Reese Leitao is in:

It is a controlled substance so there is potential for addiction/abuse. You can quit cold turkey no problem. It is no where near the addictive properties of oxycodone and hydrocodone. It is the least potent of anti-anxiety as compared to valium/ativan. BTW, a short half life is a good thing in this case.
I agree somewhat but as far as quitting cold turkey, I don't agree. Now, I'm talking about someone taking theuropeutic levels daily for an extended time. You may be referring to just recreational use which I could agree with. I had a family member that used a benzo for years for anxiety etc. she decided to quit cold turkey and it did not end well for her. That stuff can have a horrible effect on your body and mind if taken continuously. It's meant for a short term remedy but some folks take it everyday to cope and that's where the body builds up an addition that you can't just quit cold turkey.
lol....too many assumptions on the cash. The kid comes from a well to do family, his old man makes well over 500K per as a college BB coach.
Ask yourself 3 questions related to this case.

1. Who may potentially benefit the most?
2. Who may be harmed the most?
3. Are innocent bystanders being put in harms way?

To me the answers are Leitao, Perrin and Herman, and No. The answer to number 3 is very important and separates this case from those of the Mixon/Baylor types.
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The posters that think it's not very addictive are sadly mistaken. You. should educate yourself if you have children. They have horrible withdrawals and cold turkey will sometimes cause seizures. The worse thing they did was not punish him. Selling drugs with $1300 on you stupid. Excellent way to get shot. My brother was all district QB at Westwood and he was coddle at school and at home. Rules meant nothing to him. He went to rehab to stay out of jail one time. Where he got all kinds of connections for every drug he wanted. I'm anxious to find out who bailed him out the second time. He has eight siblings and he was the youngest to die out of nine. Everyone of us refused to bail him out. Williamson county would have taught him a lesson. Travis County keep asking for delays where you can be murdered waiting for trial. Read about benzo withdrawals for the naive posters on this thread.
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The real question that should be asked is....."would he have gotten a red shirt year at oklahoma for this?"

In all seriousness I don't think ou or their fans have anything to say on this matter.

I'm sure the kid made a bad decision......yes he punched the girl and got caught on camera but he was obviously sorry.......errrrr uhhhh my bad wrong player
The posters that think it's not very addictive are sadly mistaken. You. should educate yourself if you have children. They have horrible withdrawals and cold turkey will sometimes cause seizures. The worse thing they did was not punish him. Selling drugs with $1300 on you stupid. Excellent way to get shot. My brother was all district QB at Westwood and he was coddle at school and at home. Rules meant nothing to him. He went to rehab to stay out of jail one time. Where he got all kinds of connections for every drug he wanted. I'm anxious to find out who bailed him out the second time. He has eight siblings and he was the youngest to die out of nine. Everyone of us refused to bail him out. Williamson county would have taught him a lesson. Travis County keep asking for delays where you can be murdered waiting for trial. Read about benzo withdrawals for the naive posters on this thread.
Putting words in my mouth? I said it's Schedule IV, meaning it could be worse. My information came from the DEA and medical sites.

Either there are drugs that are worse, or else Xanax ought to be higher on the list (Schedule III). Also, I mentioned the side effects, including seizures.

Dealing drugs is never a good idea. It's not good for those who take the drugs, and as you've clearly pointed out, it can be dangerous for the dealer, too.
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