Pretty Interesting Stats

This is a cull. Period. I know it sounds insensitive to say that, but it is what it is. You can't fight a cull. For the collective good, everyone should be exposed to the disease. Remember when all kids got chicken pox? Why?

Because when you get chicken pox as a kid you can survive it.

If you DONT get it as a kid and get it as an adult, you fvcking die.

The healthy could get corona and survive and their bodies will build an immunity to it, or at least a resistance. But now the next time this bug comes back stronger and infects people, the healthy that get infected could be turned into liquid sh!t.

You simply can not fight the fact that we as humans, in order to evolve and survive, must experience a cull from time to time. It's biology 101.
Okay, I am trying to be nice. I won't call you names or make fun of your intelligence.

I will just say, the statistics don't support your projections. Worldwide, no one 0 to 9 has died. 10 - 40 the death rate is .0002 % If 250 million people got the China virus, and 60% are under the age of 40, then we are looking at 30,000 dying.

Of the rest, the numbers go up, but the numbers project at around 1.2 million to about 4 million.

So if 250 million people get this disease we are looking at a death rate of less than 5 million on the high side, and 2 million on the low side.

That is slightly more than the average year for traffic deaths worldwide. 1.35 million each year.

I wonder if cars are also a pandemic?

Call names if you want. Don’t care. You think you are so far on the other side of this from me but the truth is you are really not. My view is, while I may think and you may think this stoppage should not have to take place, the truth of the matter is car wrecks (not a pandemic) hasn’t caused the market to lose 30% in two weeks. This has. My views are not that this is the end of time but what is the quickest way to get through it. Get this whole thing past us.
As to my using all the CDC info listed above, this was a response to show the difference between a pandemic flu and seasonal flu.

If we can’t discuss something without resorting to name calling then our intelligence should be brought into question.
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The market lost 30% because businesses were shut down. Market value is based largely on projected earnings. If the government outlawed cars to fight a car wreck pandemic - you would see a similar fast drop in the market.
so now I’m confused, Dr. Farce is now claiming this could be a seasonal problem. Well that sounds an awful lot like the seasonal flu we already have. So is he saying this is going to be a reoccurring seasonal pandemic? Sorry friends, the fix is in, people have been lining their pockets over this pandemic bs and now they’re trying to morph it into a seasonal flu. There’s more at work here.
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Seasonal “flu” that is not a flu? Great.

I don’t think anyone really knows anything. I think both sides are purely speculating. All I do know is:

1) My job has been a craptastic blur in dealing with clients and how the Stock Market has knocked the snot out of their portfolios. But more than the actual affect on their portfolio, the irrational fear of going to Zero and the anxiety that they pass on to me is tiring.

2) My wife finds out tomorrow if her and her coworkers will all be fired or given a reduction in salary so low that unemployment would be WAY more profitable for them.
Seasonal “flu” that is not a flu? Great.

I don’t think anyone really knows anything. I think both sides are purely speculating. All I do know is:

1) My job has been a craptastic blur in dealing with clients and how the Stock Market has knocked the snot out of their portfolios. But more than the actual affect on their portfolio, the irrational fear of going to Zero and the anxiety that they pass on to me is tiring.

2) My wife finds out tomorrow if her and her coworkers will all be fired or given a reduction in salary so low that unemployment would be WAY more profitable for them.
Then you’re a perfect person to ask this to. Would you rather lose your job and go dead broke or take your chance and get the Coronavirus? Here’s the deal that the CNN’s if the world don’t broadcast: GETTING THE CORONAVIRUS IS NOWHERE NEAR A DEATH SENTENCE AND MORE THAN LIKELY YOU WILL HAVE LITTLE TO NO SYMPTOMS. Gee even though it’s not the traditional seasonal flu, the outcomes sure seem similar with the flu being the declared heavy weight in terms of confirmed deaths- and that’s on a consistent yearly basis. Go to their website it states it very clearly but in their daily broadcasts it’s a message of doom and gloom. Sorry the figures don’t add up to the hysteria. At this point, in terms of death rate, the seasonal flu laughs at the Coronavirus.
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This virus is different than the flu. There is little fever if any at all. This corona virus aims for the lungs and kidneys. The symptoms can't be relieved by an aspirin because the masking of the symptoms may be deadly. The swollen lymph nodes hurt like hell, the headache is like caffeine withdrawal. The worst is the fatigue. There is no way to relieve the weakness. It's different. It also comes back with a punch. It takes physical strength to fight back. This was the perfect jab-left hook combo to take out our world system. Time is essential. It's goal is the lungs. If you can't kill it soon enough, it finds its mark. The developed world is full of weak people and it's going to do a lot of damage. Nowhere to run, face it head on. The herbal compounds I posted earlier have helped my family. My brother gave the virus to me and I gave it to my family. I don't think anyone will remain asymptomatic forever. It's a matter of time. I prolly saved my sister in laws skin. She was in bad shape. Some of those Chinese herbs really do work.
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This virus is different than the flu. There is little fever if any at all. This corona virus aims for the lungs and kidneys. The symptoms can't be relieved by an aspirin because the masking of the symptoms may be deadly. The swollen lymph nodes hurt like hell, the headache is like caffeine withdrawal. The worst is the fatigue. There is no way to relieve the weakness. It's different. It also comes back with a punch. It takes physical strength to fight back. This was the perfect jab-left hook combo to take out our world system. Time is essential. It's goal is the lungs. If you can't kill it soon enough, it finds its mark. The developed world is full of weak people and it's going to do a lot of damage.
1 month ago I came down with a damn strong case of bronchitis type symptoms. I did not go to the doctor but I keep an amount of zpacks on hand that I ordered online about 2 yers ago. As soon as I felt that stuff getting deep in my lungs I took that Zack and it took me 3 weeks of heavy coughing and horrible sounding lungs. Perhaps I had it? Don’t know. I had no fever that I could tell.
1 month ago I came down with a damn strong case of bronchitis type symptoms. I did not go to the doctor but I keep an amount of zpacks on hand that I ordered online about 2 yers ago. As soon as I felt that stuff getting deep in my lungs I took that Zack and it took me 3 weeks of heavy coughing and horrible sounding lungs. Perhaps I had it? Don’t know. I had no fever that I could tell.
Allergies, I have them as well. I have found that for Corona Virus Isatis root extract is amazing (aka indigo root). No, I don't sell it. Get it. It's out there for 6.75 a bottle in capsule form (Highly recommended). The liquid tastes bad, like a weed. Order 1 bottle per person. This crap lasts 2 weeks. It virtually removes the symptoms but you have to take it systematically. Once you realize symptoms, 1000-1500 mg to knock it down, 3 pills. Then 1000-2000 mg a day depending on severity. The other plants are good as well. Their compounds attack the virus on 3 fronts(buplerum root, myricetin, houttania extract). They are 3CL Protease, helicase, and polymerase inhibitors. Advil, aspirin, tylenol, etc only mask symptoms and do nothing to the virus. If this is new to any of you, revisit my previous posts. The doctors in HK know their medicine.

I've guided 8 people through this junk including myself. I think I have a good prescription. No, I don't know why the medical industry refuses to use naturally occurring compounds. Little profit?
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Then you’re a perfect person to ask this to. Would you rather lose your job and go dead broke or take your chance and get the Coronavirus? Here’s the deal that the CNN’s if the world don’t broadcast: GETTING THE CORONAVIRUS IS NOWHERE NEAR A DEATH SENTENCE AND MORE THAN LIKELY YOU WILL HAVE LITTLE TO NO SYMPTOMS. Gee even though it’s not the traditional seasonal flu, the outcomes sure seem similar with the flu being the declared heavy weight in terms of confirmed deaths- and that’s on a consistent yearly basis. Go to their website it states it very clearly but in their daily broadcasts it’s a message of doom and gloom. Sorry the figures don’t add up to the hysteria. At this point, in terms of death rate, the seasonal flu laughs at the Coronavirus.
Good question. Here is my take. I would rather go dead broke than give the virus to my 80 year old father who would very likely die due to his less than perfect health.

Me getting the virus at 51 gives me zero fear. Me giving it to someone who is not as strong as me and them dying does bother me.
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Good question. Here is my take. I would rather go dead broke than give the virus to my 80 year old father who would very likely die due to his less than perfect health.

Me getting the virus at 51 gives me zero fear. Me giving it to someone who is not as strong as me and them dying does bother me.

Transmission is not your fault.
Agreed but I would still feel terrible to the point it would be very hard to carry it around.
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Good question. Here is my take. I would rather go dead broke than give the virus to my 80 year old father who would very likely die due to his less than perfect health.

Me getting the virus at 51 gives me zero fear. Me giving it to someone who is not as strong as me and them dying does bother me.
I get that I’m 49but what I’m saying is this: Do we go into shut down mode next year during flu season? We know damn good and well that it’s going to kill thousands. If we don’t go into shut down mode then you are effectively choosing to kill some folks under the same scenario that we’re dealing with now. This has an opportunity to get way out of control now and even more so going forward. A lot of the folks in charge would love for us to be under their constant control on a full time basis
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Good question. Here is my take. I would rather go dead broke than give the virus to my 80 year old father who would very likely die due to his less than perfect health.

Me getting the virus at 51 gives me zero fear. Me giving it to someone who is not as strong as me and them dying does bother me.
You can separate the 2 and that is what is missing. We don't need to shutdown the economy for people to stay away from their parents or the elderly for a few months in order to keep them safe. Also, stats in Texas as of this morning, Population 30 Million, over 13,000 tested, 974 Positive Results and 12 deaths. Flu Deaths this year over 2500. That is not a Pandemic.

The statements you made could also be contributed to you having the Flu.
I will say this and you can all call me the devil if you want. I’m at my office still everyday. Things have to get done and it is very inconvenient for me to try to work out of my house. I’m taking all the precautions I can, washing my hands multiple times a day, I shower as soon as I come home etc. but I’m just doing what I have to do. These folks who own businesses and are having to fold up, damn that’s awful. How do you think they feel knowing thousands died from the flu this last year but they weren’t forced to close up shop? Somethings not right here and folks can draw their own conclusions but if it smells like a rat, it usually is one.
You can separate the 2 and that is what is missing. We don't need to shutdown the economy for people to stay away from their parents or the elderly for a few months in order to keep them safe. Also, stats in Texas as of this morning, Population 30 Million, over 13,000 tested, 974 Positive Results and 12 deaths. Flu Deaths this year over 2500. That is not a Pandemic.

The statements you made could also be contributed to you having the Flu.

Eventually, the number will be worst than the flu. There is no vaccine. Clob is correct, this virus in meant to cull people. Whether it's lab or naturally developed doesn't matter at this point. It made sense to me to look for ways to fight the virus in convert with my immune system. This virus is new and unique to humans so it will have a higher mortality rate until we build immunity. The second wave will be worse if there is one.
I will say this and you can all call me the devil if you want. I’m at my office still everyday. Things have to get done and it is very inconvenient for me to try to work out of my house. I’m taking all the precautions I can, washing my hands multiple times a day, I shower as soon as I come home etc. but I’m just doing what I have to do. These folks who own businesses and are having to fold up, damn that’s awful. How do you think they feel knowing thousands died from the flu this last year but they weren’t forced to close up shop? Somethings not right here and folks can draw their own conclusions but if it smells like a rat, it usually is one.

The rat is our economic system relying on debt. It wasn't always this way. Not going to get on my soapbox but pandemics are natural. They have happened throughout history and are to be expected.
The rat is our economic system relying on debt. It wasn't always this way. Not going to get on my soapbox but pandemics are natural. They have happened throughout history and are to be expected.
Well, yes you’re correct about that and people should be better with their money no doubt but I’m just referring to them being told to lock up thereby causing them to basically have no business. That sucks. And it’s not just small business, I see where Cheesecake Factory can’t make rent
Well, yes you’re correct about that and people should be better with their money no doubt but I’m just referring to them being told to lock up thereby causing them to basically have no business. That sucks. And it’s not just small business, I see where Cheesecake Factory can’t make rent

You'll understand this. We have created an idol of our economic system built upon debt. We are getting a lesson in human stupidy. We have ignored history and trusted in our own creation. Now we pay.
Eventually, the number will be worst than the flu. There is no vaccine. Clob is correct, this virus in meant to cull people. Whether it's lab or naturally developed doesn't matter at this point. It made sense to me to look for ways to fight the virus in convert with my immune system. This virus is new and unique to humans so it will have a higher mortality rate until we build immunity. The second wave will be worse if there is one.
Maybe, maybe not. As of now, I think that is hard to say. Let's remember that almost half of the cases in the US are in one state, New York.
Well, we may disagree on this and that's fine, but I think one thing we can all agree on; Nancy Pelosi is a drunk ass, drugged up, stupid bitch. She makes me want to ram an ice pick through my skull...………..
Those attempted “additions” to the stimulus bill ought to be criminal and probably are. Who knows what all got included in the end, you can bet your ass that we the people are getting ultimately screwed by both sides
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Good question. Here is my take. I would rather go dead broke than give the virus to my 80 year old father who would very likely die due to his less than perfect health.

Me getting the virus at 51 gives me zero fear. Me giving it to someone who is not as strong as me and them dying does bother me.

Understood. Going to work does not mean you will give the CV to your father. If the world goes into depression, it's a certainty that millions in 3rd world countries will starve to death. It may already be baked into the cake.

Twenty one thousand die every day from hunger due to lack of adequate employment. Imagine what this will look like in a depression.... maybe 100,000 a day, maybe more?

Something is wrong with this virus picture.
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For those keeping score at home.....The US now leads the world in confirmed Corona Virus cases. ...Yep....we sacked China....left em in the dust!...No stopping us now!
Let me know when the number of Covid 19 Infected People passes 45 million. Thats how many Americans get the flu . . . EVERY YEAR.

So right now, we've got 44.900 million people that need to get infected with COVID 19 to go to catch the normal flu.

Death comparisons between COVID and regular flu are even more eye rolling. Not scerd! Pissed? Absolutely, but not scerd!
So you really believe the numbers coming out of China?! Ummmm okay......

Dewey....That was a facetious comment on my part....I didn't realize anyone took it seriously. The fact is I don't believe the numbers by ANY government including ours. I don't believe any stats I have read are the truth.....You said we had 230,000 new cases of flu every day. Maybe so, but I find it hard to believe that if that is so there would be 230 million with the flu in just 3 months. That doesn't take into account the numbers "acceleration". I am not picking on you because I think you are a smart well educated, well read guy that is worth listening to.

I even agree with your argument....I am just disinclined to believe the numbers. I just can't bring myself to believe what ANY politician says.

I come to this forum for the bullshit. I think it is generally of high quality....moreso than any other forum.I consider you, Bell,& Heisenberg to be valuable contributors.

That is a long way around answering your question.