Is this you Dad?? Pot heads you say? Well I guess I’ll be your huckleberry. Alas, I am a pot head. As is my wife of 33 years. In fact I just finished a 5 mile run after smoking a bowl. Calms my anxiety and makes the music that much more meaningful. Have great thoughts and ideas for business and, contrary to your stereotype, many a daily professional conversation related to my business either in person, web call or other, yes, all while enjoying a nice buzz. I’m living proof your stereotype can’t be further from the truth. The pot heads to which you refer are just dumbasses, and usually has nothing to do with the pot. Cheech and Chong are still morons either high or not. But for me the wacky weed has been a savior and sure beats the hell out of anxiety meds (i.e., celexa and the ilk) which are substantially worse for your body. For my wife, we are both in our 50’s, it helps with all her woman stuff, especially at this age. And as a nice by product the sex is still good. A good smoke makes you horny and is often prescribed by marriage counselors among other psycho and neurological ailments. Pot heads unite together!!