Sleep Apnea Folks... Have you Heard About


Orangefan for life!!!!!
Gold Member
Jan 4, 2011
Centerville, OH
I'm diagnosed with moderate to severe sleep apnea... and I CAN'T FREAKING STAND THE CPAP machine. I mean, I hate it with a passion.

Anyway, heard on the radio today about an alternative offered by Inspire Sleep (

Has anyone done this? I'm really interested.
I'm diagnosed with moderate to severe sleep apnea... and I CAN'T FREAKING STAND THE CPAP machine. I mean, I hate it with a passion.

Anyway, heard on the radio today about an alternative offered by Inspire Sleep (

Has anyone done this? I'm really interested.
you will get over it.
now, I literally cannot sleep without the mask.
This is true! I lost 15 lbs on my Pelton and now I don't have a whiff of sleep apnea

And I had a VERY severe case. My doctor said I flatlined 33 times in 1 hour during my sleep test.

now I sleep sound through the night simply by losing a few lbs
Lost a hundred lbs and my wife thinks I am dead now cause I am so quiet. Used to wake up every night covered in sweat.
You should do both. Don’t wait around. For some people sleep apnea is not improved by weight loss. It is nothing to fool around with. Gut it out with the machine. Sleep apnea is serious
And as my doctor said, getting on the machine will make it easier to lose weight.
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I'm diagnosed with moderate to severe sleep apnea... and I CAN'T FREAKING STAND THE CPAP machine. I mean, I hate it with a passion.

Anyway, heard on the radio today about an alternative offered by Inspire Sleep (

Has anyone done this? I'm really interested.

I got the surgery that corrected my deviated septum, trimmed my uvula, and scooped out and stiffened the back of my throat. I then lost 25 lbs. My sleep apnea is COMPLETELY gone.

I also recommend getting a wedge pillow and elevating the head of your bed a little.
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You don't have to be overweight to have apnea. It takes time and persistence to get used to the gear. I use the nasal pillows and I find that I'm more alert, don't take afternoon naps, and improved cognitive ability. If the Inspiresleep is the one that uses a surgically implanted device to send pulses to your tongue I'm not down with that.
I’m 36 and in great shape and I have sleep apnea. At least I’m not dead but there’s not much worse than being single and trying to be smooth about putting on a CPAP after sex. I’m hoping to get another surgery soon but if that doesn’t work, then I’m down for anything that doesn’t involve a dearth Vader mask. If I was married and 50 I wouldn’t care but this shit sucks
I hate the freaking CPAP machine. Very rarely use it.

INSP stock has been on fire. So the treatment appears to be popular.
I’m a big fan of the Phillips Amarra View mask. It is a full mask that covers both mouth and nose but it is very small. It’s not one of those big Darth Vader masks. It took me less than a week to get used to it. You can read with it on. I never had a problem falling asleep in the past but I would stop breathing multiple times through the night. With this thing, not only do I rarely stop breathing but I fall asleep lightning fast. I used to snore like crazy according to my wife. Now she says it seems like I’m dead. I’m concerned that might be wishful thinking on her part.
I hated the cpap and tried it a while. Got a mouth guard from my dentist and been great
Tried a mouth piece from Z-quiet first to see if it helped. Look them up on the website and order one in to see if it helps. They don’t last as long as dentist one but it helped and was easy to sleep in
I have very mild sleep apnea was prescribed a cpap, could not get used to it, tried all types of masks. I’m a light sleeper that changes position many times during the night. I’m thinking of trying the APAP which has modulated air flow that is supposed to work better for floppers like me.
And no I’m not a fat, 6’7” 205lbs.
Anyone try an APAP machine?
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I got the surgery that corrected my deviated septum, trimmed my uvula, and scooped out and stiffened the back of my throat. I then lost 25 lbs. My sleep apnea is COMPLETELY gone.

I also recommend getting a wedge pillow and elevating the head of your bed a little.

Did that surgery hurt?
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Anyone here have a balloon sinuplasty and did it also help w snoring ?
I am an ENT physician in McKinney and have placed about 30 Inspire implants. Our group was the first in Dallas to perform the surgery. It works incredibly well but only a percentage of sleep apnea patients truly qualify. It’s a very successful alternative for CPAP on moderate severe sleep apnea cases.
I'm diagnosed with moderate to severe sleep apnea... and I CAN'T FREAKING STAND THE CPAP machine. I mean, I hate it with a passion.

Anyway, heard on the radio today about an alternative offered by Inspire Sleep (

Has anyone done this? I'm really interested.
My advice is to get rip roaring drunk and to put your mask on just before you pass out.

The first 3 nights were hell for me....I was constantly worried about my breathing in the best case or felt like I was choking on a penis in the worst case when I was about to fall asleep.

I followed said prescription above on night 4 and it has been smooth sailing ever since. There are subconscious muscles that require training and once that kicks in you will not look back. If you ever feel the need again to lay on the couch and take a nap.... which you won’t... you’ll wonder where your cpap mask is
I’m 36 and in great shape and I have sleep apnea. At least I’m not dead but there’s not much worse than being single and trying to be smooth about putting on a CPAP after sex. I’m hoping to get another surgery soon but if that doesn’t work, then I’m down for anything that doesn’t involve a dearth Vader mask. If I was married and 50 I wouldn’t care but this shit sucks
You gotta work Top Gun into the rando sex routine.... she’ll think nothing of you sleeping in your flight gear after taking out 3 MIGs
You gotta work Top Gun into the rando sex routine.... she’ll think nothing of you sleeping in your flight gear after taking out 3 MIGs
I actually had a girl who wanted to ride while I wore it. I think she thought it’d be like kinky hospital patient sex but got awkward after a couple minutes and the mask came off.
I actually had a girl who wanted to ride while I wore it. I think she thought it’d be like kinky hospital patient sex but got awkward after a couple minutes and the mask came off.
I can’t say the top gun routine has ever worked for me... married and 39 and dad bod, but not fat... but that’s how I imagined it would go down presented the opportunity to be single again.... my wife will kick me in the kidneys to tell me I forgot to put my mask on now if I dare fall asleep with a whisper of snore, but she was the one that put up with it for 5+ years in my early 30s and said it wasn’t the snoring that kept her up so much, but rather listening to me stop breathing and wondering if I was going to take another breath..... I was stubborn for a long time, but finally got tested and haven’t looked back
I'm diagnosed with moderate to severe sleep apnea... and I CAN'T FREAKING STAND THE CPAP machine. I mean, I hate it with a passion.

Anyway, heard on the radio today about an alternative offered by Inspire Sleep (

Has anyone done this? I'm really interested.
I feel badly for you. I have been on my CPAP machine for many years; got used to it in 2 nights and never looked back. Love it
I have very mild sleep apnea was prescribed a cpap, could not get used to it, tried all types of masks. I’m a light sleeper that changes position many times during the night. I’m thinking of trying the APAP which has modulated air flow that is supposed to work better for floppers like me.
And no I’m not a fat, 6’7” 205lbs.
Anyone try an APAP machine?
Yep. Amazing. Quiet, wife doesn’t hear it. Took 2 nights to get used to it, now I don’t even notice it.