So who's all in on paying a "Global Tax"

I answered your question now start talking about sports. I'll bet you don't even know the name of the name of the new bb coach at OK. Which proves my point.
Ok here’s the deal. I pretty much watch only college football these days with some women’s nude Curling mixed in on occasion. I’m sure the new coach Moser is fine but I’m not really interested. Feel free to ask me any football related question.
Ok here’s the deal. I pretty much watch only college football these days with some women’s nude Curling mixed in on occasion. I’m sure the new coach Moser is fine but I’m not really interested. Feel free to ask me any football related question.
Well belldozer I can tell you were on google today. I find it hard to believe that you follow college fb cause you didn't talk that much about OK last year. This is a sports board try talking about fb for once.
Well belldozer I can tell you were on google today. I find it hard to believe that you follow college fb cause you didn't talk that much about OK last year. This is a sports board try talking about fb for once.
Well I called the Heisman for Rattler last year and was wrong. I’ve preemptively called it for him this year too, what else would you like to know? Our receiving corp should be pretty stout, our rb position will hopefully be solid. Brooks is back at rb after sitting last year out and will probably be the starter but not sure how exited I am about that yet. I expect D to continue to improve and think our secondary may be pretty decent this year.
Well belldozer I can tell you were on google today. I find it hard to believe that you follow college fb cause you didn't talk that much about OK last year. This is a sports board try talking about fb for once.

Last time I checked, the thread title was "So who's all in on paying a "Global Tax". I don't want to read about Rattler's 3 step drop, how he's spinning it this spring, how his abs are looking, or a new hairstyle on this thread. Were there an aptly named thread, I might decide to venture over there - or not. Seems to me that given the thread title . . . world economic and geopolitical posts are called for.

Well I called the Heisman for Rattler last year and was wrong. I’ve preemptively called it for him this year too, what else would you like to know? Our receiving corp should be pretty stout, our rb position will hopefully be solid. Brooks is back at rb after sitting last year out and will probably be the starter but not sure how exited I am about that yet. I expect D to continue to improve and think our secondary may be pretty decent this year.
Ok 👍 thank you for finally talking about fb.

Last time I checked, the thread title was "So who's all in on paying a "Global Tax". I don't want to read about Rattler's 3 step drop, how he's spinning it this spring, how his abs are looking, or a new hairstyle on this thread. Were there an aptly named thread, I might decide to venture over there - or not. Seems to me that given the thread title . . . world economic and geopolitical posts are called for.

I agree and I'm studying global taxes and I'm not going to say anything until I have a knowledgeable opinion. But this is primarily a sports board.
Well I called the Heisman for Rattler last year and was wrong. I’ve preemptively called it for him this year too, what else would you like to know? Our receiving corp should be pretty stout, our rb position will hopefully be solid. Brooks is back at rb after sitting last year out and will probably be the starter but not sure how exited I am about that yet. I expect D to continue to improve and think our secondary may be pretty decent this year.
He talked plenty of football but being that we are in a panic laden cold plandemic we had other issues at hand. Tom Herman was a disaster and Riley beat Tommy's best team with OU's worst in a decade. Not much to talk about.... not even any real competition really..... There was plenty of political drama stirred up by the cancel culture and tommy boy but I am proud of our admin for telling them to FO.
He talked plenty of football but being that we are in a panic laden cold plandemic we had other issues at hand. Tom Herman was a disaster and Riley beat Tommy's best team with OU's worst in a decade. Not much to talk about.... not even any real competition really..... There was plenty of political drama stirred up by the cancel culture and tommy boy but I am proud of our admin for telling them to FO.
Honestly you are spot on. This last year of the covid hoax shutdowns and election shenanigan's absolutely put pretty much everything else on the backburner for me. I'll say this, since right after the election I have really not watched any of the news outlets and I have not missed it at all.
Let's see no political threads in the last 2 weeks that means you haven't posted anything. But now we have a new political thread and you have already replied 4 times. And as usual you have not added anything to the original thread starter. This is a sports board something you rarely contribute to.

You say you're an OK fan but you never talk about them. I mean wth all you got to do is go to RJ Young's you tube channel it's never longer than 5 minutes. And sometimes soonersoldier or Heisenberg come on here and let us know what's going on in OK. Speaking for me I always try to keep up with the adversary.

So tell me belldozer what are your friends at newsmax talking about now?
Says the guy with OU in his username. You sure you're not a closet lurker over here?
Cali, do you even know what was in the bill?
Yes I do probably better than most. Do you want me to give a 10 paragraph explanation to convince you guys? What's wrong with

Stimulus checks
Rental assistance
Mortgage assistance
An increase in food benefits
An extension in unemployment benefits. And it should have been increased to $400
And what's wrong with state aid TX and CA both needed it.

Yes we needed to go big. No matter what everyone on here thinks covid19 is real. I'm done with this and I'm tired of trying to get provoked. Believe me it's not worth it. I see some other threads and replies on other boards and it's getting too ugly for my tastes. Its not worth it.

This is a sports board and there's good reasons for TX fans to be excited. I hope we can look back one day and realize that a lot of great things happened last March. The baseball team is doing great were in first place right now can we get to the cws this year? We started spring ball last month and while I still have doubts about the man something special might this year. With Bijan Robinson anything is possible. A rookie coach took the woman's hoop to the elite 8.

See what I mean?
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When the guy you voted for has done nothing of note since he took office, of course he doesn't want to have any conversation about him.
Hold up there my friend, with the help of flip flop Fauci he has done everything in his power to continue to oppress the American economy. Fauci comes out today and says not to eat indoors, EVEN AFTER GETTING THE VACCINE. Meanwhile covid joe is giving immigrants a free pass at the border. If Joe believed his own bs wouldn’t he be making testing and mask wearing for every immigrant sliding thru a priority? He’s an absolute snake as well as Fauci.
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Nobody wins in these debates another reason I want off these debates.

Cali. Only $400B went to families. The bill was $1.9T.

State Governments received almost as much as individuals. Just more for them to squander.

I’m not too interested in a debate either. But this recovery bill, like most things congressional, was a swing and miss.
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Cali. Only $400B went to families. The bill was $1.9T.

State Governments received almost as much as individuals. Just more for them to squander.

I’m not too interested in a debate either. But this recovery bill, like most things congressional, was a swing and miss.
Some may call it a "swing and a miss", but I would call it a "homerun" for the fiscally irresponsible blue states and progressives.
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Some may call it a "swing and a miss", but I would call it a "homerun" for the fiscally irresponsible blue states and progressives.
New York is proposing to give 21 billion directly to illegal immigrants in their state. That comes out to 15,600 per illegal.

Good times.
I wonder how much "red state" tax revenue will be directed by Schumer's stooges to cover that cost
I wonder how much "red state" tax revenue will be directed by Schumer's stooges to cover that cost
I’m more concerned about my “individual” tax revenues subsidizing all of these programs. I am really getting tired of subsidizing Cali’s ... I mean Biden’s programs. Every single one. The programs that tick me off the most are the state/local bailouts. I’m required to pay for Dem mayor’s and governor’s intentional plans across the nation to destroy their own economies. This is my tipping point.
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I’m more concerned about my “individual” tax revenues subsidizing all of these programs. I am really getting tired of subsidizing Cali’s ... I mean Biden’s programs. Every single one. The programs that tick me off the most are the state/local bailouts. I’m required to pay for Dem mayor’s and governor’s intentional plans across the nation to destroy their own economies. This is my tipping point.
Not to mention the rebuilding monies going to the state's whose governors decided to sit back while their state burns from the "peaceful" rioting, demonstrating. Big mean orange man had to go because he threatened to cut off quite a bit of funding for those same states who allowed the chaos.
Not to mention the rebuilding monies going to the state's whose governors decided to sit back while their state burns from the "peaceful" rioting, demonstrating. Big mean orange man had to go because he threatened to cut off quite a bit of funding for those same states who allowed the chaos.
Yep in all respects, we're subsidizing the liberal programs. It makes me sick to go by a Gucci or Coach store and see a line 30 deep waiting to go inside. My guess is 90% of those in line are going in with a stimmie check in hand. Wealth redistribution.
I don't know why you guys are complaining. Big Oil is going to fit the bill for all these programs. It won't impact the "middle class". 🙄

Because companies always respond to new expenses by reducing their bottom line.
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“The main impact would be on oil and gas company profits,” the Treasury said in the report. “Research suggests little impact on gasoline or energy prices for U.S. consumers and little impact on our energy security.”

I know the word "retarded" is not PC anymore, but damn.
I’m not sure how the writer of that article doesn’t think the consumer wouldn’t feel that at the pump? Biden is a danger to our sovereignty as a nation. Just remember, the big orange man wasn’t liked by the left and their ilk because he was “rude” and said things like “if you want to come to this country, fine, just do it legally” Gee, that way you avoid humanitarian crises etc. but that wasn’t good enough for the left.
I’ll tell you what, I’ll be more than happy to discuss Sooner football with you but first name me 3 things that Biden has done well that benefits the citizens of this great nation as a whole since he’s been in office. May want to wait before you respond because as I’m typing this I see a ticker coming across saying he’s announcing his gun control moves which I’m sure will be through executive orders. How many executive orders does that make now? Just another day of disappointing traitor Joe.
About 335,000 less than the Orange man
This absolutely deserves its own thread. Biden is on a mission to restructure America on the beliefs of the far left not what our founding father’s envisioned.
New thread material. This country is now toast and has been for a few months. The oligarchs will control all 3 branches of government. It just formalizes what is effectively occurring.

If one were to look at this country objectively, one would quickly come to the conclusion that we are closer to resembling China than the U.S. of 5 years ago. That is very obvious in the urban cities. The rural areas are shielded from this for now. I spend time in both and I detest my time spent in west coast urban cities where I almost feel the need to carry my passport: masks everywhere; constant PSAs by the state/local govt to refrain from gathering with others outside the household; supply chain problems; lines to get into retail stores; churches closed. Make no mistake, the rural areas will very quickly be affected.

This isn't a Dem v GOP issue; it's an ideology issue. The GOP at the national level has zero power (or will) to hold back the tide. It's at the local level where we have to decide whether we want our U.S. liberties or whether we're fine with resembling China.

There were a few folks that mockingly stated our posts had a "the sky is falling, the sky is falling!" tone. They've decided which side they're on . . . It used to be taught in grade school that communism was the sworn enemy of the U.S. republican-style of government. The folks mocking us must have slept through that class.