We are one dipsh!t motard, or one trigger happy SAM operator, or one Hadji with a MANPAD away from this whole fvcking thing going mega-ton rip sh!t riot.
I'm serious. The wrong mother fvcker manning the wrong panel and losing his nerve and pressing the wrong button, and it's literally world War 3. And once it pops off, it gives China every excuse they need to move on Taiwan and then Japan and Korea have to jump in. And the minute Korea moves, China will force Kim Jong to move.
Who's in the mood to fight ANOTHER war in the south China sea AND a simultaneous one in the eastern Mediterranean? You have ANY idea what a fvcking sh!t show that would be logistically? And at that point, cooler heads will not prevail.
If I told you MFers on this day 4 years ago that in 4 months the bureaucrats would shut down the entire fvcking world, force you to stay home, not let you travel and force you to wear masks in public because of a flu virus, you'd tell me I was a paranoid conspiracy theorist who needed to seek mental help.
Well, I'm here to tell you now-- if this thing starts sliding sideways, it is going to get REAL ugly, REAL fast. And you MFers in your 30s better have your fat asses in shape because we don't have enough 18 to 28 year olds with testicles and the abilities to shoot 150 million screaming Chinamen, 25 million Russians, 20 million Iranians and 10 million Norks.
And God help us if the Pakies and the Hindus patch things up.