Pretty Interesting Stats

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….so my neighbor tells me.....sitting around the house doing nothing is easy until they tell you it is all you can do....
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Very Interesting information about the Swine Flu that I really don't remember too many people caring about or being as concerned with as we are currently with The Chinese Virus:

The 2009 swine flu pandemic or swine flu was an influenza pandemic that lasted from January 2009 to August 2010, and the second of the two pandemics involving H1N1 influenza virus (the first being the 1918–1920 Spanish flu pandemic), albeit a new strain. First described in April 2009, the virus appeared to be a new strain of H1N1, which resulted from a previous triple reassortment of bird, swine, and human flu viruses further combined with a Eurasian pig flu virus,[9] leading to the term "swine flu".[10] Some studies estimated that 11 to 21 percent of the global population at the time – or around 700 million to 1.4 billion people (out of a total of 6.8 billion) – contracted the illness. This was more than the number of people infected by the Spanish flu pandemic,[6][11] but only resulted in about 150,000 to 575,000 fatalities for the 2009 pandemic.[12] A follow-up study done in September 2010 showed that the risk of serious illness resulting from the 2009 H1N1 flu was no higher than that of the yearly seasonal flu.[13] For comparison, the WHO estimates that 250,000 to 500,000 people die of seasonal flu annually.[8]

Unlike most strains of influenza, the Pandemic H1N1/09 virus does not disproportionately infect adults older than 60 years; this was an unusual and characteristic feature of the H1N1 pandemic.
May not be as good of treatment you have, 2400nueces (can you reprint yours again w directions?), but I've got a pot of caldo de pollo cooking to fight off that coronavirus.

Hook em Horns!
Interesting stat---- for every 1% increase in the unemployment in the United States, there are between 5000 and 5500 suicides.

Many economists and politicians are saying we could reach 30% unemployment.

30 x 5000 = 150,000 suicides.

So let's have people blowing their heads off because they can't afford to feed their kids or pay their rent or electric bill. Much better than catching a disease that you have a large chance of surviving.
Pandemic Flu: Although the US government maintains a limited stockpile of pandemic vaccine, vaccine may not be available in the early stages of a pandemic
Two doses of vaccine may be needed
There is no such thing as a generic "pandemic vaccine." There is no flu called "pandemic." As of December 2019, no one had a vaccine for Covid-19. There is no tested vaccine now, although LOTS of testing is going on. The experts said it'll be another 11-17 months before one is developed. (They said 12-18 months a month ago, I think.)
Very Interesting information about the Swine Flu that I really don't remember too many people caring about or being as concerned with as we are currently with The Chinese Virus:

The 2009 swine flu pandemic or swine flu was an influenza pandemic that lasted from January 2009 to August 2010, and the second of the two pandemics involving H1N1 influenza virus (the first being the 1918–1920 Spanish flu pandemic), albeit a new strain. First described in April 2009, the virus appeared to be a new strain of H1N1, which resulted from a previous triple reassortment of bird, swine, and human flu viruses further combined with a Eurasian pig flu virus,[9] leading to the term "swine flu".[10] Some studies estimated that 11 to 21 percent of the global population at the time – or around 700 million to 1.4 billion people (out of a total of 6.8 billion) – contracted the illness. This was more than the number of people infected by the Spanish flu pandemic,[6][11] but only resulted in about 150,000 to 575,000 fatalities for the 2009 pandemic.[12] A follow-up study done in September 2010 showed that the risk of serious illness resulting from the 2009 H1N1 flu was no higher than that of the yearly seasonal flu.[13] For comparison, the WHO estimates that 250,000 to 500,000 people die of seasonal flu annually.[8]

Unlike most strains of influenza, the Pandemic H1N1/09 virus does not disproportionately infect adults older than 60 years; this was an unusual and characteristic feature of the H1N1 pandemic.
About 12 thousand people died from swine flu in the US in the absence of any social distancing. Covid is expected to kill many times that number despite an unprecedented lockdown.

There are good reasons why we are more concerned about this one.
Can you imagine the constant freaking out if every year the Media ran a daily Seasonal Flu Tracker of Confirmed Cases and Deaths like they are doing with The Chinese Virus...……………..Adding a Link. Look at the number of Flu and Pneumonia deaths per week!
Seasonal flu doesn't often threaten to overwhelm the health system. But if it did, you can bet it would be covered just like this.

I really don't know how you can still not grasp what kind of calamity this virus would be if we didn't lock down like we are. And it still might be very bad. You have to be willfully ignorant at this point to be comparing causes of death.
Seasonal flu doesn't often threaten to overwhelm the health system. But if it did, you can bet it would be covered just like this.

I really don't know how you can still not grasp what kind of calamity this virus would be if we didn't lock down like we are. And it still might be very bad. You have to be willfully ignorant at this point to be comparing causes of death.
Did you even look at the link? There are a combined 3000-3500 deaths per week caused by the flu and pneumonia! If you actually paid attention, that number during peak times (which is January to current) puts the US at a constant at or above threshold level. The reason we are now getting overrun on supplies and hospital space is that a New Virus has been introduced which just adds to the complications. I never said it wasn't a big deal, but you can't put The Chinese Virus in a Vacuum and act like it's the only contributing factor.
About 12 thousand people died from swine flu in the US in the absence of any social distancing. Covid is expected to kill many times that number despite an unprecedented lockdown.

There are good reasons why we are more concerned about this one.

The Swine Flu resulted in over 17,000 deaths in the US and over 60 million Americans that were infected and 300,000 hospitalized....just to be accurate. Covid-19 is more contagious but it's certainly not a death sentence. The biggest problem is that too many people who think they have Covid-19 are checking themselves into the hospital which is over-burdening our hospitals big time. ER doctors and nurses I know have told me that about 80% of the people coming into the hospital after testing positive don't need to come to the hospital but they're coming anyway because they're convinced they're going to die. That's a big problem as it's taking valuable medical staff and resources away from patients who are seriously affected by this virus and other illnesses. Most people can safely recover at home through self-quarantine measures from this virus.
The Swine Flu resulted in over 17,000 deaths in the US and over 60 million Americans that were infected and 300,000 hospitalized....just to be accurate. Covid-19 is more contagious but it's certainly not a death sentence. The biggest problem is that too many people who think they have Covid-19 are checking themselves into the hospital which is over-burdening our hospitals big time. ER doctors and nurses I know have told me that about 80% of the people coming into the hospital after testing positive don't need to come to the hospital but they're coming anyway because they're convinced they're going to die. That's a big problem as it's taking valuable medical staff and resources away from patients who are seriously affected by this virus and other illnesses. Most people can safely recover at home through self-quarantine measures from this virus.
Literally every figure I can find on swine flu deaths says just over 12k. Including the official cdc tally.

And if you can just check yourself into the hospital, that's news to me.
Oh and by the way, anyone living in New Braunfels needs to drive by my buddy Alan’s feed store on Tuesdays about 7:30 in the morning and see the hoarding overreacters buying up all feed etc. The parking lot is crammed packed. This whole thing is overboard and compounded by ignorant sheeple.
Literally every figure I can find on swine flu deaths says just over 12k. Including the official cdc tally.

And if you can just check yourself into the hospital, that's news to me.

The CDC estimate is an average of the total reported cases from their various sources. The high was 18,000.

The hospital ER rooms are getting over-run by people who are otherwise healthy. They have to get checked out based on their reported symptoms and a positive test. Hospitals have to check them out before they can send them home or else they face the prospects of litigation by failing to run a thorough examination on someone. There are people in hospitals who insist they can't breathe and their tests are showing they have 100% healthy lungs. This requires further testing and examination which further burdens our hospital staff and resources unnecesarily. This is actually happening and anyone who thinks this is isn't a serious problem is just burying their head in the sand.
The CDC estimate is an average of the total reported cases from their various sources. The high was 18,000.

The hospital ER rooms are getting over-run by people who are otherwise healthy. They have to get checked out based on their reported symptoms and a positive test. Hospitals have to check them out before they can send them home or else they face the prospects of litigation by failing to run a thorough examination on someone. There are people in hospitals who insist they can't breathe and their tests are showing they have 100% healthy lungs. This requires further testing and examination which further burdens our hospital staff and resources unnecesarily. This is actually happening and anyone who thinks this is isn't a serious problem is just burying their head in the sand.
Exactly Drtx, I have friends who work in hospitals and have told me the same thing. We have a Media culture scaring the s**t out of everyone to the point where people with a minor symptom swear they have The Chinese Virus and are going to die. It has gotten way out of hand. Everyone needs to remember that there are 175,000 positive tests so far in the US out of more than 1 Million people tested (probably somewhere between 10-13% positives of people tested). I just checked and in Texas the positives are only at 7.5%.
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The CDC estimate is an average of the total reported cases from their various sources. The high was 18,000.

The hospital ER rooms are getting over-run by people who are otherwise healthy. They have to get checked out based on their reported symptoms and a positive test. Hospitals have to check them out before they can send them home or else they face the prospects of litigation by failing to run a thorough examination on someone. There are people in hospitals who insist they can't breathe and their tests are showing they have 100% healthy lungs. This requires further testing and examination which further burdens our hospital staff and resources unnecesarily. This is actually happening and anyone who thinks this is isn't a serious problem is just burying their head in the sand.
Damn that sucks.