Somebody PLEASE Convince Me

This is garbage. There have been numerous studies that have shown no connection between autoimmune disorders and vaccines.

If your doctor is Jenny McCarthy, I’d guess you might be right...

Stop spreading this crap. People like you should be called our for spreading unfounded information.
WTF are you talking about? I’ve talked to well over 100 physicians on the matter(because it’s my job) and probably 20% say they have concerns. The other 80% think the concerns are silly and will take it first chance they get. I’m sorry your feelings are hurt.
And what were the consequences of “moving the goalposts?” Do you think he did that because he was intentionally misleading the public or because the state of the virus changed?

This isn’t a party thing because everyone knows your politics on this thing. Don’t play poker.

I’m talking about the guy that has moved the goalposts at least 3 times on %, then openly admitted he misled the public on it for our own good. This isn’t a party thing, this is a I don’t trust anything the government tells me thing.
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And what were the consequences of “moving the goalposts?” Do you think he did that because he was intentionally misleading the public or because the state of the virus changed?

This isn’t a party thing because everyone knows your politics on this thing. Don’t play poker.
He said he was intentionally misleading the public, that’s all I have to go on.
I took the Moderna vaccine on December 26th. No side effects other than the sore shoulder.

From the initial reports of the virus until Christmas, I knew all of 2 people who had contracted the virus. One barely experienced any symptoms. The other died the Friday before Thanksgiving. He was 59 years old, fit and otherwise healthy.

Since Christmas, 7 of my friends have tested positive. 1 is experiencing NO symptoms. The other 6 are all bed ridden. I was happy to get the vaccine. 2nd does is scheduled for January 25th.

My wife received the Pfizer vaccine two days ago. She is a nurse. No side effects other than the sore shoulder.
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Your job is to literally talk to doctors about the vaccine? So you must work for a payor or some healthcare system if you’re talking to a 100 docs about this.

I don’t believe that nor do I believe your 80/20 split on doctors, unless you e got a lot of DOs and chiropractors on your list... and

WTF are you talking about? I’ve talked to well over 100 physicians on the matter(because it’s my job) and probably 20% say they have concerns. The other 80% think the concerns are silly and will take it first chance they get. I’m sorry your feelings are hurt.
I’m not a doctor, but please do it. My mother has been in the hospital with this for several days. I know it doesn’t affect everyone the same way but why risk it?
Your job is to literally talk to doctors about the vaccine? So you must work for a payor or some healthcare system if you’re talking to a 100 docs about this.

I don’t believe that nor do I believe your 80/20 split on doctors, unless you e got a lot of DOs and chiropractors on your list... and
Some specialists, but mostly primary care. Do they count, or are they not prestigious enough? I really don’t give a shit what you believe. I know your first reaction is to name call and belittle, followed closely by screaming “this guy is spreading misinformation” then end it with “we need to shut you up”. You have the lib handbook down pat. Guy asked for advice and I gave it.
At your age OP, the virus is a serious risk to you. That risk is far greater than risk of any side affects.
Scheduled to get my Covid Vax today.

Still not sure if I should do so.

I would sincerely appreciate any physician's opinions.


You have taken vaccines all your life, starting with the important smallpox and polio vaccines. This one is a potential life saver. Anti-vaccers have literally no science on their side, just fear and ignorance.
Having a survival rate off 99.7%..... why do I need to have a vaccination. My 78 yr old mother is scheduled to get it. I am just not sure I need to have it.
This isn’t a believe / not believe issue. There are facts and then there are people that have hunches, “have read something,” want to see more data in years, etc. Facts are that these vaccines are incredibly effective and have been the focus of one of the most impressive scientific advances in recent history. There is universal support across the immunology and epidemiology communities for the vaccine.

You do need to shut up, not because you’re republican / democrat / neocon / whatever, but because your advice is wrong.

Some specialists, but mostly primary care. Do they count, or are they not prestigious enough? I really don’t give a shit what you believe. I know your first reaction is to name call and belittle, followed closely by screaming “this guy is spreading misinformation” then end it with “we need to shut you up”. You have the lib handbook down pat. Guy asked for advice and I gave it.
This isn’t a believe / not believe issue. There are facts and then there are people that have hunches, “have read something,” want to see more data in years, etc. Facts are that these vaccines are incredibly effective and have been the focus of one of the most impressive scientific advances in recent history. There is universal support across the immunology and epidemiology communities for the vaccine.

You do need to shut up, not because you’re republican / democrat / neocon / whatever, but because your advice is wrong.
My advice was simply the opinion of other physicians around the Houston area, some that want to take a wait and see approach. The “facts” are that you don’t know shit about long term data, because there isn’t any. The OP obviously has some reservations, and shouldn’t feel like folks like you are calling him ignorant or a fool for having them.
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Ok - long term data... Find me a long term data study showing adverse effects from a vaccine. I’ll wait.

Quit cursing, it cheapens your specious arguments.

My advice was simply the opinion of other physicians around the Houston area, some that want to take a wait and see approach. The “facts” are that you don’t know shit about long term data, because there isn’t any. The OP obviously has some reservations, and shouldn’t feel like folks like you are calling him ignorant or a fool for having them.
Ok - long term data... Find me a long term data study showing adverse effects from a vaccine. I’ll wait.

Quit cursing, it cheapens your specious arguments.
Show me another vaccine that got approval from the FDA within 12 months from takeoff. Folks have concerns, and rightfully so. The truth is that people can’t trust what they’re being told from those at the top and in the msm. It’s unfortunate, but that’s what happens when you’re habitually misled and lied to.
Can anyone show me a data set of a vaccine - approved or not - that was initially well tolerated but ended up causing unforeseen significant negative events years down the line?

We know this vaccine has no lingering effects either initially or months after the injection. What historical basis are we fearful that years down the road something is going to emerge?

This isn’t thalidomide. It’s a dead virus.
don’t ever think short term, always think long term. You don’t know what the long term effects will be. People are walking into this blindfolded. On a virus that has a super high chance of survival. Sorry but no thanks.

So you know what the long term effects of covid are?
The vaccine has a better survival rate than covid
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Show me another vaccine that got approval from the FDA within 12 months from takeoff. Folks have concerns, and rightfully so. The truth is that people can’t trust what they’re being told from those at the top and in the msm. It’s unfortunate, but that’s what happens when you’re habitually misled and lied to.

What lies about Covid? Other than the many in February and March, and April, May and June, downplaying it’s potential morbidity?

Are you really insinuating that someone is covering up vaccine risks?
Ok, so I’m assuming you came up empty on the negative long term effects from vaccines search. They’re hard to find...

Again, you’re on the wrong side here and the information you’re spreading is both wrong and politically slanted (“those at the top” and “msm”). I suppose it’s hard for you to believe people that are smarter or found a way to the top...

From the FDA perspective, I’m sure they took their approval responsibility very lightly... It had nothing to do with the fact that the spike protein of the virus was extraordinarily easy to focus on and, for that, we’re unbelievably lucky.

I’ve worked around both pharma and healthcare for a long time. You don’t know what you’re talking about. People should take the vaccine and feel very safe doing so.

Show me another vaccine that got approval from the FDA within 12 months from takeoff. Folks have concerns, and rightfully so. The truth is that people can’t trust what they’re being told from those at the top and in the msm. It’s unfortunate, but that’s what happens when you’re habitually misled and lied to.
Ok, so I’m assuming you came up empty on the negative long term effects from vaccines search. They’re hard to find...

Again, you’re on the wrong side here and the information you’re spreading is both wrong and politically slanted (“those at the top” and “msm”). I suppose it’s hard for you to believe people that are smarter or found a way to the top...

From the FDA perspective, I’m sure they took their approval responsibility very lightly... It had nothing to do with the fact that the spike protein of the virus was extraordinarily easy to focus on and, for that, we’re unbelievably lucky.

I’ve worked around both pharma and healthcare for a long time. You don’t know what you’re talking about. People should take the vaccine and feel very safe doing so.
Again, there are physicians that aren’t going to take it because they haven’t seen long term data. Call it what you want, but that’s reality. It’s why you’re seeing HS’s having to pay employees to take it. The info I gave on here was opinions from other providers, don’t see how their opinion on the matter can be “wrong”. They feel one way and you feel another. The government can’t even get the thing out effectively, so I have zero trust in anything they say or do.
Not a dr., but please do it.

i just got over a fever after two weeks upon being diagnosed Covid positive. Had I had the opportunity, I would have been vaccinated.

It should be a no brainer decision
My grandmother was 3 weeks from getting the vaccine when she got Covid. The after effects of Covid are what have done her in. She will be moved to hospice soon unless a miracle happens. So, take the vaccine.
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The opinions of your doctors are just that, opinions. The facts say something entirely different - the vaccine is very safe and unbelievably effective. Your doctors are flat wrong.

You’re conflating arguments here too - healthcare systems are paying their employees to get vaccines. The doctors that I know wouldn’t compromise their medical opinions for $500. Maybe that’s another difference here...

The governments inability to distribute the vaccine is what most would call a red herring. Look that up after successful in finding those long term negative outcome vaccine studies...

Again, there are physicians that aren’t going to take it because they haven’t seen long term data. Call it what you want, but that’s reality. It’s why you’re seeing HS’s having to pay employees to take it. The info I gave on here was opinions from other providers, don’t see how their opinion on the matter can be “wrong”. They feel one way and you feel another. The government can’t even get the thing out effectively, so I have zero trust in anything they say or do.
Novo - assuming we’re finished here? I enjoyed that back and forth.

Let me know how you feel / where you stand on any other large issues facing society. I’d like to be on the other end of those trades if at all possible.
The opinions of your doctors are just that, opinions. The facts say something entirely different - the vaccine is very safe and unbelievably effective. Your doctors are flat wrong.

You’re conflating arguments here too - healthcare systems are paying their employees to get vaccines. The doctors that I know wouldn’t compromise their medical opinions for $500. Maybe that’s another difference here...

The governments inability to distribute the vaccine is what most would call a red herring. Look that up after successful in finding those long term negative outcome vaccine studies...
I’m really not sure what you’re trying to argue. I stated their opinions in my first post when asked, and also said they weren’t anti vaccination. I also said I would be taking it. Me thinks your liberal panties got bunched up over the Fauci comment and so you proceeded to be a condescending asshole. I’ve been watching people like you post here for over a decade. Always good for a laugh. Also, I don’t know how this slipped past the guy who knows everything, but if you hit the quote button then type, people could actually follow your mighty wisdom better.
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I’m glad you’re getting the vaccine. That’s a good decision. I don’t remember you saying that in the previous comments...maybe my bunched up panties are causing some bad reading comp...

Our healthcare system doesn’t need, and potentially can’t sustain itself, people like you casting doubt on the very thing that can bring the country out of this mess - from both a health and economic perspective. We’re way behind schedule right now because we have been fighting with one hand behind our back since inception. Vaccines don’t cause crazy neurological issues or cancer years down the road. You don’t have 20 doctors that would be willing to say that - no chance... Prove me wrong on any of that...

Some of your peeps, Novo:

I’m really not sure what you’re trying to argue. I stated their opinions in my first post when asked, and also said they weren’t anti vaccination. I also said I would be taking it. Me thinks your liberal panties got bunched up over the Fauci comment and so you proceeded to be a condescending asshole. I’ve been watching people like you post here for over a decade. Always good for a laugh.
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I’m 50 and got the second shot yesterday, feel fine today.
Have to trust the science.
Also, folks that I lead to get it and I don’t really have a choice, since I am influencing them to get it.
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Scheduled to get my Covid Vax today.

Still not sure if I should do so.

I would sincerely appreciate any physician's opinions.


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People die of all kinds of things everyday.
Yes they do. However, BUT FOR COVID-19 those people might have lived a few more years. I have an 80 old BIL that had triple by-pass hear surgery in 2016 (no heart attack) but 2 of the three arteries have collapsed. (Fortunately not the widow maker) If he gets the virus it might kill him. Now he will likely die in 10 years or less anyway, but I am not ready for him to die any earlier because of COVID.

I also know an 87 year old retired pastor that got the virus from his 62 year old son. The son is home on meds, the father is in the hospital. I pray that he recovers. I don't know of any issues he had other than old age. He was being careful and did all of his calls virtually. I don't know how his son acquired the virus, but they live in the country almost next door to each other. Interestingly, his 89 year old wife has not gotten the virus.
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I love how anybody questioning getting the vaccine is automatically an idiot, why can’t people just weigh the pros and cons themselves and decide. If you really want to get it, get on a list, if you want to take a wait and see approach, that’s more shots for someone else.