Pretty Interesting Stats

Sigh and roll my eyes over sarcastic comments like this.

But I'll play along. After reading this reply let me say this. Since I last checked this morning the number of cases in the U.S. had risen to 38,757 a dramatic increase in just a few hours and the death toll is now 416 it was 400 this morning and there are so many other casualties and fatalities that haven't been reported yet. Governor Newsom was talking about what could happen in 6 months if this virus has not been stopped there may not be enough hospitals, doctors, and treatments to deal with the coronavirus.

We'll see what kind of song you guys will sing when it hits TX hard and rest assured it will.

No sarcasm, just another stupid fvcking statement by yet another moronic governor. He is saying that Because that because the hospitals are overrun then 25 million people are going to catch the virus. That doesn't make a bit of sense. Might as well say that because prisons are full, 25 million people are going to commit crimes.

But then again, this is from the same party that thinks missles were really important in WWII.
The govt is going to take anything from me. I've worked saved we've invested some and I believe in the laws of tithing. My wife are going to be fine for a good long while.
I’m not jumping into this fight. But serious question for all - where is your money “invested”? If it’s the stock market - no one should be comfortable. Real estate? Dallas just issued a 60 day moratorium on evictions, which gives the green light for every tenant to skip rent payments. Bonds? Interest rates are at record lows. Gold is dropping - and I thought its value was for end times like these. Even all sports are shut down - I can’t even “invest” in a parlay to catch up quickly. This is ugly - and relentless.
You know I ride the bus everyday for the past 6 years to work and I have never caught the flu. I don’t take flu shots I do wash my hands a lot maybe that’s why. Reading and researching I find this virus being the biggest issue is that it’s novel not the typical seasonal flu. I’m not overreacting but I’m also listening to the experts and staying a way from large groups. I’m pre diabetic by genetics not because I’m a lardass, my mom has MS and my dad has diabetes. If anything were to happen to them because I was selfish and went out and ignored warnings I’d be crushed. Neither of my parents are overweight just bad luck.
Simple solution--

Lockdown the elderly, those with pre-existing health issues that make them vulnerable to this disease, and little kids. Let those of us that are healthy return to work and fend off the virus for ourselves. Three positives of this:

1. Many healthy people will build immunities or resistance to the virus.
2. The economy will not crater as badly.
3. If quarantined properly, deaths of the elderly and weak will be minimized.
You know I ride the bus everyday for the past 6 years to work and I have never caught the flu. I don’t take flu shots I do wash my hands a lot maybe that’s why. Reading and researching I find this virus being the biggest issue is that it’s novel not the typical seasonal flu. I’m not overreacting but I’m also listening to the experts and staying a way from large groups. I’m pre diabetic by genetics not because I’m a lardass, my mom has MS and my dad has diabetes. If anything were to happen to them because I was selfish and went out and ignored warnings I’d be crushed. Neither of my parents are overweight just bad luck.

Yes, this is the person I am talking about. You and your family should be the ones getting the beds if you have genetic diabetes. Clob is correct, let the healthy fight it until a vaccine is established. If one is at risk, set yourself apart and stay away from the kids. Most of the school kids will never know they have it if they are allowed to catch it. This isn't polio or diptheria. If we were to take this route, over 70% of the population would be immune by fall. Maybe we get a vaccine by fall and there is enough for the remaining 30% to gain immunity, we win.
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Simple solution--

Lockdown the elderly, those with pre-existing health issues that make them vulnerable to this disease, and little kids. Let those of us that are healthy return to work and fend off the virus for ourselves. Three positives of this:

1. Many healthy people will build immunities or resistance to the virus.
2. The economy will not crater as badly.
3. If quarantined properly, deaths of the elderly and weak will be minimized.

Only problem with people going into work is the ability to spread it and then losing your work force quickly. It’s happened at our office with the flu. People were out not working and that whole department was up shit creek. We’re working from home but I’m corporate not field. I assume the field workers are still having to drive into terminals to work.

Well the field workers that still have a job.
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Sigh and roll my eyes over sarcastic comments like this.

But I'll play along. After reading this reply let me say this. Since I last checked this morning the number of cases in the U.S. had risen to 38,757 a dramatic increase in just a few hours and the death toll is now 416 it was 400 this morning and there are so many other casualties and fatalities that haven't been reported yet. Governor Newsom was talking about what could happen in 6 months if this virus has not been stopped there may not be enough hospitals, doctors, and treatments to deal with the coronavirus.

We'll see what kind of song you guys will sing when it hits TX hard and rest assured it will.
Could the increase in confirmed cases be due to the fact that they have now tested about 250,000 Americans. I wonder how many people actually get the flu and never test positive because they never got tested. My daughter tested negative for the flu earlier this year, but they gave her Tamiflu anyways, does she count as a person by the CDC that had the flu?
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I’m not jumping into this fight. But serious question for all - where is your money “invested”? If it’s the stock market - no one should be comfortable. Real estate? Dallas just issued a 60 day moratorium on evictions, which gives the green light for every tenant to skip rent payments. Bonds? Interest rates are at record lows. Gold is dropping - and I thought its value was for end times like these. Even all sports are shut down - I can’t even “invest” in a parlay to catch up quickly. This is ugly - and relentless.

1. Payoff your house. This is survivable.

2. $10's,$20's, and some $50's.

3. Self defense.

The extended leverage strategy is about to go up in smoke.
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Simple solution--

Lockdown the elderly, those with pre-existing health issues that make them vulnerable to this disease, and little kids. Let those of us that are healthy return to work and fend off the virus for ourselves. Three positives of this:

1. Many healthy people will build immunities or resistance to the virus.
2. The economy will not crater as badly.
3. If quarantined properly, deaths of the elderly and weak will be minimized.
Are you suggesting that we send the elderly a one way ticket on the FEMA Express to the FEMA camp nearest them? I like your style son. just kidding @oldhorn2, @StrangerHorn etc. I’m not kidding about wanting to inquire about a potential reservation for my in laws tho
Only problem with people going into work is the ability to spread it and then losing your work force quickly. It’s happened at our office with the flu. People were out not working and that whole department was up shit creek. We’re working from home but I’m corporate not field. I assume the field workers are still having to drive into terminals to work.

Well the field workers that still have a job.
I’m not sure which one is killing our workforce quicker, the Coronavirus or oil prices? If you survive one, the other may get you on the backend

Are you suggesting that we send the elderly a one way ticket on the FEMA Express to the FEMA camp nearest them? I like your style son. just kidding @oldhorn2, @StrangerHorn etc. I’m not kidding about wanting to inquire about a potential reservation for my in laws tho

You forget their are a lotta Vietnam Vets that are old and still moving doing all kinds of shit, if we had to fight again, everybody would be there, Gulf wars vets getting old too, only ticket anyone wouldf get would be the one giving them
I’m not sure which one is killing our workforce q and then the Stocks break and ya all shittin like uicker, the Coronavirus or oil prices? If you survive one, the other may get you on the backend

Cause you young people don't know when to keep ya money close,,,always trying to make more, never satisfied, then it crashes and ya'll start shittin like a Pet Coon
Cause you young people don't know when to keep ya money close,,,always trying to make more, never satisfied, then it crashes and ya'll start shittin like a Pet Coon
Well you have to admit that this is kind of an odd phenomenon happening right now. It’s really not that cut and dried simply because we don’t know how long this will go on and the variables involved
Well you have to admit that this is kind of an odd phenomenon happening right now. It’s really not that cut and dried simply because we don’t know how long this will go on and the variables involved

You really don't want us back together again, you could not control us back then and ya damn sure wouldn't now. Plus we are brotherhood that sticks together for the long haul, talk to the Devil before you asked this...LOL
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Simple solution--

Lockdown the elderly, those with pre-existing health issues that make them vulnerable to this disease, and little kids. Let those of us that are healthy return to work and fend off the virus for ourselves. Three positives of this:

1. Many healthy people will build immunities or resistance to the virus.
2. The economy will not crater as badly.
3. If quarantined properly, deaths of the elderly and weak will be minimized.

I like it! You young and healthy(alledgedly) folks need to get out there and carry the flag for a while. Strange thing is....over 50% of those confirmed are between ages of 20 and 50. This shows one of 2 things.....Either those "young and healthy" are only young, but not healthy, or.....the more obvious....The young ones are a bunch of pussies that run to the Dr. to get tested when the first sniffle appears.

Young....and healthy...are not synonomous.
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What I want to know is why are those Senators that attended the top secret briefings about the contasion not in jail for insider trading when they walked out of the meetings and immediately closed all stock positions? I know that this supposed "royalty" gets rich off our backs, but they don't have to rub our noses in it.....
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Well you have to admit that this is kind of an odd phenomenon happening right now. It’s really not that cut and dried simply because we don’t know how long this will go on and the variables involved

Only variables in my life is I know where my money I saved for 50 yrs is and I, know where Trooper is and I know where the Shiner is, outside of that and all my kids got money, if they need more than they call me for it, and I give it to them, my wife is set in case I die, and I can't take it with me so? You try to get too deep with this shit Bell! It don't mean nothing!
Only variables in my life is I know where my money I saved for 50 yrs is and I, know where Trooper is and I know where the Shiner is, outside of that and all my kids got money, if they need more than they call me for it, and I give it to them, my wife is set in case I die, and I can't take it with me so? You try to get too deep with this shit Bell! It don't mean nothing!

money is only something you need in case you don't die tomorrow....
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regarding the Flu this Season in the US. If you take the low end, there are on average 230,000 new cases everyday and on average 140 new deaths everyday (high end numbers are 325,000 cases and 355 deaths)...……….

127,770 completed cases of Coronavirus. These are all the known cases with an outcome...cured or death. There have been 18,891 deaths. That is a mortality rate of 14.79%. Those are the numbers from Johns Hopkins.

2018-2019 flu season had 35.5 million cases. Total deaths were just over 34,000. Death rate of 0.09%.

it is a very different thing.
127,770 completed cases of Coronavirus. These are all the known cases with an outcome...cured or death. There have been 18,891 deaths. That is a mortality rate of 14.79%. Those are the numbers from Johns Hopkins.

2018-2019 flu season had 35.5 million cases. Total deaths were just over 34,000. Death rate of 0.09%.

it is a very different thing.

This does not include the untested who get well. Only the sick who show up at the hospital.
127,770 completed cases of Coronavirus. These are all the known cases with an outcome...cured or death. There have been 18,891 deaths. That is a mortality rate of 14.79%. Those are the numbers from Johns Hopkins.

2018-2019 flu season had 35.5 million cases. Total deaths were just over 34,000. Death rate of 0.09%.

it is a very different thing.
Let’s quote US figures hoss, then let’s all get back to work
Let’s quote US figures hoss, then let’s all get back to work
See, that is just the thing. I would rather they shut it all down for a month and get it over with. I do not want us to be the do nothing countries like Italy and Spain. Italy’s death rate is is 10% including ALL CASES and not just the closed ones. Spain is not far behind. Look at South Korea. They were arguably the most aggressive in their response. 9,137 total cases and only 126 deaths. 1.37%

I was the guy who laughed at all this three weeks ago. Now my argument is if you don’t do this early, work stoppages, and you let this drag out, you are delaying and causing more harm to the economy. Many businesses can survive a 30 day shut down. None can survive a year of floundering around in this limbo nonsense.
See, that is just the thing. I would rather they shut it all down for a month and get it over with. I do not want us to be the do nothing countries like Italy and Spain. Italy’s death rate is is 10% including ALL CASES and not just the closed ones. Spain is not far behind. Look at South Korea. They were arguably the most aggressive in their response. 9,137 total cases and only 126 deaths. 1.37%

I was the guy who laughed at all this three weeks ago. Now my argument is if you don’t do this early, work stoppages, and you let this drag out, you are delaying and causing more harm to the economy. Many businesses can survive a 30 day shut down. None can survive a year of floundering around in this limbo nonsense.
I get your point. Let me ask you something. If Trump was to shut this thing down for a full 30 days what happens when flu season rolls around next year? It’s a proven killer of thousands upon thousands right here in the US every year. Do you shut down the country then too? If you don’t then Trump will be accused of picking and choosing who dies, according to his detractors. What’s next? Shutting down the US during certain months due to heading off potential climate warming doomsday scenarios? Where would it all end? Unfortunately the world is not perfect.
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127,770 completed cases of Coronavirus. These are all the known cases with an outcome...cured or death. There have been 18,891 deaths. That is a mortality rate of 14.79%. Those are the numbers from Johns Hopkins.

2018-2019 flu season had 35.5 million cases. Total deaths were just over 34,000. Death rate of 0.09%.

it is a very different thing.
You are comparing the World to the Stats I provided which are in the US. Not only that, the number of cured will dramatically increase in the next few weeks once people being tested in the last few weeks and now are cured. Also, I don't recall us shutting down the US and the Media hyperventilating when an estimated 80,000 AMERICANS died during the 2017-2018 Flu Season (see Linky):
I get your point. Let me ask you something. If Trump was to shut this thing down for a full 30 days what happens when flu season rolls around next year? It’s a proven killer of thousands upon thousands right here in the US every year. Do you shut down the country then too? If you don’t then Trump will be accused of picking and choosing who dies, according to his detractors. What’s next? Shutting down the US during certain months due to heading off potential climate warming doomsday scenarios? Where would it all end? Unfortunately the world is not perfect.
Not perfect indeed. As to politics, I do not vote therefore I do not criticize nor praise. I would never protest against the Government nor will I join a support rally.

Please don’t take my words as criticizing the President because he has a job I cannot fathom. However, I do have an opinion that while shutting things down may seem excessive to many, and I was one of them 10 days ago, I know believe it will curtail the losses in the long run. The fear factor is high to the point of being excessive but it is there and it IS affecting the economy.

As to the number of flu deaths and the “shutting down the system over it.” Well, the day the deaths of “Seasonal flu” has the same effect on our economy as this stuff has.....then shut it down. It won’t unless it were a “Pandemic flu” which IS NOT the same thing.
Not perfect indeed. As to politics, I do not vote therefore I do not criticize nor praise. I would never protest against the Government nor will I join a support rally.

Please don’t take my words as criticizing the President because he has a job I cannot fathom. However, I do have an opinion that while shutting things down may seem excessive to many, and I was one of them 10 days ago, I know believe it will curtail the losses in the long run. The fear factor is high to the point of being excessive but it is there and it IS affecting the economy.

As to the number of flu deaths and the “shutting down the system over it.” Well, the day the deaths of “Seasonal flu” has the same effect on our economy as this stuff has.....then shut it down. It won’t unless it were a “Pandemic flu” which IS NOT the same thing.
How is 80,000 Dead Americans caused by the Flu in a 6 month span not a Pandemic?! Total Deaths Worldwide currently in 3 months are at 20,500 (809 in 2 months in the US). I know this will clearly go up, but seriously, shutdown the world and destroy the economy? Would The Chinese Virus have this affect on our economy if it hadn't been shut down?
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Why do we treat the seasonal flu different than a virus that is in animals that can be transmitted to humans?
I’ll bow out on this but the answer is simple....because it didn’t. If it had we would have needed to respond differently.

Because at the current Coronavirus mortality rates, if the same number of people contracted the Coronavirus as the seasonal flu, 80,000 deaths would only be a drop in the bucket. 2 million? 4 million? More?
There is a difference between a seasonal flu and a Pandemic flu. The Spanish Flu of 1918 was pandemic.

From the CDC:

Seasonal Flu: Rates of medical visits, complications, hospitalizations and death can vary from low to high
CDC estimates that flu-related hospitalizations since 2010 ranged from 140,000 to 710,000, while flu-related deaths are estimated to have ranged from 12,000 to 56,000.

Pandemic Flu: Rates of medical visits, complications, hospitalizations and death can range from moderate to high
Number of deaths could be much higher than seasonal flu (e.g. The estimated U.S. death toll during the 1918 pandemic was approximately 675,000)

How often does it happen?

Seasonal Flu: Happens annually and usually peaks between December and February

Pandemic Flu: Rarely happens (three times in 20th century)

Seasonal Flu: Usually some immunity from previous exposures and influenza vaccination

Pandemic Flu: Most people have little or no immunity because they have no previous exposure to the virus or similar viruses

Seasonal Flu: Vaccine available for annual flu season
Usually, one dose of vaccine is needed for most people

Pandemic Flu: Although the US government maintains a limited stockpile of pandemic vaccine, vaccine may not be available in the early stages of a pandemic
Two doses of vaccine may be needed

So the CDC says since 2010 there have been up to 56,000 Americans die. 675,000 died in 2018. Seasonal flu has a solution. Pandemic normally does not.
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The reason I don't shake hands is not because of the Corona virus....I don't shake hands because everyone is out of toilet paper!
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How is 80,000 Dead Americans caused by the Flu in a 6 month span not a Pandemic?! Total Deaths Worldwide currently in 3 months are at 20,500 (809 in 2 months in the US). I know this will clearly go up, but seriously, shutdown the world and destroy the economy? Would The Chinese Virus have this affect on our economy if it hadn't been shut down?
And therein lies the whole mystery.
I’ll bow out on this but the answer is simple....because it didn’t. If it had we would have needed to respond differently.

Because at the current Coronavirus mortality rates, if the same number of people contracted the Coronavirus as the seasonal flu, 80,000 deaths would only be a drop in the bucket. 2 million? 4 million? More?
There is a difference between a seasonal flu and a Pandemic flu. The Spanish Flu of 1918 was pandemic.

From the CDC:

Seasonal Flu: Rates of medical visits, complications, hospitalizations and death can vary from low to high
CDC estimates that flu-related hospitalizations since 2010 ranged from 140,000 to 710,000, while flu-related deaths are estimated to have ranged from 12,000 to 56,000.

Pandemic Flu: Rates of medical visits, complications, hospitalizations and death can range from moderate to high
Number of deaths could be much higher than seasonal flu (e.g. The estimated U.S. death toll during the 1918 pandemic was approximately 675,000)

How often does it happen?

Seasonal Flu: Happens annually and usually peaks between December and February

Pandemic Flu: Rarely happens (three times in 20th century)

Seasonal Flu: Usually some immunity from previous exposures and influenza vaccination

Pandemic Flu: Most people have little or no immunity because they have no previous exposure to the virus or similar viruses

Seasonal Flu: Vaccine available for annual flu season
Usually, one dose of vaccine is needed for most people

Pandemic Flu: Although the US government maintains a limited stockpile of pandemic vaccine, vaccine may not be available in the early stages of a pandemic
Two doses of vaccine may be needed

So the CDC says since 2010 there have been up to 56,000 Americans die. 675,000 died in 2018. Seasonal flu has a solution. Pandemic normally does not.

Okay, I am trying to be nice. I won't call you names or make fun of your intelligence.

I will just say, the statistics don't support your projections. Worldwide, no one 0 to 9 has died. 10 - 40 the death rate is .0002 % If 250 million people got the China virus, and 60% are under the age of 40, then we are looking at 30,000 dying.

Of the rest, the numbers go up, but the numbers project at around 1.2 million to about 4 million.

So if 250 million people get this disease we are looking at a death rate of less than 5 million on the high side, and 2 million on the low side.

That is slightly more than the average year for traffic deaths worldwide. 1.35 million each year.

I wonder if cars are also a pandemic?

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