Somebody PLEASE Convince Me

I am 65 and strongly suggest you take the vaccine. Based on my medical training and expertise, it is a wise thing to do. I stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night.
If you are a medical doctor why are you staying at a Holiday Inn Express? SHouldn't you have a lot more money to afford a better hotel?
Well my sister works with covid patients every day and has had both of her shots. After 2nd she ran low fever but only lasted 8hrs. All good on day 3.

Both of my parents had 1st shot with no side effects at all. Awaiting 2nd round incomplete weeks.

I know lots of people who have recovered totally but I also know several who even after recovery are now have asthma and are on inhalers.

Take the dam shot.
If you are a young female or male and plan to have children, it would require much more research on my part. In the 50s there were morning sickness drugs that looked safe before they weren't many years later. There are groups where the Covid is more dangerous than the vax, but there are groups that need to proceed with caution.
Yep. And what about all those commercials saying Xantac caused cancer?
Having a survival rate off 99.7%..... why do I need to have a vaccination. My 78 yr old mother is scheduled to get it. I am just not sure I need to have it.

To do your part and kill the virus instead of being a potential carrier.

We can wipe it out with the vaccine or with your attitude it will stick around for years and years.

Do it for America.
As a physician, I got it as quickly as I could. Both my wife (also a physician) have had the 2nd dose (Pfizer) and are recommending it to everyone, including family. I understand the skepticism, but I believe the risk of the vaccine is minuscule compared to the detriment of covid running rapid through society. Also, the mRNA technology used in the vaccine has been around and studied for a while
During a virtual press conference earlier this week, WHO chief scientist Soumya Swaminathan was specific:

“I don’t believe we have the evidence on any of the vaccines to be confident that it’s going to prevent people from actually getting the infection and therefore being able to pass it on.”
You don’t understand her statement, much like the FB friends that forwarded this to you.
You don’t understand her statement, much like the FB friends that forwarded this to you.

You don't understand the so called vaccine.

"Vaccine, suspension of weakened, killed, or fragmented microorganisms or toxins or of antibodies or lymphocytes that is administered primarily to prevent disease."

Here's what you get:

Moderna: "Our Operating System
Recognizing the broad potential of mRNA science, we set out to create an mRNA technology platform that functions very much like an operating system on a computer. It is designed so that it can plug and play interchangeably with different programs. In our case, the "program” or “app” is our mRNA drug - the unique mRNA sequence that codes for a protein."


ps idiot: I don't do FB
ill be the first to admit that I don’t understand what she is saying.
WTF is she saying????
There is no evidence yet that the vaccine is effective in the nasal passages/outer respiratory system, which could let pockets of virus remain transmissible via coughs, sneezes etc. The evidence right now is that it is effective at preventing the virus from causing serious illness, presumably by preventing from replicating fast enough and deeper in the respiratory system and other critical systems where it causes more damage.

Same concept as some people that have minor symptoms from flu even though they’ve received the flu vaccine for that strain. The virus still replicates/lives in the outter passages, but not deeper in the respiratory system where it can cause more serious symptoms.

Mask wearing and social distancing will still be the recommendation until the “herd immunity” number is reached.
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You don't understand the so called vaccine.

"Vaccine, suspension of weakened, killed, or fragmented microorganisms or toxins or of antibodies or lymphocytes that is administered primarily to prevent disease."

Here's what you get:

Moderna: "Our Operating System
Recognizing the broad potential of mRNA science, we set out to create an mRNA technology platform that functions very much like an operating system on a computer. It is designed so that it can plug and play interchangeably with different programs. In our case, the "program” or “app” is our mRNA drug - the unique mRNA sequence that codes for a protein."


ps idiot: I don't do FB
What is your non sequitur point here?
“Dr. Doug” is not a medical doctor.
He is VP of marketing for a company called “Young Living Essential Oils”.
It is a pyramid scheme company that says that its products improve health through aroma therapy.

He also has a theory where Light has 18 different secret properties that “paint a picture of the identity of the creator”.

While he is at it, I guess in his spare time, he is an expert in something called “Animal Naturopathy” that is, apparently a new wave way of Pet Care.
He is also a proponent of CBD Pet Care.
So your entire response is an assault on the person who wrote the article without addressing the substance of the article, which is Antibody Dependent Enhancement?
My response speaks volumes to the guy’s credibility.
So you aren’t aware that there is actually a name for the logical fallacy you employ? It’s called an ad hominem argument...employed when one does not have a relevant factual rebuttal to evidence presented. I actually know very little about Dr Doug, but that is inconsequential. The salient point is, does his point about ADE constitute a genuine concern or doesn’t it?
There is no evidence yet that the vaccine is effective in the nasal passages/outer respiratory system, which could let pockets of virus remain transmissible via coughs, sneezes etc. The evidence right now is that it is effective at preventing the virus from causing serious illness, presumably by preventing from replicating fast enough and deeper in the respiratory system and other critical systems where it causes more damage.

Same concept as some people that have minor symptoms from flu even though they’ve received the flu vaccine for that strain. The virus still replicates/lives in the outter passages, but not deeper in the respiratory system where it can cause more serious symptoms.

Mask wearing and social distancing will still be the recommendation until the “herd immunity” number is reached.

So you aren’t aware that there is actually a name for the logical fallacy you employ? It’s called an ad hominem argument...employed when one does not have a relevant factual rebuttal to evidence presented. I actually know very little about Dr Doug, but that is inconsequential. The salient point is, does his point about ADE constitute a genuine concern or doesn’t it?

If the guy who works at the counter at McDonalds told you that he has figured out all this Covid-19 stuff and has a cure for it, would you take him seriously? Of course not. He is not a credible source on the subject. If he wants to give you the inside scoop on cooking French fries, I might pay attention. But Covid-19? Absolutely not. And I don’t even have to hear what his plan is. I pretty much know that his opinion is not worth anything.

Same thing with your source. His credibility is so lacking on the subject, wasting time on the article is just that: Wasting time. It is blathering noise from a crackpot on the internet.
If you are a young female or male and plan to have children, it would require much more research on my part. In the 50s there were morning sickness drugs that looked safe before they weren't many years later. There are groups where the Covid is more dangerous than the vax, but there are groups that need to proceed with caution.

A pharmaceutical and a vaccine are two entirely different types of chemicals. You are making up science in your head. Listen to the scientists.
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If the guy who works at the counter at McDonalds told you that he has figured out all this Covid-19 stuff and has a cure for it, would you take him seriously? Of course not. He is not a credible source on the subject. If he wants to give you the inside scoop on cooking French fries, I might pay attention. But Covid-19? Absolutely not. And I don’t even have to hear what his plan is. I pretty much know that his opinion is not worth anything.

Same thing with your source. His credibility is so lacking on the subject, wasting time on the article is just that: Wasting time. It is blathering noise from a crackpot on the internet.
Wow! You are really doubling down here, aren’t you? Even when your fallacy is point-blank called out? OK, we’ll do it this way: your argument is to compare a guy with two PhD’s in molecular biology and biochemistry, and a masters in Engineering to someone who works at a McDonalds? And you apparently are more qualified to evaluate the potential efficacy and side effects of a brand new vaccine than he is because he has alternative views on pet care? And, more to the point— do you know anything at all about Antibody Dependent Enhancement?
Wow! You are really doubling down here, aren’t you? Even when your fallacy is point-blank called out? OK, we’ll do it this way: your argument is to compare a guy with two PhD’s in molecular biology and biochemistry, and a masters in Engineering to someone who works at a McDonalds? And you apparently are more qualified to evaluate the potential efficacy and side effects of a brand new vaccine than he is because he has alternative views on pet care? And, more to the point— do you know anything at all about Antibody Dependent Enhancement?
I’m more qualified and that guy is a moron.
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Wow! You are really doubling down here, aren’t you? Even when your fallacy is point-blank called out? OK, we’ll do it this way: your argument is to compare a guy with two PhD’s in molecular biology and biochemistry, and a masters in Engineering to someone who works at a McDonalds? And you apparently are more qualified to evaluate the potential efficacy and side effects of a brand new vaccine than he is because he has alternative views on pet care? And, more to the point— do you know anything at all about Antibody Dependent Enhancement?

Dude, by all accounts, the guy is a crackpot.
Quite frankly, your defense of him speaks to your credibility.
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A pharmaceutical and a vaccine are two entirely different types of chemicals. You are making up science in your head. Listen to the scientists.

Actually I am living with the results of this “pharmaceutical.” You may choose to act all high and mighty and knowledgeable, but people like you have also force fed “science” down people’s throats when you have NO idea what might happen with this vaccine. Let people do their own research and do what they decide is best for them!
There is no evidence yet that the vaccine is effective in the nasal passages/outer respiratory system, which could let pockets of virus remain transmissible via coughs, sneezes etc. The evidence right now is that it is effective at preventing the virus from causing serious illness, presumably by preventing from replicating fast enough and deeper in the respiratory system and other critical systems where it causes more damage.

Same concept as some people that have minor symptoms from flu even though they’ve received the flu vaccine for that strain. The virus still replicates/lives in the outter passages, but not deeper in the respiratory system where it can cause more serious symptoms.

Mask wearing and social distancing will still be the recommendation until the “herd immunity” number is reached.

The virus has a very low percentage of death, but it is amazing the people it kills. I had a 62 year old friend who just passed away. Very healthy guy. I've known reality unhealthy people get it and have little to no effects. I got mine yesterday. This is from a guy who has never taken the flu shot.

I've seen similar. Healthy 46 yr old man (friend of mine) died right before Christmas. Older mid 70's obese friend with diabetes has little issues with it.

I work with a lot of physicians they are all getting it. I got my 2nd shot tuesday, Wednesday I had chills some brain fog and a headache, Wednesday night I felt fine. No side effects after the 1st shot. Get the shot if you are over 40 or have other comorbidities.
Envious of OP. Anxious to get vaccinated, but can't find where the vaccine is available in Austin. Terrible job of distribution.