Well there's plenty of laughable protest but it's not your protest obviously. I just think it's your right to protest period. Whether you like the topic or not. I don't care for the confederate topic but I also don't go around saying they have no right. Also the whole idea of African Americans not protesting about oppression is false. Everytime a black man gets shot they protest and it's been going on before Kap. We just choose to pay attention when it gets violent or when we feel disrespected.
There is a right way and a wrong way to do everything.... they are "protesting" in the wrong way.... and all of a sudden.... if this much strong feeling truly exists within these players, then where have their protests been up until now? And what change do they feel this will enact? Whle everyone has the right to protest what they see fit, most do so in a way that actually has a chance of enacting change etc. All these protests are doing is alienating these guys from fans, owners and the people that pay their salary. If they feel this strongly - I ask again - where is the OFF the field action from these passionate protesters? When are they getting in front of the media and cameras when they arent working? What are theyvdoing financially to help further their cause and message? I find it humorous that they ONLY seem to protest during the national anthem before they go play a game and collect another 6 figure pay check.... yet when the lights go off and the game is done, NONE of them go back out to help further the cause......
I fully respect their right to feel as they do, and even protest - but lets get real here - actions speak louder than words and their protest seems quite hollow if this is ALL they chose to do. In all seriousness it comes of more as a tantrum than a protest bc when the spotlight isnt on them, they arent crying out against anything...... I also believe that they shouldnt be trying to force their opinions and causes on the people that basically PAY for their way of life.. ie: owners/fans etc. If any of us used our work as a political platform when our job was not political - there would be ramifications and consequences, and for good reason. Work isnt a soap box to push your own political agendas, its your means to live life and provide for your family etc. These players have lots of money, and ame as professional athletes - why cant they take time out of their week when not working to make their views known and to protest? If they feel this strongly, then WHY are these protests ONLY occuring during the games?
I get where you are coming from, but lets get real - these arent legit protests in the sense of what they are trying to make it out to be. And the irony of the rich protesting oppression is down right funny. There are right ways and wrong ways.. and this way - while within their rights- is NOT doing anything to help anything. If they TRULY want to enact change and TRULY protest oppression, then you and I BOTH know that this isnt worth a f*ck sir. This is just a publicity draw to get an extra 15 seconds of air time on Sundays before they quiet back down and forget how offended they are for the other 6 days of the week. And if you want to argue that, then please bring some evidence of all these players actually going out and organizing and planning actions that will help institute change in policy and everything else.... if you cant, then it furthers my point in its entirety.
Not trying to piss anyone off here, but what I am saying is real. I respect the right to unpopular speech and beliefs, and I know veterans that feel the same. Free speech is part of what our military has faught and died for us to be able to enjoy and practice. This isnt about free speech or oppression when it comes to the NFL though, its a publicity play as is evidenced by the lack of action when the cameras arent rolling.
And lets be brutally honest here - todays society is a much less oppressive one than it was 30 years ago, and the PC crowd makes headway daily still to ensure everyones feelings arent hurt or offended. If these guys want to protest oppression by the "rich white establishment" - ie government/moneymen then lets see them turn down their paychecks which more than likely are coming from rich old white men who probably come from a long line of the people who emphasized what oppression was and helped mold it back in the early 20th century. If you are going to stand for something then STAND THE F*CK UP and go all the way, and not just when ppl are looking.