Sales tax hit the poor a lot harder than the rich. If you have to spend 100% of your income to live then 100% of your income is taxed. The wealthy spend a smaller portion of their income to live so not all of their income would be taxed. I agree on not taxing interest on savings, or putting age limits on IRA donations, lot of ways to encourage savings. That would help a lot of things.
Most wealthy people I know don't have a problem paying a higher tax rate as long is it is fair and reasonable. I would rather see lower capital gains for people that invest their money, don't tax money twice.
Everyone I know is for lower taxes, but no one wants their services cut. Cut services that don't affect me, cut services that effect someone else.
Getting rid of Govt., or Govt. services is not the answer, less but smarter more efficient Govt. is the answer. That's not happening with the collection of clowns that we have elected.
Ultimately it is the electorate that is at fault. We elect the people that once they get elected their job is to get re-elected, not serve the people. We, the electorate, really need to step up our game and understand the issues, not let Fox News or CNN define them for us. The more I dig into the issues the more I see that what we get on the news, both liberal and conservative, don't come close to what is going on. We are watching a dog and pony show on the news.
There is a lot bigger force called money that runs the dog and pony show.