Somebody PLEASE Convince Me

Scheduled to get my Covid Vax today.

Still not sure if I should do so.

I would sincerely appreciate any physician's opinions.


Man, I’d trade places with you in a heartbeat. I’m not a doctor, but I listen to them - not my Facebook friends that share really stupid shit.
$0.02 from another MD. I’m getting my 2nd PFE dose Monday. Got my folks/aunts/uncle vaccinated this week. I understand the anxiety a new vaccine can create, especially with so many competing voices, but I’m hopeful we can keep moving forward and put this behind us
There is nothing wrong with waiting for more information and more facts to get a vaccine, especially a controversial one like this vaccine. It was absolutely rushed and hasn't been fully tested for long term and lasting affects that could be far worse than Covid 19.

Furthermore it has nothing to do with being anti-vaccine (those people are nuts) or anything stupid like that being mentioned ITT. Being shamed for not immediately getting one or even questioning the vaccine is absurd. Nobody has the right to shame anyone on this topic.
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I got the first Moderna shot on Wednesday. Shoulder was sore that night as was my wrist on the same arm where I have a little bit of arthritis below my thumb. Wrist pain was gone the next morning. Shoulder was less sore on Thursday with no soreness yesterday...just like every other injection I have ever gotten in my arm.
It was absolutely rushed and hasn't been fully tested for long term and lasting affects that could be far worse than Covid 19.
Watch the video I posted up there. Fauci responds to these worries with facts about how the vaccines were made and tested, and how they know they're safe.
Watch the video I posted up there. Fauci responds to these worries with facts about how the vaccines were made and tested, and how they know they're safe.
They’re safe because the virus itself is not deadly
Absolutely, don’t get it. And don’t go to those healthcare systems when you get sick... You can’t cure stupidity.

Who do you think those 40% of healthcare workers are?!? Dollars to donuts, less than 1% are doctors.

But don’t get it, I don’t think you should either.

I will not get a vaccine until enough people have taken it to assure me it's safe. I read this week almost 40% of health care workers are waiting for the same reason.
Lots of good inside this thread so I’ll just add that I know a lot of very well regarded physicians and EVERYONE of them are advocates for the vaccines and have each taken it as soon as it was available to them.
Why is Methodist Hospital Houston paying its staff and health care workers $500 bonuses to take the shot?? Hmm...
Why is Methodist Hospital Houston paying its staff and health care workers $500 bonuses to take the shot?? Hmm...

I’m not sure about specifics there. I do know that among black and Hispanics survey data says there is vaccine hesitancy - not seeing people who like them take it and some terrible history. So, the incentive may be a way to overcome for their workforce? The workforce capacity is the biggest issue most hospitals face (vs beds).
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That’s a world-class point you make. People die. Amazing.

What if there was a way to prevent some of that death by taking a shot?

The unfair thing about this debate is that those that are making the right, responsible decision are affected most by those making stupid, irresponsible decisions. Doctors really shouldn’t have to treat people that have declined the vaccine - that should be their choice too.

People die of all kinds of things everyday.
There are practically zero certainties when it comes to healthcare. When it comes to immunology, only 1-2% of antibodies are common. Everything is all about probabilities.

The risk-reward of this vaccine is so overwhelmingly positive that you would be a moron not to take it.

I am friends with a RNA biologist and he’s analyzed these things down to the RNA level - each and every base pair. There’s a very slight chance of an autoimmune response but in millions of doses it hasn’t happened.

Don’t overthink it. Just do it.

The people that are talking about long-term effects are just being skeptics for skeptics sake. There’s nothing at a microbiology level that suggests any long-term side effect whatsoever that would even be a fraction of environmental risks we wantonly take with our health on a daily basis.
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This is not true. We don’t know much about the long term side effects of either. Covid-19 is a novel virus that’s been around for approx 15 months. We have 0 longitudinal data beyond that. The same can be said of the vaccine. No side effects within a month of getting the vaccination means nothing. If significant side effects were present in the short term it would still be in the clinical trials phase.

There is nothing wrong with people picking either side as you are in the dark either way. While we can’t say anything with 100% certainty, I am fairly certain the vaccine will save many, many lives. The real question is, for those in the low risk category is the benefit in the short term worth the long term risk of what the vaccine may do. Odds are you are better off with the vaccine, but this is a free country and no one should be forced or shamed into anything.

Well said.
Care to forward or reference vaccines that have caused cancer or some crazy neurological issue down the road?

You’re 100% wrong - the medical experts know exactly where to go here and they’re recommending the vaccine - across the board. Find me a medical “expert” that isn’t recommending the vaccine...

Dude if you want to get it, get it. I’d rather catch Covid and recover then have some crazy neurological issue or cancer down the road. But good luck. Tbh none of us know the right way to go here, even the medical experts. We will find out for sure in a few decades I guess
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don’t ever think short term, always think long term. You don’t know what the long term effects will be. People are walking into this blindfolded. On a virus that has a super high chance of survival. Sorry but no thanks.
This thing is engineered to not use a real virus. It just makes spiked proteins and can end a global pandemic. What is the concern and think about others.
@El Cucuy

Start this video at the 2 min mark. It's DR Fauci literally telling you why these vaccines are safe, and how there are basically not chances of crazy long term effects from it down the road that we don't already know about.

If you want to believe the guy that’s been misleading the public throughout this process, sure. I’m in healthcare so I’ll get it, but it damn sure won’t be because King Tony said it’s safe.
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Im 50. I will get the vaccine. Anyone over 65 should get it.
But the idea that no scientists are skeptical is wrong. I’ve seen many biologists say that there could be long term effects. Probably not, but definitely possible. There is just no way to know. Chances are low enough that it is definitely worth it to me. But maybe not to young people.
It’s not just about the individual. Selfish thinking here.
This thing is engineered to not use a real virus. It just makes spiked proteins and can end a global pandemic. What is the concern and think about others.
Some physicians I’ve talked to say their concern is autoimmune issues down the road. They want to see some 1-2 year data first. They aren’t anti vaccine, just more cautious.
This is not true. We don’t know much about the long term side effects of either. Covid-19 is a novel virus that’s been around for approx 15 months. We have 0 longitudinal data beyond that. The same can be said of the vaccine. No side effects within a month of getting the vaccination means nothing. If significant side effects were present in the short term it would still be in the clinical trials phase.

There is nothing wrong with people picking either side as you are in the dark either way. While we can’t say anything with 100% certainty, I am fairly certain the vaccine will save many, many lives. The real question is, for those in the low risk category is the benefit in the short term worth the long term risk of what the vaccine may do. Odds are you are better off with the vaccine, but this is a free country and no one should be forced or shamed into anything.
Why does the line of thinking “nobody knows” keep coming up in all of this in close coupling to 100% certain statements? Very little in life is 100% predictable, but the numbers show you are at much less risk taking the vaccine than catching the disease. Nothing in the vaccine is really out there.
Yep, King Tony, same guy that’s been advising every president since the mid 80s...he must have an agenda.

You’re a fool who’s been duped by bigger fools that are hopefully on their way out of DC in the next few days.

Some physicians I’ve talked to say their concern is autoimmune issues down the road. They want to see some 1-2 year data first. They aren’t anti vaccine, just more cautious.
If you want to believe the guy that’s been misleading the public throughout this process, sure. I’m in healthcare so I’ll get it, but it damn sure won’t be because King Tony said it’s safe.
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At my age, there ain't no such thang as long term.

I'm very appreciative of the advice.

Believe it or not, among all the bullshit slung around Orangebloods, one fact remains, we are a family.

I just hope it doesn't make my pecker grow.

If it makes the pecker grow, sign me up. I can use a few more inches to get to Mandingo status.
If you want to believe the guy that’s been misleading the public throughout this process, sure. I’m in healthcare so I’ll get it, but it damn sure won’t be because King Tony said it’s safe.
I think you speaking against it, is great proof that people should trust it, since you're not one to be taken seriously on anything.
Yep, King Tony, same guy that’s been advising every president since the mid 80s...he must have an agenda.

You’re a fool who’s been duped by bigger fools that are hopefully on their way out of DC in the next few days.
I’m talking about the guy that has moved the goalposts at least 3 times on %, then openly admitted he misled the public on it for our own good. This isn’t a party thing, this is a I don’t trust anything the government tells me thing.
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This is garbage. There have been numerous studies that have shown no connection between autoimmune disorders and vaccines.

If your doctor is Jenny McCarthy, I’d guess you might be right...

Stop spreading this crap. People like you should be called our for spreading unfounded information.

Some physicians I’ve talked to say their concern is autoimmune issues down the road. They want to see some 1-2 year data first. They aren’t anti vaccine, just more cautious.
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I think you speaking against it, is great proof that people should trust it, since you're not one to be taken seriously on anything.
We’ll go get it, big daddy. I hope that post made you feel better.