BoMattingly tweets:
Brown: The Texas A&M chancellor is unhappy with the direction of the program & is working to terminate Kevin Sumlin’s contract.
Brown: I’m told today that a decision to terminate Sumlin’s contract could also include a decision to get rid of the AD Eric Hyman
Brown: There’s a $20M buyout for Sumlin, and I’m told Sharp is going to try and cut that in half or fire Sumlin for cause.
Brown: The Texas A&M chancellor is unhappy with the direction of the program & is working to terminate Kevin Sumlin’s contract.
Brown: I’m told today that a decision to terminate Sumlin’s contract could also include a decision to get rid of the AD Eric Hyman
Brown: There’s a $20M buyout for Sumlin, and I’m told Sharp is going to try and cut that in half or fire Sumlin for cause.