far the most liberal of all the Republicans. So liberal in fact that he has supported the Clinton's in the past, or should I say bought the Clinton's in the past.
Or maybe the Clinton's like getting support from a Racist.