OT: Corona Virus

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Is it true that Austin has by city law cancelled all big group gatherings until May 1st?
If so, does that include UT baseball, softball crowds?

Jerri Jorgensen and I experienced the rapidly rising high fever for a few hours. Mark did not. I still have a cough. Jerri and Mark never had one. I have been ranking my illness a “two” on a one-to-ten scale. If I wasn’t contagious, I would have been at work the next day."

To me it seems like a super bug like other superbugs before it. Some folks are going to get it bad, some aren’t. How many people died from flu this year?
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To me it seems like a super bug like other superbugs before it. Some folks are going to get it bad, some aren’t. How many people died from flu this year?

Flu infection rates don't double every 2.5 days. Nor does the flu kill 15-20% of those over 60 that contract it.

Italy is already practicing battlefield triage. Any comorbidity(obesity, diabetes, smoker, ex-smoker, heart disease, etc.) and you get a bed an oxygen mask and that is it as they don't have the resources for those cases. https://threader.app/thread/1237142891077697538
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Flu infection rates don't double every 2.5 days. Nor does the flu kill 15-20% of those over 60 that contract it.

Italy is already practicing battlefield triage. Any comorbidity(obesity, diabetes, smoker, ex-smoker, heart disease, etc.) and you get a bed an oxygen mask and that is it as they don't have the resources for those cases. https://threader.app/thread/1237142891077697538
I get all of that but you also need to understand that a person's immune system plays a vital role in deciding how bad their symptoms will be. Some get a fever and move on in a couple of days, no problem.

Just for reference, my mom died at 32 from pneumonia. She was healthy but she caught a bad strain and it got out of hand.
Me and Trooper are staying down on Kings Ranch Shoreline where their is no one but, us, we are taking precautions by flooding our bodies with Shiner Premium I tried to find him a little mask but, could not find one....We caught 4 5-6 lb Flounder yesterday Gigging from the Boat right up against the Bank...never got outa the boat...then we drank a couple of beers and talked Politics.. and ate Summer Sausage. LOL...Lifes good unless ya in China...If ya go to China I suggest ya take a Building Inspector with ya to chk ya Hotel 1st...

Flu infection rates don't double every 2.5 days. Nor does the flu kill 15-20% of those over 60 that contract it.

Italy is already practicing battlefield triage. Any comorbidity(obesity, diabetes, smoker, ex-smoker, heart disease, etc.) and you get a bed an oxygen mask and that is it as they don't have the resources for those cases. https://threader.app/thread/1237142891077697538

Obesity? It's gonna kill half of Americans!
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Except the white house continuously goes against or subverts the CDC.

I agree the media is hyperactive, but Trump is more concerned about his optics than the health of the nation.

We are woefully behind other countries on this. South Korea has tested 150k people. We've tested 2k.

who cares, other countries are getting their asses kicked by this we are not so far. We still have time. I know, you will probably say something about Washington. even with the issues in Washington, we are still in way better shape than most of the other countries affected by this. There are two big ponds that have isolated us from this.

BTW if you are keeping count, so far this flu season, it has killed 18,000 people in the US, how many has Corona killed? 22 according to this latest article.


who cares, other countries are getting their asses kicked by this we are not so far. We still have time. I know, you will probably say something about Washington. even with the issues in Washington, we are still in way better shape than most of the other countries affected by this. There are two big ponds that have isolated us from this.

BTW if you are keeping count, so far this flu season, it has killed 18,000 people in the US, how many has Corona killed? 22 according to this latest article.



"Flu has killed more people! and we don't have a problem yet!"

Mortality rate is higher than flu. Infection rate is higher than flu. Virus can be shared when asymptomatic (unlike flu). This is, by and large, a MUCH bigger problem than flu. ALL OF ITALY HAS BEEN SHUT DOWN. Get it through your head that this isn't some crazy global media hype.

It has reached us and will continue to spread because we did not ramp up our response. We have community spread in four completely different regions of the US.

Because the pandemic response team was dismantled and budget slashed. And why was it? Because it was an Obama era program and Obama bad! We have zero competent leadership for this. Trump literally went on TV yesterday and said "It's not our fault." We will be the next Italy if we don't get it together.
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"Flu has killed more people! and we don't have a problem yet!"

Mortality rate is higher than flu. Infection rate is higher than flu. Virus can be shared when asymptomatic (unlike flu). This is, by and large, a MUCH bigger problem than flu. ALL OF ITALY HAS BEEN SHUT DOWN. Get it through your head that this isn't some crazy global media hype.

It has reached us and will continue to spread because we did not ramp up our response. We have community spread in four completely different regions of the US.

Because the pandemic response team was dismantled and budget slashed. And why was it? Because it was an Obama era program and Obama bad! We have zero competent leadership for this. Trump literally went on TV yesterday and said "It's not our fault." We will be the next Italy if we don't get it together.

I think Trump derangement syndrome may kill you before Corona virus.
who cares, other countries are getting their asses kicked by this we are not so far. We still have time. I know, you will probably say something about Washington. even with the issues in Washington, we are still in way better shape than most of the other countries affected by this. There are two big ponds that have isolated us from this.

BTW if you are keeping count, so far this flu season, it has killed 18,000 people in the US, how many has Corona killed? 22 according to this latest article.


Exactly this. Coronavirus is a bad flu but hardly what it’s being made out to be imo.
sad that you get hit up with a wall of facts and your response is "hehe libs mad"

i'll be sure to watch out for your next stock tip thread.
So @elcapitan009, if It’s ok I’ll just live vicariously thru you with this Coronavirus deal since you’re convinced this is the end of mankind as we know it.

The talking heads have apparently convinced you that you’re getting it so I’m going to need you to post details of how it’s affecting you on a daily basis. Be sure and drink your Elderberry and Dingleberry sizzurp everyday my friend.
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Oh no, the sky is falling. Run for your lives, everyone to your bunker we have to put on our tin foil hats.

Math and common sense too much for you?

The danger is not for me and my young family. The danger is spreading it to others who are more prone to serious illness.

The current mortality rate is high. But most experts agree it will be higher than the flu. It's not 5% but it's not below 0.1%. Let's be conservative and say it's 0.5%. That is 1.5 million Americans dead. The CDC and the WHO have both confirmed this. You are not smarter than them just because Fox News is trying to dismiss it as a "Democratic Hoax."

Even if we are closer to 0.25% death rate, it's going to lead to an overwhelmed medical system that will lead to more deaths. It's a disruption in supply chain that may lead to further recession.

Do I think I need to stockpile water? No. Water treatment, electricity plants, internet access... These will all be readily available.

But do I think we should wash our hands, protect our elderly and put a scientist in charge of the response? Of course I do.
Math and common sense too much for you?

The danger is not for me and my young family. The danger is spreading it to others who are more prone to serious illness.

The current mortality rate is high. But most experts agree it will be higher than the flu. It's not 5% but it's not below 0.1%. Let's be conservative and say it's 0.5%. That is 1.5 million Americans dead. The CDC and the WHO have both confirmed this. You are not smarter than them just because Fox News is trying to dismiss it as a "Democratic Hoax."

Even if we are closer to 0.25% death rate, it's going to lead to an overwhelmed medical system that will lead to more deaths. It's a disruption in supply chain that may lead to further recession.

Do I think I need to stockpile water? No. Water treatment, electricity plants, internet access... These will all be readily available.

But do I think we should wash our hands, protect our elderly and put a scientist in charge of the response? Of course I do.
LOL I heard Anderson Cooper yesterday and after his grave prognosis, a/k/a scare tactic, he reluctantly admitted that 80% of the people contracting Coronavirus will have little to no symptoms. @elcapitan009 is hedging his bet too here with a preemptive “there is no danger for me and my young family” . Chucklz. But what about mass graves being dug by Riker’s Island inmates? How about douchbag Cuomo bringing in the National guard? LOL

Where was the mass hysteria when 15,000+ died of the flu this last year? Didn’t it spread to whole communities and entire countries. When fake collusion and faux impeachment don’t work, resort to scare tactics
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An entire country has been put into lockdown. You really think CNN has the power to scare them into that?

Ok, I'll bite. I am extremely cynical when it comes to the media. Yes, the media is hyping this more than they should. They want to hype this to effect the November election by crashing markets. How many mutating viruses have washed onto our shores from China and Africa over the centuries? The people from these areas eat bats, rats, dogs, cats, beetles, you name it... if it moves it's game and we have survived. Now, would governments work in concert to remove retirees from the social security/retirement roles? For example Italy, they retire at 40 over there and have the best diets outside smoking in the world. They need to free up some cash to service debt. What better way than to coordinate with China to release a virus that kills off a high percentage of the elderly. If I were an evil government bureaucrat, I would first release the germ and let it spread. Then I would announce a quarantine where the elderly have to shack up with sick relatives and viola, freed up cash.

Edit: I don't think that Italy is doing this intentionally. It's an example of how governments, especially commie governments have acted in the past.
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Ok, I'll bite. I am extremely cynical when it comes to the media. Yes, the media is hyping this more than they should. They want to hype this to effect the November election by crashing markets. How many mutating viruses have washed onto our shores from China and Africa over the centuries? The people from these areas eat bats, rats, dogs, cats, beetles, you name it... if it moves it's game and we have survived. Now, would governments work in concert to remove retirees from the social security/retirement roles? For example Italy, they retire at 40 over there and have the best diets outside smoking in the world. They need to free up some cash to service debt. What better way than to coordinate with China to release a virus that kills off a high percentage of the elderly. If I were an evil government bureaucrat, I would first release the germ and let it spread. Then I would announce a quarantine where the elderly have to shack up with sick relatives and viola, freed up cash.

Math and common sense too much for you?

The danger is not for me and my young family. The danger is spreading it to others who are more prone to serious illness.

The current mortality rate is high. But most experts agree it will be higher than the flu. It's not 5% but it's not below 0.1%. Let's be conservative and say it's 0.5%. That is 1.5 million Americans dead. The CDC and the WHO have both confirmed this. You are not smarter than them just because Fox News is trying to dismiss it as a "Democratic Hoax."

Even if we are closer to 0.25% death rate, it's going to lead to an overwhelmed medical system that will lead to more deaths. It's a disruption in supply chain that may lead to further recession.

Do I think I need to stockpile water? No. Water treatment, electricity plants, internet access... These will all be readily available.

But do I think we should wash our hands, protect our elderly and put a scientist in charge of the response? Of course I do.

Right now the biggest risk is people overreacting and fighting over toilet paper. Right now in China the death rate is around 3%. You realize that we have versions of the Flu that kill at a rate of about 50%. That number isn't just the older and the less healthy, that is everyone. Yea, some people will die, but only at a slightly higher rate than the Flu.

Also keep in mind we have much better medical system than China has, but it will get overrun because everyone with a sniffle is going to go to the emergency room.

Also lets keep in mind that in this country, time is on our side to some extent. As the temperature goes up you are going to see less and less unitl the virus goes dormant for the hot months. Yes, it will probably come back in the winter, but by then we should have a better handle and be a little more prepared for it.

As for the presidents response. He has put the Vice President in charge and given him a blank checkbook. Not sure there is much else the president should do right now. So far I think we have the appropriate level of response.

If anything, I think this has spelled out exactly why we need more of the items we use manufactured in this country and less dependence on foreign countries for emergency items.
Right now the biggest risk is people overreacting and fighting over toilet paper. Right now in China the death rate is around 3%. You realize that we have versions of the Flu that kill at a rate of about 50%. That number isn't just the older and the less healthy, that is everyone. Yea, some people will die, but only at a slightly higher rate than the Flu.

Also keep in mind we have much better medical system than China has, but it will get overrun because everyone with a sniffle is going to go to the emergency room.

Also lets keep in mind that in this country, time is on our side to some extent. As the temperature goes up you are going to see less and less unitl the virus goes dormant for the hot months. Yes, it will probably come back in the winter, but by then we should have a better handle and be a little more prepared for it.

As for the presidents response. He has put the Vice President in charge and given him a blank checkbook. Not sure there is much else the president should do right now. So far I think we have the appropriate level of response.

If anything, I think this has spelled out exactly why we need more of the items we use manufactured in this country and less dependence on foreign countries for emergency items.

I'm sorry. What? A widespread flu that kills at 50%?

You realize the Spanish flu pandemic of 1918 was a mortality rate of 10%, right?

And the bubonic plague was 30%.
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