Well, Blue Bells shutdown again in Texas and a few other States due to Listeria again, people laid off again that needed a job..etc It would seem to me that of all the money BB makes that they would have State of art plant that would prevent this kind of problems, I think the biggest mistake BB made was to expand out of Texas, we never had this trouble when it was at Brennan only..got to get that money I guess, now the Gov will probably fine their butts from here to Dallas, hopefully no one has died as before...I am learning to live without it even though they brought it back, they gave it to other States before us which I thought was a bad deal cause Texas was the one that made them what they are now.. only thing I can think of is Greed and bad inspector5s or bad employees not keeping the place clean..have to move to another brand I guess, haven't never heard of Ben and Jerry's having probs like this...