Russia vs Ukraine celebrity deathmatch

I will say this about Kiev--

First time I went was 04..... stayed at the hotel right in the middle of downtown- in front of the big obelisk.
Directly behind me was the old KGB building.
The women there were 10s. Everywhere. Un

You had two bloodlines.
1. The Magyars. Slavic blood. Hungarian style ancestry. Jet black hair, sea foam green eyes. Tall. Olive skin. All looked like Mila Kunis.

The other was the Caucasians. Blonde hair. Blue eyes. All were between 5'3 and 5'5.
And all they wanted to do was party and ride American dick. Best trip ever.
You have a child now. Can’t talk like that anymore. You can only think it.
So, your argument is that we need to get involved, because we’re the defenders of democracy? What kind of bullshit is that? Spoken like someone who’s never put on the uniform, been pulled from your family, and had to bury your brothers. We’re not the world’s police force.

To your second point, Poland is a NATO member, so we do have a vested interest in defending them. Even without our help, I’m pretty confident Poland wouldn’t struggle defending themselves from Russia. If Russia tried it would be WWIII, and Putin knows it. He’s not stupid.

Trump doesn’t want the U.S. to get pulled into their regional conflict, (no American should) because then we would be the ones escalating into WWIII. Russia and Ukraine hate each other, and Russia would never come to the table if Ukraine joins NATO. They don’t have the military, troops, or money to benefit NATO, so the only thing Ukraine brings to the table is to poke Russia in their eye. Don’t let your dislike of Russia lead to support of a corrupt country that is only detrimental to the U.S.
Listen dude I did put on the uniform from 3/31/78 to 2/8/82.
Listen dude I did put on the uniform from 3/31/78 to 2/8/82.
That’s all you took out of Clob’s response? He didn’t say you didn’t serve. He said your take was spoken like someone that didn’t.
I appreciate your service like I’m sure everyone else here does. Including Clob. But that doesn’t make your viewpoint unassailable or debatable. You mentioned in a previous post that we needed to quit admiring Musk and start fighting him. Why? What has he done that’s so terrible? Don’t give me the liberal talking point about him having access to everyone’s private information. He’s the richest man in the freaking world. Do you really think he worried about Fresh’s pension and SS benefits??
Listen dude I did put on the uniform from 3/31/78 to 2/8/82.
Then like Txleapd said- you should understand the cost by now.

Let's rewind the tape.
It's June 1950 and we just GOTTA help those Koreans fight off communism. How'd that war end up?
It's April 1961 and we just gotta go in and get Castro and stop those commies from spreading to the Gulf of Mexico...... that one worked out.... right?
It's 1962. The US over throws the leader of South Vietnam because he's kooky and his wife wears too much make-up. So now we "gotta fight the communists" from invading. How'd that work out for us?
It's 1979 and the Russians invade Afghanistan. So we just gotta go arm and train those boys so they can fight off the communists......Now- how'd THAT one end up for us.....ultimately?

It's 1989 and old Pineapple face is running drugs, arms and who knows what else and playing nice with the commies in Central America. So we just gotta go in there and show him who's boss.....ask the Navy Seals how that turned out.

Do you see a theme here bro?
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Where did you serve? I’m a hair younger than you - that was the era of the Shah of Iran falling and fear of Soviet advancement - I admire anyone that would sign up then.
Fort Bliss 15 months 79/80
Germany 18 minutes 80/82

Wasn't anything scary I wasn't even surprised that the Soviet Union eventually withdrew from Afghanistan. As I recall they never had any elite units there.

America changed for the better after the Iranian hostage crisis and by that we rebounded. But the shah was overthrown and now Iran is an outlaw Republic dedicated to the destruction of Israel.
Then like Txleapd said- you should understand the cost by now.

Let's rewind the tape.
It's June 1950 and we just GOTTA help those Koreans fight off communism. How'd that war end up?
It's April 1961 and we just gotta go in and get Castro and stop those commies from spreading to the Gulf of Mexico...... that one worked out.... right?
It's 1962. The US over throws the leader of South Vietnam because he's kooky and his wife wears too much make-up. So now we "gotta fight the communists" from invading. How'd that work out for us?
It's 1979 and the Russians invade Afghanistan. So we just gotta go arm and train those boys so they can fight off the communists......Now- how'd THAT one end up for us.....ultimately?

It's 1989 and old Pineapple face is running drugs, arms and who knows what else and playing nice with the commies in Central America. So we just gotta go in there and show him who's boss.....ask the Navy Seals how that turned out.

Do you see a theme here bro?
Well allow me to retort. Korea was never a declared was and they signed a truce. But Korea turned out good for us in that South Korea is now a great ally and friend that rebuilt itself from the ruins of the Korean War. They're an economic partner, with an elite fighting force. Unlike South Vietnam they were willing to fight for their country. I have a lot of respect for South Korea. You know I think after awhile North Korean soldiers would give up after all those people have give thru the last 30 years they would say to hell with it let the Kim family fight it themselves.

One of the two best Vietnam movies was we were soldiers with Mel Gibson. He played general Hal Moore. He was commander in the first majir battle in Vietnam. He studied Hi Chi Minh and said this was guerilla warfare and we had no experience in this kind of battle. Alas his words fell on deaf ears.

Panama? So what?
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That’s all you took out of Clob’s response? He didn’t say you didn’t serve. He said your take was spoken like someone that didn’t.
I appreciate your service like I’m sure everyone else here does. Including Clob. But that doesn’t make your viewpoint unassailable or debatable. You mentioned in a previous post that we needed to quit admiring Musk and start fighting him. Why? What has he done that’s so terrible? Don’t give me the liberal talking point about him having access to everyone’s private information. He’s the richest man in the freaking world. Do you really think he worried about Fresh’s pension and SS benefits??
Well excuse me she not judging a man's greatness by the size of his wallet.
Well allow me to retort. Korea was never a declared was and they signed a truce. But Korea turned out good for us in that South Korea is now a great ally and friend that rebuilt itself from the ruins of the Korean War. They're an economic partner, with an elite fighting force. Unlike South Vietnam they were willing to fight for their country. I have a lot of respect for South Korea. You know I think after awhile North Korean soldiers would give up after all those people have give thru the last 30 years they would say to hell with it let the Kim family fight it themselves.

One of the two best Vietnam movies was we were soldiers with Mel Gibson. He played general Hal Moore. He was commander in the first majir battle in Vietnam. He studied Hi Chi Minh and said this was guerilla warfare and we had no experience in this kind of battle. Alas his words fell on deaf ears.

Panama? So what?
Now look at what we created in North Korea........ sure, the south is an ally- but, in the north, we've got a pint sized jumped up nut job with access to nuclear weapons. Not to mention 27 million people starving to death.

Totally the best-est of outcomes.
Well allow me to retort. Korea was never a declared was and they signed a truce. But Korea turned out good for us in that South Korea is now a great ally and friend that rebuilt itself from the ruins of the Korean War. They're an economic partner, with an elite fighting force. Unlike South Vietnam they were willing to fight for their country. I have a lot of respect for South Korea. You know I think after awhile North Korean soldiers would give up after all those people have give thru the last 30 years they would say to hell with it let the Kim family fight it themselves.

One of the two best Vietnam movies was we were soldiers with Mel Gibson. He played general Hal Moore. He was commander in the first majir battle in Vietnam. He studied Hi Chi Minh and said this was guerilla warfare and we had no experience in this kind of battle. Alas his words fell on deaf ears.

Panama? So what?
I am absolutely with Cali on this one. Korea is as good an ally as we have. They have sent troops and shed blood standing nextto us in every conflict since the 60s..... Can't say the same about the Brits,Germans,French, Canadians,etc etc....Agree that Vietnam was the worst idea this country ever had....but not Korea. By the way.....South Korea needs no help from us for self defense. Those bastards have the meanest army on the face of the earth.
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I cannot say strongly enough that to lump the Korean action in with that total debacle that was the Vietnam war shows a total lack of understanding.
Well allow me to retort. Korea was never a declared was and they signed a truce. But Korea turned out good for us in that South Korea is now a great ally and friend that rebuilt itself from the ruins of the Korean War. They're an economic partner, with an elite fighting force. Unlike South Vietnam they were willing to fight for their country. I have a lot of respect for South Korea. You know I think after awhile North Korean soldiers would give up after all those people have give thru the last 30 years they would say to hell with it let the Kim family fight it themselves.

One of the two best Vietnam movies was we were soldiers with Mel Gibson. He played general Hal Moore. He was commander in the first majir battle in Vietnam. He studied Hi Chi Minh and said this was guerilla warfare and we had no experience in this kind of battle. Alas his words fell on deaf ears.

Panama? So what?
I am absolutely with Cali on this one. Korea is as good an ally as we have. They have sent troops and shed blood standing next to us in every conflict we have entered since the sixty's.

How many British, French,German, Canadian, etc etc troops fought with us ?

Vietnam was the worst idea we ever had.....but to lump the Korean action in with that mess shows a total lack of understanding.

By the way....South Korea needs NO help with self defense. Those bastards are the meanest army on earth.
At what point is the debt unsustainable? While the Fed is applying bandaids to shrapnel wounds, the bleed continues. The end result will be States banding together like conferences to create new economic and currency zones free from the debt tied to the Federal Government. What's that? You don't think so, how's the inflation and standard of living doing for you and your kids? There will come a point where people bail on the nonsense.