OT: Istanbul/Constantinople Airport

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Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2014
This is how majorly fvcked up some of these people are.

Kurds vs Turks
Kurds vs ISIS
ISIS vs Turks
Turks vs Syria
Russians vs ISIS
ISIS vs Syria
ISIS vs Russia
Turks vs Russia
Kurds vs Syria
America helping ISIS against Russia and Syria
America helping Kurds against ISIS
America vs ISIS
America helping some Turks vs ISIS and helping some Kurds against Turks
Iran supporting ISIS
Russian backdoor supporting Iran-- but actively killing ISIS in Syria---
ISIS killing people in France, Belgium, Holland, England, Germany
ISIS "inspiring" attacks in America and other nations

I'm sure I missed some but this is fvcking ridiculous.
We, the citizens of the world can be caught in the crossfire.

Holy SH!T.... they just showed a video of one the bombers being shot, then the cop runs over to him, realizes this piece of sh!t is wearing a bomb vest, runs away and then BOOM! He gets his one way ticket to "paradise".

Wtf is wrong with people?
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What do they even want? Sad that people can be so evil. Wish we would determine who is funding these guys, and sent them to paradise.
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Civilization has been fighting this battle for centuries. Only now do they have the internet to find like minded associates and political correctness to neuter the rest of society to a point where they can practice unfettered. This is a political ideology rooted in a religion. The worst of both worlds.

Not sure what will have to happen to change things. But ignoring and hoping you won't upset them apparently isn't working.
Obama has killed literally thousands of ISIS and Al Qaeda members/terrorists/insurgents via countless drone strikes and special ops missions. But he's "ignoring" these guys. Got it. :rolleyes: Can't get enough right wing propaganda.

If ithis bombing wasn't the Kurds. Btw, who displaced all of the Kurds and Sunnis in Iraq anyway with an invasion? Who created ISIS to begin with? It wasn't people ignoring them. Making Iraq our 51st state sure as heck didn't work.
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Obama has killed literally thousands of ISIS and Al Qaeda members/terrorists/insurgents via countless drone strikes and special ops missions. But he's "ignoring" these guys. Got it. :rolleyes: Can't get enough right wing propaganda.

If it wasn't the Kurds. Btw, who displaced all of the Kurds and Sunnis in Iraq anyway with an invasion? Who created ISIS to begin with? It wasn't people ignoring them. That sure as heck didn't work.
Obviously he hasn't killed enough of them. We have an administration that doesn't want to define the enemy and then admit we are at war with them while they are definitely at war with Western Civilization.
What is disturbing is how desensitized we are to an extent. I still remember the utter disbelief when 911 happened.
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To mikeined: Saying we're at war with Islam is what they want. It helps them. Not sure why you want to help them.
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Actually I would blame the schools. Most common major over there is"Islamic studies". Does anybody else here remember when the Taliban came to the Dallas gunshow to be honored as freedom fighters? They were fighting the Russians then.
To mikeined: Saying we're at war with Islam is what they want. It helps them. Not sure why you want to help them.
I never said the entire religion is responsible for the acts of the radicle political ideology that is masking itself inside a religion. I know it's not everyone in the religion. Where in the world did you get that idea?
To mikeined: Saying we're at war with Islam is what they want. It helps them. Not sure why you want to help them.
We aren't at war with Islam Scholz. We are at war with pieces of pig feces that want to pretend they are doing something "greater" than themselves, all the while intimidating the actual moderates of their religion (Roughly half of islam) into not fighting back against them---- hence all the refugees fleeing instead of fighting.

But Scholz, there will come a day when people have to pick sides. This isn't going away any time soon. This is like a few flies buzzing around your house. Do you "shooo" the fly because it's bothering you? What happens after the flies multiply? Then again, then again, then again-- until you're over run with flies. Yes, some of the flies will fly out the window and leave and not bother you anymore. But yo7 still have a poop ton of flies in your home.

Now I'm in no way calling these people "flies". To think so would be rude. This is an analogy. If you squash the two flies, MAYBE more don't come around. Maybe they do. Tough to tell. But if you don't squash the flies, I promise you more will manifest.

Our current President has taken out multiple ISIS targets via drone strikes and SOF forces. But he made a critical error a while back. He underestimated them. We know this because it's well documented in print and video. He said that ISIS was "the JV team" and that they were "contained". I do fault him for that. I fault him for his hubris. I fault him for his false bravado. I realize that ISIS was directly/indirectly/a product of- the Bush doctrine in Iraq. But playing the "chicken or egg" game, I could argue that "radical islam" is traced back to Palestinians being run out of Israel after WWII because we needed an asylum for holocaust survivors. By that rationale, I could blame radical Islam on Hitler. No holocaust, no asylum for European Jews. By that rationale, I can blame the Jews for leaving Israel in the first place to seek out better opportunities in business in Europe, the UK and America. I can keep doing this all the way back to the Egyptian Pharoah Rameses. (sp)

It's cause and effect. So either we quit blaming past administration's errors and focus on the NOW, or we continue to finger point and run the risk of being destroyed slowly from within.
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If you think for a second that the fact Obama pulled out of Iraq without a status of forces agreement did not create Isis, the "JV Team", then you are ignoring history. Obama has already gone down in history as the worst president, evah!

Key phrases:
  • "Pulled Out" ...what Obama's pappy should have done with Obama's mama...
  • "Gone Down" ...He's been going down since he lied in taking the oath of office...
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Obama has killed literally thousands of ISIS and Al Qaeda members/terrorists/insurgents via countless drone strikes and special ops missions. But he's "ignoring" these guys. Got it. :rolleyes: Can't get enough right wing propaganda.

If ithis bombing wasn't the Kurds. Btw, who displaced all of the Kurds and Sunnis in Iraq anyway with an invasion? Who created ISIS to begin with? It wasn't people ignoring them. Making Iraq our 51st state sure as heck didn't work.
You are certainly hung up on the "my side vs. your side" aren't you? I wasn't even referring to Obama. This problem existed way before the United States was a country, and unless we can figure out a way to fight the ideology it is going to be here a long time after we are gone.

Drone strikes may kill leaders, but there are millions willing to step into their suicide belts as soon as they depart. That's the battle.
If you think for a second that the fact Obama pulled out of Iraq without a status of forces agreement did not create Isis, the "JV Team", then you are ignoring history. Obama has already gone down in history as the worst president, evah!

Key phrases:
  • "Pulled Out" ...what Obama's pappy should have done with Obama's mama...
  • "Gone Down" ...He's been going down since he lied in taking the oath of office...
Slow your roll please. We're having an adult conversation not a sophomoric poop slap competition.
The question is,How do you eliminate this radical sect of zealous beliefs hell bent to destroy civilization?

Tough question with no good answer, I'm afraid. It seems that in the past these things were dealt with by destroying entire people groups and populations. Civilization has come to a point where the innocent individual's life is valued (though we still have work to do in that regard), which I believe to be an absolute good. But it makes it difficult to remove the guilty parties that are embedded in the people.

As Scholtz pointed out, I believe saying America's enemy is Islam would feed into the hands of these terrorist groups. And saying that would be false - our enemy is militant groups that claim to be Muslim in the same way the Branch Davidians or Westboro Baptists would say they're Christian. But how does the US show good will to the region and the culture without opening ourselves up to attack? Not sure. Minimizing collateral damage would help, but is easier said than done. Elevating the economies and excluding corrupt officials would help too, but that's hard enough to do at home.

I would also say that Muslim religious leaders will need to play a big role in preaching a non-violent Islam. Note: I'm not saying they're responsible for the actions of terrorist groups, or that all Muslims "know" who the bad guys are (ridiculous), but they will have a big role to play in righting the ship. I'm sure some are trying very hard as we speak.

Very hard, very difficult to stomach, and very sad.
I would like all of you who are Christian to turn this around....just pretend Christians are doing these things and Countries in the world start saying "The Christians have got to be stopped.....It is a crazy religion that preaches hatred" would you feel?

This is not some EASY thing that the President just does not want to solve...this is tough stuff. Do we kill millions in order to get thousands? Would we create MORE radicals if we invade countries? Some of you act like there is a magic wand that someone is refusing to wave.

Come on guys you are ALL smarter than this. Take politics OUT of it just for a mili-damn-second please.
If you think for a second that the fact Obama pulled out of Iraq without a status of forces agreement did not create Isis, the "JV Team", then you are ignoring history. Obama has already gone down in history as the worst president, evah!

Key phrases:
  • "Pulled Out" ...what Obama's pappy should have done with Obama's mama...
  • "Gone Down" ...He's been going down since he lied in taking the oath of office...

Worst president ever...ROFL..stop watching faux, it is bad for your intelligence.
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I would like all of you who are Christian to turn this around....just pretend Christians are doing these things and Countries in the world start saying "The Christians have got to be stopped.....It is a crazy religion that preaches hatred" would you feel?

This is not some EASY thing that the President just does not want to solve...this is tough stuff. Do we kill millions in order to get thousands? Would we create MORE radicals if we invade countries? Some of you act like there is a magic wand that someone is refusing to wave.

Come on guys you are ALL smarter than this. Take politics OUT of it just for a mili-damn-second please.

The US exacerbated the situation by invading a country that did not threaten us (Iraq), killing thousands upon thousands of innocent people, disbanding the Iraq armed forces (whom became ISIS) and removing the power check on Iran and Al Queda (which is what Iraq was doing under Sadam). The US created this situation..isn't Karma a bitch..
I would like all of you who are Christian to turn this around....just pretend Christians are doing these things and Countries in the world start saying "The Christians have got to be stopped.....It is a crazy religion that preaches hatred" would you feel?

Exactly. It's just as easy to cherry-pick violent, seemingly hatred filled verses from the bible as it is the quran. Empathy requires a lot of effort and is very draining. At least, it's difficult for me. It's a muscle that needs to be exercised.
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I would like all of you who are Christian to turn this around....just pretend Christians are doing these things and Countries in the world start saying "The Christians have got to be stopped.....It is a crazy religion that preaches hatred" would you feel?

This is not some EASY thing that the President just does not want to solve...this is tough stuff. Do we kill millions in order to get thousands? Would we create MORE radicals if we invade countries? Some of you act like there is a magic wand that someone is refusing to wave.

Come on guys you are ALL smarter than this. Take politics OUT of it just for a mili-damn-second please.
The thing isChristians AREN't doing these things in the name of religion. Sure you have some nut jobs from time to time but I have yet the hear a group of Christians threaten to blow up countries, rape and pillage in the name of Jesus Christ. In the US the police are going to have start profiling unfortunately and sticking their heads in the mosques quite frequently. I go to a church in NB and also one in San Antonio and at every service there are uniformed police officers in the church. Doesn't bother the congregation one bit because we have nothing to hideZ
The thing isChristians AREN't doing these things in the name of religion. Sure you have some nut jobs from time to time but I have yet the hear a group of Christians threaten to blow up countries, rape and pillage in the name of Jesus Christ. In the US the police are going to have start profiling unfortunately and sticking their heads in the mosques quite frequently. I go to a church in NB and also one in San Antonio and at every service there are uniformed police officers in the church. Doesn't bother the congregation one bit because we have nothing to hideZ

Do you own a history book, or have you ever read one (do they have books in oklahoma?). Islam is just a few hundreds years behind Christianity with slaughter, terrorism and mass murder. Do yourself a favor and read up on your religions awesome history (faux newz doesn't count...I know I know, that will be hard for you).
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Do you own a history book, or have you ever read one (do they have books in oklahoma?). Islam is just a few hundreds years behind Christianity with slaughter, terrorism and mass murder. Do yourself a favor and read up on your religions awesome history (faux newz doesn't count...I know I know, that will be hard for you).
I know what you are saying about Christianity (I am a Christian) and Islam but the religions are NOT THE PROBLEM. It is people who claim to be part of them who are the problem.

Both religions are peaceful until people come along and change them. The Bible says to Love your enemy...Love your neighbor. Very tough sometimes.
The thing isChristians AREN't doing these things in the name of religion.
Wasn't too long ago when the KKK was committing terrorist acts in this country, murdering, bombing and burning in the name of Christianity. They've just been marginalized because we live in a pluralistic open democracry. Still, pro-life advocates are murdering abortion doctors in the USA in the name of Christianity today. Religious nutjobs haven't gone away by any means.

Religious extremism is the root of this. Theocracies in the Middle East let it thrive and go unchecked and let the religious fanatics intimidate and brutalize the moderates. Think about that the next time the religious right in this country says we should make laws and elect leaders solely on the bahble.

The I have yet the hear a group of Christians threaten to blow up countries, rape and pillage in the name of Jesus Christ.
You don't know much history then. Crusades? Inquisition? Witch trials? Slavery in this country was condoned by Christians.
Wasn't too long ago when the KKK was committing terrorist acts in this country, murdering, bombing and burning in the name of Christianity. They've just been marginalized because we live in a pluralistic open democracry. Still, pro-life advocates are murdering abortion doctors in the USA in the name of Christianity today. Religious nutjobs haven't gone away by any means.

Religious extremism is the root of this. Theocracies in the Middle East let it thrive and go unchecked and let the religious fanatics intimidate and brutalize the moderates. Think about that the next time the religious right in this country says we should make laws and elect leaders solely on the bahble.

You don't know much history then. Crusades? Inquisition? Witch trials? Slavery in this country was condoned by Christians.
You and your buddies above need to realize we are living in the here and now. I don't care what happened once upon a time . The threat is here and we need to deal with it. You guys getting off on rabbit trails
Do you own a history book, or have you ever read one (do they have books in oklahoma?). Islam is just a few hundreds years behind Christianity with slaughter, terrorism and mass murder. Do yourself a favor and read up on your religions awesome history (faux newz doesn't count...I know I know, that will be hard for you).
We are talking about what happening in the world right now. I live in Texas btw. Are you insinuating Christians pose a greater risk than ISIS? seriously? I'm talking about a greater risk of lopping your head off right now genius. Furthermore I mentioned we have a police presence in our church, you know to keep the radical Christians in line. I think the same could be done in mosques over here as well
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I know what you are saying about Christianity (I am a Christian) and Islam but the religions are NOT THE PROBLEM. It is people who claim to be part of them who are the problem.

Both religions are peaceful until people come along and change them. The Bible says to Love your enemy...Love your neighbor. Very tough sometimes.

The problem with the bible/quran is that people interpret it to mean what they want. They enforce their current belief system with whatever verse or verses in the book they feel supports their understanding of life. This is why there isn't one church, but hundreds (possibly thousands:baptists, coc, catholic, presbys, etc.). This is why there are sunnis/shia/sufi/Baha'is etc..If Stephen Kings 'The Stand' was made into a religious text by some cult, in 500 years there might be hundreds of different denominations based on how different people interpret 'The Stand'...just say'in...
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Wasn't too long ago when the KKK was committing terrorist acts in this country, murdering, bombing and burning in the name of Christianity. They've just been marginalized because we live in a pluralistic open democracry. Still, pro-life advocates are murdering abortion doctors in the USA in the name of Christianity today. Religious nutjobs haven't gone away by any means.

Religious extremism is the root of this. Theocracies in the Middle East let it thrive and go unchecked and let the religious fanatics intimidate and brutalize the moderates. Think about that the next time the religious right in this country says we should make laws and elect leaders solely on the bahble.

You don't know much history then. Crusades? Inquisition? Witch trials? Slavery in this country was condoned by Christians.
Whether you agree with Scholz's politics what he is saying here is true. Christianity has not always done the right thing according to our own Holy Book. I am Christian and no I am not perfect and yes I am a hypocrite and fall short every day. Saved by Grace.
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We are talking about what happening in the world right now. I live in Texas btw. Are you insinuating Christians pose a greater risk than ISIS? seriously? I'm talking about a greater risk of lopping your head off right now genius.

I am far more concerned about christian right wing gun toting nut jobz in texas than I am from any muslim.../truth
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