A) No I don't know how you feel. I rely on facts and reality to form my positions.Now you know how we feel.
If your "truth" is so self evident, why do you have to call people derogatory terms if they disagree with it? Wouldn't the open minded compassionate side of the aisle also be a little more tolerant of dissent?
I posted facts about the makeup of each party's base, their intelligence levels and demographics of welfare recipients. You don't want to accept reality. That's what you conservatives do. If facts don't fit your narrative, you find something to support your cognitive dissonance.Basically you have no come back so you just call me a liar. I'm probably also a racist because I'm a conservative.
A) No I don't know how you feel. I rely on facts and reality to form my positions.
B) I don't consider calling out racism for what it is to be wrong. "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."
C) Tired of giving respect to those who don't deserve it. Of course you mock compassion, empathy and tolerance. Maybe look in the mirror.
OK, then he's a con man just telling the Republican base all of the racist things everyone knows they want to hear for his own benefit. Spectacularly successfully btw. The Republican base apparently isn't very smart then.Yes I do deny that Trump is a Racist.
I think a lot of people voted for him because of his celebrity and not because of his racism and sexism and all the other hateful things he most definitely IS. Some voted because he is their teams best chance to win. And the they don't care as long they win.One party voting in record numbers for a man shouting racism, sexism and xenophobia with a bullhorn sort of supports my position.
What are you missing? He broke the record for most votes in a Republican primary ever (over 13 million to Bush's previos record of 10.8 in 2000). To say he's not representative of the Republican base is simply dishonest.Trump did not receive a majority of primary votes. The actual party is trying to replace him. What am I missing?