Tweet of the Day

Do not open this if you want to go to heaven.

I'm serious. If you watch this video and laugh- even a little, you're going to hell.

Do not pass go, do not collect $200. Just book it straight to hell.

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Do not open this of you want to go to hell.

I'm serious. If you watch this video and laugh- even a little, you're going to hell.

Do not pass go, do not collect $200. Just book it straight to hell.

The audience also laughing. Shame on the producers that put “her” on the show. They knew exactlg what would happen. Unless, it is a bunch of extreme liberal producers that are shocked when the general public doesn’t accept or take serious every little whim people come up with. There is nothing wrong with singing in the shower or in car like 99% of us, so “she” should stick to that.
not a tweet...but was missing football today

this videos gotta hurt if youre one of these fans lol

Best Arnold impression I've ever heard.

"Get a pet snake" they said.

"It'll be fun" they said....

Man that was crazy. But the people were just standing there watching it come toward them like it was no big deal lol.