The Arabs and Jews round of Thunder-dome

My dudes--- this is about to get bad. Israel is basically telling civilians "if you don't leave, we may mistake you for a bad guy and bury your ass"....... The table is being set. The Iaraelis are covering all the bases so that when the ground assault launches, no matter what happens, they can say "hey-- we warned these mother fvckers we were coming..... and they chose to stay.... so don't get mad at us if we killed a bunch of civilians."

Mean tweets versus World War 3.
Good thing Trump is not in the middle of this mess….
My dudes--- this is about to get bad. Israel is basically telling civilians "if you don't leave, we may mistake you for a bad guy and bury your ass"....... The table is being set. The Iaraelis are covering all the bases so that when the ground assault launches, no matter what happens, they can say "hey-- we warned these mother fvckers we were coming..... and they chose to stay.... so don't get mad at us if we killed a bunch of civilians."

Yep. The Israelis have decided that we either punch Hamas in the dick with a spiked glove or we roll over and die. They’re about to go Old Testament on them.
My main source for Ez 38 & 39. WA Criswell was the original pastor at First Dallas Baptist so he wasn't like the quacks running around today. Some of you may be aware of him. This sermon was from 1965, before I was born. (Text and audio)

There is also a conversation that what may be occurring is the Psalm 38 prophecy. I don't know but it's worth paying attention.
SO wild, I dont remember if I've shared this with the board, I just finished a book about this. russia is fighting in ukraine and they are holding a massive force in reserve waiting for a distraction. So the russians decide to draw the US into a conflict in israel involving iran. except in the book they intend to make it look like iran attacked israel and the US focuses on that while russia goes all in on ukraine with china simultaneously taking taiwan. Some good action!

I say let them just kill eachother
My main source for Ez 38 & 39. WA Criswell was the original pastor at First Dallas Baptist so he wasn't like the quacks running around today. Some of you may be aware of him. This sermon was from 1965, before I was born. (Text and audio)

There is also a conversation that what may be occurring is the Psalm 38 prophecy. I don't know but it's worth paying attention.
Wasn't there a fellow named Smith before Criswell?
Can't do that. The international community won't allow it. They'll say "the Palestinian people didn't do this, so you can't punish them" even though the Palestinian people elected Hamas to run the country.
It's time, though, to get this over with. Set our carrier group off the coast and let the Israelis off their chain. If they are pushed into the ocean, send lifeboats. If they run the Muslims all the way back to Persia--- then congrats Israel-- you guys can spread out now.
But I'm tired of this "my God is better than your God happy horse sh!t".
Let's find out.
That can’t be because there is only one God and Jehovah is his name. And yes Israel is his chosen people. Those who bless them will be blessed and those cursing them will be cursed.
That can’t be because there is only one God and Jehovah is his name. And yes Israel is his chosen people. Those who bless them will be blessed and those cursing them will be cursed.
People believe in the weirdest sh8t. you actually think you know the mind of the creator of the universe. The creator of whole universe! that's f7ckin wild. and you think the being who created everything in the universe gives a sh1t about something as arbitrary and dumb as this? lol.
People believe in the weirdest sh8t. you actually think you know the mind of the creator of the universe. The creator of whole universe! that's f7ckin wild. and you think the being who created everything in the universe gives a sh1t about something as arbitrary and dumb as this? lol.
So you do believe there is a Creator?
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People believe in the weirdest sh8t. you actually think you know the mind of the creator of the universe. The creator of whole universe! that's f7ckin wild. and you think the being who created everything in the universe gives a sh1t about something as arbitrary and dumb as this? lol.
Let's keep this on topic.

This is a war update thread. People are dying. This could escalate and some of you in here may yourself, or your kids, or grandkids, be in jeopardy of being brought into this conflict.

Don't put it past these mother fvckers to bring back the draft.
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It’s amazing to me how many people DON’T realize how bad this can go and how fast it can get there…..
We are one dipsh!t motard, or one trigger happy SAM operator, or one Hadji with a MANPAD away from this whole fvcking thing going mega-ton rip sh!t riot.

I'm serious. The wrong mother fvcker manning the wrong panel and losing his nerve and pressing the wrong button, and it's literally world War 3. And once it pops off, it gives China every excuse they need to move on Taiwan and then Japan and Korea have to jump in. And the minute Korea moves, China will force Kim Jong to move.

Who's in the mood to fight ANOTHER war in the south China sea AND a simultaneous one in the eastern Mediterranean? You have ANY idea what a fvcking sh!t show that would be logistically? And at that point, cooler heads will not prevail.

If I told you MFers on this day 4 years ago that in 4 months the bureaucrats would shut down the entire fvcking world, force you to stay home, not let you travel and force you to wear masks in public because of a flu virus, you'd tell me I was a paranoid conspiracy theorist who needed to seek mental help.
Well, I'm here to tell you now-- if this thing starts sliding sideways, it is going to get REAL ugly, REAL fast. And you MFers in your 30s better have your fat asses in shape because we don't have enough 18 to 28 year olds with testicles and the abilities to shoot 150 million screaming Chinamen, 25 million Russians, 20 million Iranians and 10 million Norks.
And God help us if the Pakies and the Hindus patch things up.
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Black liberal jews beating the sh!t out of white liberal Palestinian supporters.
Eating their own.

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IF they can keep a lid on this shit stew, and that’s a HUGE if, the Mossad is going to have a list like Santa Claus when this is over. Social media is cool until you realize it identifies your dumb ass.
The Israelis are just bulldozing buildings now. One by one. I promise you, each and every one of those dozers is trying to incite a response from Hamas and somewhere close by, IDF is waiting in ambush.

IF they can keep a lid on this shit stew, and that’s a HUGE if, the Mossad is going to have a list like Santa Claus when this is over. Social media is cool until you realize it identifies your dumb ass.
Oh ya. Those boys in the Unit are going to be handing out lumps of coal for the foreseeable future.
We are one dipsh!t motard, or one trigger happy SAM operator, or one Hadji with a MANPAD away from this whole fvcking thing going mega-ton rip sh!t riot.

I'm serious. The wrong mother fvcker manning the wrong panel and losing his nerve and pressing the wrong button, and it's literally world War 3. And once it pops off, it gives China every excuse they need to move on Taiwan and then Japan and Korea have to jump in. And the minute Korea moves, China will force Kim Jong to move.

Who's in the mood to fight ANOTHER war in the south China sea AND a simultaneous one in the eastern Mediterranean? You have ANY idea what a fvcking sh!t show that would be logistically? And at that point, cooler heads will not prevail.

If I told you MFers on this day 4 years ago that in 4 months the bureaucrats would shut down the entire fvcking world, force you to stay home, not let you travel and force you to wear masks in public because of a flu virus, you'd tell me I was a paranoid conspiracy theorist who needed to seek mental help.
Well, I'm here to tell you now-- if this thing starts sliding sideways, it is going to get REAL ugly, REAL fast. And you MFers in your 30s better have your fat asses in shape because we don't have enough 18 to 28 year olds with testicles and the abilities to shoot 150 million screaming Chinamen, 25 million Russians, 20 million Iranians and 10 million Norks.
And God help us if the Pakies and the Hindus patch things up.

I'm going to Mexico and working remote there. But that's all I will say.
We are one dipsh!t motard, or one trigger happy SAM operator, or one Hadji with a MANPAD away from this whole fvcking thing going mega-ton rip sh!t riot.

I'm serious. The wrong mother fvcker manning the wrong panel and losing his nerve and pressing the wrong button, and it's literally world War 3. And once it pops off, it gives China every excuse they need to move on Taiwan and then Japan and Korea have to jump in. And the minute Korea moves, China will force Kim Jong to move.

Who's in the mood to fight ANOTHER war in the south China sea AND a simultaneous one in the eastern Mediterranean? You have ANY idea what a fvcking sh!t show that would be logistically? And at that point, cooler heads will not prevail.

If I told you MFers on this day 4 years ago that in 4 months the bureaucrats would shut down the entire fvcking world, force you to stay home, not let you travel and force you to wear masks in public because of a flu virus, you'd tell me I was a paranoid conspiracy theorist who needed to seek mental help.
Well, I'm here to tell you now-- if this thing starts sliding sideways, it is going to get REAL ugly, REAL fast. And you MFers in your 30s better have your fat asses in shape because we don't have enough 18 to 28 year olds with testicles and the abilities to shoot 150 million screaming Chinamen, 25 million Russians, 20 million Iranians and 10 million Norks.
And God help us if the Pakies and the Hindus patch things up.
Maybe the Chinese will want to rent an Airbnb from me while they’re here
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Let's keep this on topic.

This is a war update thread. People are dying. This could escalate and some of you in here may yourself, or your kids, or grandkids, be in jeopardy of being brought into this conflict.

Don't put it past these mother fvckers to bring back the draft.
I dont think they need anyone's help to fight a bunch of dogs