Scholz,to oldschool: So you didn't answer my simple question concerning the definition of a terrorist. Which is exactly the answer I was expecting.
can white people ever be considered terrorists to you or does that not fit your definition?
I will answer that. A resounding YES.
I'll give you a perfect example that fits into current events.
There's a little area of mountains called the Caucas Mountains. Oddly enough, that's where the word Caucasian came from. Most probly already know this. Blonde hair, green eyes. White people live there. The vast majority of people living in that area are from Chechnya. As I'm sure you're aware, Chechens are mostly muslim. Chechens are also considered to be the MOST feared, MOST hard core extremist out there. They make ISIS look like cuddle bunnies.
Just ask the Russians in that theater, and those 360 kids in that school in Beslan.
So absolutely- Caucasian people can certainly be terrorists. In point of fact, those are the only people I hope I never piss off. They would have zero problem blending right into our society until they decided to go megaton on us.
Just ask the Russians........